Saturday, October 2, 2010

Good Muscle Pump vs Bad One

Doberman Dan the author of the Hyper Growth Muscle Mass Training system is sharing an article of his with you today that I think you'll enjoy.

Why There Is Such Thing As A Good Muscle Pump & A Bad Muscle Pump - by Doberman Dan

One of the joys of pumping iron is experiencing the magic feeling of the muscular pump. Right before your eyes your muscles seem to grow.

The feeling of getting a massive pump really is like having good sex, or as the great Arnold Schwarzenegger would say…"Getting a good pump is like coming".

Over the last 10 years there has been a lot of debate over the value of the pump in relation to building muscle tissue. One school of thought argues that the pump means very little so long as the muscle being worked is being sufficiently overloaded with heavy weights and very intense sets. This school of thought would be labeled High Intensity Training, i.e. low sets, high intensity, heavy weights.

The other school of thought swears by getting a massive pump. These trainees use multi-sets, higher reps, more moderate poundages and train somewhat less intensely. This type of training is the most practiced type of the two being used in gyms across the nation.

Who is right, and who is wrong?

While both types of training systems can produce large scale muscular pumps and stimulate muscular growth, they both cause metabolic side effects. So the pump received from these training systems means very little because in the end there is no muscular growth for the vast majority who use these systems.

But this still has not answered the question. Is a massive pump necessary for growing large muscles?

The answer is yes!

The only drawback from getting a massive pump from traditional training methods is the issue of metabolic side effects.

But why is the pump so critical for building massive muscular size?

In order for a muscle to become truly massive it has to be stimulated in two different ways using only one type of system. The training system must stimulate the actual muscle fibers within the muscle itself and stimulate the development and expansion of the blood capillaries, which are part of all tissues of the body.

When a training system can stimulate muscular growth without causing metabolic side effects the next thing it must do is cause a massive muscular pump. Getting a massive muscular pump that is free from growth stopping metabolic side effects is essential for the complete development of a muscle, because capillaries within a muscle will expand and stay expanded providing they are stimulated properly.

By gorging the capillaries with massive amounts of blood on a regular controlled basis you will increase the size of the muscle to a much larger degree than if you only stimulated the muscle fibers.

How much of a difference in size?

Well according to the most recent studies of muscle growth and stimulation, you can increase the size of a muscle by up to 50% more if the proper type of capillary training is used.

The type of training best suited for these requirements is my…….

HYPER-GROWTH MUSCLE MASS TRAINING program. ----- <<< Click Here

It is the only training system in the world today that can stimulate muscle fiber growth and cause massive capillary expansion resulting in a completely developed muscle and it does this without the use of any anabolic drugs.

Any system that causes serious metabolic side effects will not make a muscle grow to its fullest potential regardless of the type of pump it causes because metabolic shock causes muscle capillaries to contract in size soon after the workout is over resulting in a flat stringy look to the muscle.

----------------------------------- <------- Discounted price today

Using the HYPER-GROWTH MUSCLE MASS TRAINING program does not cause metabolic side effects so the muscle capillaries will stay in their expanded state resulting in a full pumped feeling to the muscle long after the prescribed workout is finished.

Don't be fooled by the pump you get from using more traditional type training methods. The pump you get no matter how great it is does not and will not last.

So remember, there is a good pump and there is a bad pump and now you know why!

Here's the link to my brand new training program one more time. If you're a hardgainer like me that is looking to add muscle and lose fat you're going to love it. I'm offering a discounted introductory price though Saturday May 9th. If you don't buy it, no the world isn't going to end. But you will miss out on the cheapest price it will ever be offered for.

All The Best,

Doberman Dan

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