Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why So Many People Are Going On The Self Discovery Journey

By Emily Tanner - Author of 'My Self Journey'

Did you know that more people than ever are investing in themselves these days? That means that in comparison to years gone by, more people are spending money on self improvement, whether in the form of burning essential oils, attending yoga classes, visiting spiritualists or simply having personal counselling.

So, the biggest question that we all want answered is why now? Why all of a sudden?

Well, firstly, this explosion in self development has not happened overnight; in fact, the self improvement markets have been servicing many individuals for many years. Having said that, there has been a marked upturn in book sales for self improvement, a widespread increase in those having complimentary surgeries and a huge growth reported in expenditure in the holistic product markets. People are simply not happy with going to work, spending the weekend with the kids and playing the occasional game of golf as relaxation. These days we are all striving for some deeper meaning in our lives and wanting to add a spiritual string to our personal bows.

It's hard to know specifically what the cause of this explosion in the holistic markets are, though there seem to be a few major attributes that could explain this rapid growth.

The first reason is that there seems to be a great deal of illness and terminal disease. This means that there are many patients striving to self heal themselves and do not wish to follow the traditional allopathic paths of surgery and typical treatment. And, there is overwhelming research that many people have been cured of many life threatening diseases as a result of self treatment.

A second reason could be that so many of us have access to such a wide arena of knowledge. The birth of the internet allows the mere mortal to develop their awareness of even the most obscure topics and it's true that many internet searches are for those venturing into the self development markets.

A further reason for this reported growth and interest in the mind and the effects of the mind on the body are from celebrities and those in the media. When a topic such as Reiki healing is suggested by a film star or a popular singer talks about the benefits of guided meditation, it increases the awareness for these areas amongst the general public. This then increases internet searches in these topics thus leading to greater sales for books, publications and products to develop skills in these key areas.

Lastly, it seems that more and more people are finding peace, comfort and satisfaction through a holistic approach to their once disharmonious lives previously filled with discord and unhappiness. And, this probably is the biggest reason why so many of us are trying to reach a deeper level within ourselves. After years of worrying too much about our physical appearance, we are finding that our true happiness can often lie within. And if you still haven't found whatever it is you are looking for, perhaps you should take heed from millions of other individuals who have stopped pinning their happiness on external factors and are focusing much more on themselves to master their own happiness.

If you're not living the life you've always dreamed of having, then it's time to make a change. It's now your time to create a life filled with love, joy and harmony. Visit Emily's website today at: and release the power within you.

Emily has a BA (Hons) in Psychology and is the Author and Founder of 'My Self Journey'.

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