Sunday, October 10, 2010

Abs Bootcamp Workout

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

I can't walk my dog in Toronto without tripping over a bootcamp class full of women doing crunches in public parks. And that's bad news for the bootcamp classes, because my dog likes to run over and lick their faces while they do their ab exercises.

Now to be honest, that's not the only problem these women are going to have if they are relying on crunches for results. The truth is, crunches aren't effective, and they can even cause low back problems.

So in the Turbulence Training Bootcamp workouts, we just say "NO!" to crunches - and cardio, of course.

What we do instead, are workouts that look like this one (it's part  2 of my 3-part Ab Bootcamps series in my latest TT Bootcamps manual).

Abs Endurance Workout: Part 2 of the Abs Bootcamps

Warm-up (20 seconds per exercise) - 10 minutes
-        Bodyweight Squat
-        Stick-up
-        Kneeling Pushup or Pushup Plus
-        1-Leg Hip Extension (20 seconds per side)
-        Plank (40 seconds)
-        Side Plank (20 seconds per side)
-        Run in Place
-        Rest 1 minute and repeat 1 more time.

TT Strength Circuit (30 seconds per exercise) - 5 minutes
-        Bulgarian Split Squat or Forward Lunge or 1-Leg Deadlift (30 seconds per side)
-        1-Arm KB or DB Press or Elevated Pushup (30 seconds per side)
-        Optional: DB Row or Bodyweight Row
-        Rest 2 minutes before repeating 1 more time.

Water Break - 2 minutes

TT Big 7 Circuit (20 seconds per exercise) - 10 minutes
-        Jumping Jacks
-        Prisoner Squat
-        Spiderman Climb Pushup or Close-grip Pushup
-        Band Row or KB Row or Cross Crawl
-        Diagonal Lunge (20 seconds per side)
-        Inchworm
-        Rest 2 minutes before repeating 1 more time.

Water Break - 2 minutes

TT Depletion Circuit (30 seconds per exercise) - 10 minutes
-        Total Body Extension or Jump Rope
-        Cross-Body Mountain Climber
-        Reaching Lunge (30 seconds per side)
-        Squat Thrusts
-        Shuttle Run or Run in Place
-        Rest 2 minutes before repeating 1 more time.

Water Break - 2 minutes

TT Total Body Abs Circuit (30 seconds per exercise) - 5 minutes
-        Pushup Plank
-        Get-up (30 seconds per side)
-        Optional: Stability Ball Plank
-        Rest 1 minute before repeating 1 more time.

Cool-down, Stretching & Water Break - 10 minutes

Using this workout, your clients will get more fat burning results without the embarrassment of doing crunches in a public park with a crazy dog licking their face. At least, in Toronto.

For more TT Bootcamp workouts, get this Complete Trainer Success Package, featuring not only training programs, but also bootcamp marketing secrets and a blueprint for selling fitness info products on the Internet.


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