Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fitness Hunks

Fitness Man Christophe Garrigues

Why So Many People Are Going On The Self Discovery Journey

By Emily Tanner - Author of 'My Self Journey'

Did you know that more people than ever are investing in themselves these days? That means that in comparison to years gone by, more people are spending money on self improvement, whether in the form of burning essential oils, attending yoga classes, visiting spiritualists or simply having personal counselling.

So, the biggest question that we all want answered is why now? Why all of a sudden?

Well, firstly, this explosion in self development has not happened overnight; in fact, the self improvement markets have been servicing many individuals for many years. Having said that, there has been a marked upturn in book sales for self improvement, a widespread increase in those having complimentary surgeries and a huge growth reported in expenditure in the holistic product markets. People are simply not happy with going to work, spending the weekend with the kids and playing the occasional game of golf as relaxation. These days we are all striving for some deeper meaning in our lives and wanting to add a spiritual string to our personal bows.

It's hard to know specifically what the cause of this explosion in the holistic markets are, though there seem to be a few major attributes that could explain this rapid growth.

The first reason is that there seems to be a great deal of illness and terminal disease. This means that there are many patients striving to self heal themselves and do not wish to follow the traditional allopathic paths of surgery and typical treatment. And, there is overwhelming research that many people have been cured of many life threatening diseases as a result of self treatment.

A second reason could be that so many of us have access to such a wide arena of knowledge. The birth of the internet allows the mere mortal to develop their awareness of even the most obscure topics and it's true that many internet searches are for those venturing into the self development markets.

A further reason for this reported growth and interest in the mind and the effects of the mind on the body are from celebrities and those in the media. When a topic such as Reiki healing is suggested by a film star or a popular singer talks about the benefits of guided meditation, it increases the awareness for these areas amongst the general public. This then increases internet searches in these topics thus leading to greater sales for books, publications and products to develop skills in these key areas.

Lastly, it seems that more and more people are finding peace, comfort and satisfaction through a holistic approach to their once disharmonious lives previously filled with discord and unhappiness. And, this probably is the biggest reason why so many of us are trying to reach a deeper level within ourselves. After years of worrying too much about our physical appearance, we are finding that our true happiness can often lie within. And if you still haven't found whatever it is you are looking for, perhaps you should take heed from millions of other individuals who have stopped pinning their happiness on external factors and are focusing much more on themselves to master their own happiness.

If you're not living the life you've always dreamed of having, then it's time to make a change. It's now your time to create a life filled with love, joy and harmony. Visit Emily's website today at: and release the power within you.

Emily has a BA (Hons) in Psychology and is the Author and Founder of 'My Self Journey'.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Upper Back Pain Causes And Solutions

Anybody suffering from pain in this area is likely to want to know about upper back pain causes. Why do you have this pain and what might have brought it on? Of course, we cannot know about your individual case, and you should certainly consult with a doctor, especially if the pain is severe or if it does not resolve by itself in a few days.

In this article we will consider some possible upper back pain causes and what you might be able to do to solve the problem. First let's look at what exactly is meant by the upper back, because this can confuse some people.

What Is The Upper Back?

The upper back is generally referred to medically as the area between the bottom of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage where the lumbar spine begins. Some people might call the lower part of this area the 'middle back', but anatomically it all makes up one area called the thoracic spine.

Thoracic refers to the chest, so you can think of it as the part of the back that is roughly equivalent to the full extent of the chest at the front.

This part of the spine is very strong. It supports the whole weight of the upper body and gives vital support to the rib cage which protects the heart and lungs. Each of the ribs is joined to one of the thoracic vertebrae of the spine.

What Causes Pain In The Upper Back?

The most common upper back pain causes are irritation or inflammation of the muscles or ligaments that surround the spine. This in turn may be caused by various factors:

- poor posture, especially while seated or using a computer

- repetitive strain in people who are constantly moving their arms or upper back in a certain way, often due to their work (e.g. some construction workers or factory workers)

- strain of the muscles due to weakness, especially in old age or in people who have been bedridden and unable to exercise

Other upper back pain causes include problems with the joints in the spine or a compression fracture of the vertebra. The latter is a break in the bone which may be caused by an injury such as a car accident, fall or sports injury, or may be due to osteoporosis, especially in post menopausal women.

In rare cases there could be a herniated disc or problems related to disease of the spine or the discs. However, these problems are more common in the lower back.

Upper Back Pain Treatment

If a muscle is inflamed due to straining without any serious injury, it will often resolve within 3-7 days. In the meantime, anti inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs may be prescribed. Massage of the area can be very helpful too.

However, in the case of repetitive strain, the pain may return when you repeat the same movements. So if your pain is associated with your work, you may need to investigate other options.

A chiropractor may be able to help by manipulating affected joints. This is more likely to be helpful where the pain has been caused by a specific injury or trauma.

You may also want to try other pain relieving measures such as acupuncture, ice or heat treatments.

