Friday, October 1, 2010

Get a Flu Shot, Get Cancer

Since this year the mainstream is pushing flu vaccine with the H1N1 and seasonal flu solutions combined, in an untested combination, consider that your risk is much greater. 

Make sure that you understand what informed consent is and how to protect your choice to say no.

This is especially important for women who are pregnant, a.s last year's experiment led to many miscarriages and still births. 
"Much concern has been generated over the upcoming new swine flu H1N1 vaccines that are being rushed to market. Clinical trials will be short – less than three weeks – and the potential for the addition of toxic oil-in-water adjuvants to be added at the last minute to stretch the vaccine supply is disconcerting. However, the problems with flu shots go beyond current concerns. The new manufacturing process for flu shots, called cell-line technologies, are little understood and have the potential for serious, long term consequences."  Complete article
Remember that making sure your vitamin D level and vitamin C levels are adequate or higher, drinking adequate fluids, using good hand washing technique, getting good sleep, getting good nutrition - all are safer way s to stay flu free.

More about flu shots and cancer
HHS sees cell based flu vaccine in 2011, from dog kidney cells  
When you 'assume' vaccines are safe

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