Saturday, February 18, 2006

Too much news to comment, but this one is urgent

Breast Cancer and EMFs

For many years I have been educating about the risks of EMF/ELF. In the general realm of this industry, few, if any, customers realize the health risks, even while the evidence in solid research is mounting rapidly. It is not just thermal damaage one has to worry about.

Now, should you take the time to read the linked article you'll see that that cell phone you think is so conveninet is now linked to interfereing with taxol treatment.

Of course, should you be a regular visitor to and read the women's health, electro-smog or x-rays and health sections you'd be ahead of the curve.

I just love the 10 year old fact I learned recently from UK patent applications from the top 3 cell phone compnaies: YES, they know that these little gadgets emit radiation, and the radiation is indeed harmful. Dr. Neil Cherry told us this, as have many other qualified reseachers and scientists.

If you like to reduce your exposure, just do a little reading, then proceed to help CHI and this blog to keep on educating.

As usual, more to come!


Sunday, February 5, 2006

Aspartame Ban in Process in New Mexico

Aspartame/Formaldehyde Ban Press Conference; NM Capitol Rotunda 2 PM, Monday regarding New Mexico Senate Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde Ban Bill, SB 654 (Senator Ortiz y Pino)

Cori Brackett and her film revealing the vast epidemiological scourge of Aspartame, will be presented in Senator Ortiz y Pino's Press Conference. A copy of her film will be given to every legislator. After seeing it, they will recognize the urgent public health crisis if Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde is not banned in New Mexico, and perhaps all 112 Legislators will ask Governor William Blaine Richardson III to champion this legislative ban on Aspartame. To not do so before this legislative session ends: what a carte blance and green light it sends to every neurotoxic and carcinogenic food additive manufacturer in the world, that they, not the Legislature and the Governor, are in control!

Dr. Betty Martini, Founder of Mission Possible Interntional, an organization of physicians, lawyers, and aspartame poisoning victims, will be present as well in this important press conference.

We look forward to screening Cori Brackett's film, Sweet Misery, in the New Mexico Capitol, on Tuesday, Native American Day, and recognize the fortuitous coincidence of this effort reaching out to inform one of the groups most vulnerable to neurotoxic carcinogens, the Native American
population of New Mexico.

Please let nearest Associated Press Office Bureau Chief know, as well as medical/Consumer Desk at several newspapers, plus apprise all of your physician and journalist friends.

For information, please read
You are most welcome to post a comment after reading the article.

Bill Text is at:

The press conference is in response to NM Senate Public Affairs Committee
voting 7-2 on Friday to table SB 654. 6 our of 7 of the Senators voting to
table regularly drink Diet Coke. Corporate lobbyists spoke at length,
representing Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Ajinomoto of Japan (the world's largest
manufacturer of neurotoxic aspartame and of Monosodium Glutamate), the
Calorie Control Council (an industry front group), and the New Mexico Soft
Drink Association, all of whom have so much to lose if aspartame is banned.

Majority Whip Senator Mary Jane Garcia (D-Las Cruces), one of the bill's
original signators and cosponsors, spoke of her need as a diabetic to
continue to consume Diet Coke, and apologized for her having to withdrawal
her support of the bill, despite medical counsel for her not to continue to
consume a product metabolized as formaldehyde as a way of protecting not
destroying her pancreas. We are sure that her "about-face" in support
resulted from pressure by corporate lobbyists from Coca Cola.

The lobbyists for Ajinomoto now include Michael Stratton of Colorado, U.S.
Senator Ken Salazar's campaign manager, currently on the Democratic National
Committee's (DNC) Presidential Nomination and Scheduling Commission.

There are several Parliamentary procedures that can be used to achieve the
enactment of this SB654, which includes a $100,000 to the office of the New
Mexico Attorney General for enforcement.


Such a ban on Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde as a food additive will
prevent and heal numerous neurodegenerative and carcinogenic illnesses.

Further, Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde has been allowed by the United
States Food and Drug Administration to be included in hundreds of children's
medications, aspirin, vitamins, as well as used as a sweetener for many
adult medications, for example: Parcopa (Schwarz Pharmaceuticals-Chicago,
Illinois), used to treat Parkinson's Disease.

The presence of Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde in medications is presently
the subject of a petition for rule change before the New Mexico Board of
Pharmacy, as well as a petition to end the use of Thimerosal/Mercury in
vaccines, based on the same statutory powers of the New Mexico Board of

To contact H.J.Roberts, M.D., author of Aspartame Disease: An FDA Ignored

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock's articles and books are excellent:
Excitotoxins: the Taste that Kills
Dr. Blaylock's letter to Miami Herald regarding Calorie Control Council's
Neonatologically disastrous recommendation of
Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde, disastrous in terms of neurodegenerative
effects on fetuses:

Media Interviews with Dr. Roberts and Dr. Blaylock may be scheduled through
Dr. Betty Martini (770) 242-2599

Further medical information on effects of Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde:
at website for the World Natural Health Organization,

For media scheduling requests, Senator Ortiz y Pino is at (505) 986-4380

Governor Richardson is at (505) 827-3000.
President Pro Tem of the NM Senate Ben Altamirano is at (505) 986-4733
Stephen Fox is at: (505) 983-2002