If the problem is not solved in this way, it is important to consult with a doctor. You could have suffered an injury without realizing how serious it was, or you could have osteoporosis (brittle bones) or another disease. Upper back pain causes are not always obvious so it is important to have medical attention.


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*Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care providers if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. Please see “Notice” at the sidebar!!

Sometimes There Is Such Thing As Too Much Muscle Mass

By Doberman Dan

Just the other day I took my 9 month old Doberman puppy, Donner the Devil Dog, for a walk in the park. After peeing on every tree within sight for a half a mile (the dog, not me) we stumbled upon two very attractive young ladies who had a two-year-old 130 pound male Rottweiller.

There seemed to be some chemistry between me and the girls (who were sisters) and the Rottweiller and Donner seemed to be getting along, too.

The sisters explained that Zane, the Rottweiller, hadn't had much exercise lately. Donner was pretty excited to have another dog to play with, so the girls suggested that we let them run loose and play. Donner loves to run and play with other dogs and has never been aggressive towards other dogs, so it seemed like a good idea.

The dogs were well behaved and ran around and played. Zane had the weight advantage since he weighed about double what Donner weighs, so Donner got knocked down once. But Donner definitely had the speed and agility advantage, and Zane couldn't keep up.

After only a few minutes, the Rott plopped down all out of breath and tired. Donner was still ready to go and was leaping over Zane trying to get him to play. But Zane couldn't go any more.

Now both of these dogs still have all their "equipment", if you know what I mean, so testosterone came into play.

I guess the Rott decided that he wanted to be the dominant dog, and started to mount Donner, the Devil Dog. It only took a second for the Rott to realize that he made a big mistake.

Donner unleashed on him a fury like I've never seen! My 70 pound baby had this 130 pound bulky Rott backing up and fighting for his life. If I hadn't pulled my dog off the Rott, I'm thoroughly convinced that Donner would have cleaned his clock.

When I did get my dog pulled off, the Rott went under a picnic table and plopped down on his side, totally worn out. My devil dog was jumping all over the place still wanting a piece of the Rott!

What does this have to do with bodybuilding? Well after thinking about this whole incident, I realized that over the past few years I had transformed from a Doberman into a Rottweiller.

I had used the old, "I'm bulking up" excuse for so long that my eating habits had gotten sloppy.

Sure, I had reached an all time high body weight of 190. I had 17" arms and 16 1/2 " calves on a very light-boned 5'6" frame. I was the biggest I had ever been.

But I also had a 34" waist...OK, maybe 34 1/2". Well, OK...more like 35".

A little over a month ago, I realized that I was just too damn fat. I hadn't seen my abs in years.

I was tired of being a "bulk boy" that looked big in clothing but was afraid to take my shirt off at the beach.

It's Time To Get The Doberman Look!

Dobermans are beautiful dogs. Sleek, powerful, muscular, defined, elegant creatures. When they walk and run you can see the muscles rippling. They walk elegantly and proudly with an air of confidence.

Rottweillers (am I spelling that right?) are also powerful dogs. But they're stocky and saggy. They walk like the bulldog in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. You can almost feel the ground shake as their paws slam down on the ground. They remind me of big bulky powerlifters.

And that's not a bad thing either. If you want to be a "bulk boy" have at it! It's a great excuse to "consume mass quantities", as the Coneheads would say.

I've noticed that as I'm making the transition from Rottweiller to Doberman, I'm starting to get a lot of compliments. People at the gym are saying my calves and thighs are getting bigger.

No, actually they're getting smaller. Smaller because of less fat. Now they're getting defined and therefore look bigger.

I've discovered that the only person who was keeping track of my measurements and weight was me. It doesn't matter that my arm is smaller now. It looks bigger cuz it ain't covered with so much blubber!

Measurements don't's how you look. A well-defined 15" arm looks better than a bulky, blubbery 17" arm.

Build Muscle Mass With The "Hyper Growth Muscle Mass System" by Daniel Gallapoo known in bodybuilding circles as Doberman Dan. A step-by-step guide that teaches you the secrets, tips, and techniques you need to know to build a chiseled, muscular, ripped, head-turning physique...FAST! Visit

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cyber Safety

Computer Crimes: Are You Protected?

As hackers and identity thieves become more clever and adept at breaking into computers and networks, lawmakers have enforced regulations that crack down on cybercriminals and help protect users.

The FBI, for example, recently arrested a number of Russian cybercriminals responsible for stealing funds from various businesses. According to an October Time magazine story, members of the hacker ring managed to steal $70 million by lifting online banking information and setting up accounts with phony names to which the stolen money was then transferred.

The statistics are staggering: Agence-France Presse reported in September that hackers create 57,000 scam websites every week, intended to trap the average user. In addition, 10 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2008 alone, and the numbers continue to grow, highlighting the fact that many users' private, sensitive information is vulnerable online and can be tampered with. READ COMPLETE ARTICLE