Sunday, October 23, 2005

Looking for a Little Sleep?

A 2003 study identified about 55% of those 18-49 own and frequently use cell phones. One of the major identified health complaints from exposure to EMF/ELF is insomnia. Now we see this report identifying the rising use of drugs and OTC products for sleep. Of course I would include poor nutrition, environmental pollution and stress as related factors. But really, now, what I want to clearly focus on here is the problems with radiation exposure from things that cause EMF/ELF exposure.

I’ve figured that there is an increasing number of health issues not being able to get a diagnosis for quite a few years. My prognostication has been to raise the Canary in the coal mine to react to electrical sensitivity syndrome. While this is as real as MCS (folks with MCS have a greater risk of ESS), although the Asthma and Allergy professional organizations say otherwise, I’m reminding them that IgE readings go up when dust is ionized. IgE is an allergy marker in blood. Now just how is it that dust is ionized? Why cell phone mast towers and cell phones, digital tv towers and microwave proliferation of course. But then you learned that in 8th grade science didn’t you?

I hope you’ll begin to see the same connections after reading the comments and reports that follow…

Prescription sleep aid use soaring in US: study
By Bill Berkrot

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of younger Americans reaching for prescription drugs to get a good night's sleep and the money being spent to keep from tossing and turning, is soaring, according to a study conducted by a prescription management company.

Among adults aged 20 to 44, use of sleep medications doubled between 2000 and 2004, while spending among the age group for a restful night jumped 190 percent over that period, the Medco Health Solutions study released on Monday found.

The numbers were even more startling among children aged 10 to 19 with use of sleep aids up 85 percent and spending up a whopping 223 percent over 2000 levels.

Medco's data analysis from the first six months of 2004 showed that 15 percent of the children taking sleep medicines were also using drugs to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, but it was not clear whether the disorder or the medication treating it was causing the sleep problems.

The study also found that women among all age groups were far more likely to use sleep aids than men, with the largest disparity -- 58 percent higher -- among women ages 20 to 64.

"Although the elderly are still the most frequent users of sleeping aids, the evidence found in this study shows that younger adults and children are starting to use these medications with even greater frequency," said Dr. Robert Epstein, Medco's chief medical officer.

"The pattern of insomnia in children reflects difficulty in getting to sleep, whereas with adults it's a problem staying asleep," Epstein said.

More than 70 million people in the United States may be affected by a sleep problem, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, with some 60 percent of them suffering from a chronic sleep disorder, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Sleep drugs have clearly become big business and Epstein said there was every reason to believe the trends seen in the Medco study would continue to accelerate as new medicines come to market.

Americans filled more than 35 million prescriptions for sleeping pills in 2004, spending $2.1 billion, Medco said, citing NIH statistics.

Global Sales of Ambien, the world's most popular prescription sleep drug made by Sanofi-Aventis, hit $1.76 billion in 2004.

The Medco study reviewed prescription drug claims of 2.4 million Americans between 2000 and 2004.

Excerpts for a 56 page report completed by a Canadian researcher holding a PhD who is a Professional Engineer:

Oft-reported visible conditions that are linked to EMF exposure are memory loss, allergic reactions, insomnia, dizziness, forgetfulness, anxiety, nausea, skin rash, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, and high blood pressure along with many more serious invisible conditions like childhood leukemia. The latency periods of some EMF-caused diseases are 20 to 30 years.

“The ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines were not formulated by scientists, but by technicians calculating how long it would take to heat a bag of sugar through one degree Celsius. This absurdity is all that stands between us and the risk of life threatening or chronic disease. The ICNIRP guidelines only measure the immediate and very short term thermal (heating) effect of radiation, not the long term biological effect, which is the main threat to health.” (6)

Robert Kane the author of ‘Cellular telephone Russian Roulette’ Report wrote, “In fact, the scattering of ionizing radiation throughout biological tissue efficiently breaks the covalent bonds that are the basis for construction of organic molecules” “Clearly, by now we must all agree that it is not necessary to ionize a DNA molecule to disrupt one or more of the molecule’s covalent bonds.” “In essence the effects can be identical - the disruption of covalent bonds is essentially what destroys DNA molecules and genetic information and leads to neo-plastic transformation of cells.” (77) D. L. Henshaw reported, “We present the hypothesis that exposure to power frequency magnetic fields causes increased risk of childhood leukaemia via the disruption of the nocturnal production of melatonin in the pineal gland.” “Melatonin is an antioxidant effective in protecting nuclear DNA, membrane lipids and possibly cytosolic proteins from oxidative damage.” Here EMFs were implicated melatonin disruption and eventual DNA damages. Henry Lai was the first to show that power-frequency EMF can cause both single and double-strand DNA breaks and later REFLEX confirmed it. It seems more likely either disruption of molecule’s covalent bonds or reduced melatonin production by low-level EMFs or both lead to DNA damages and eventual cancer initiation.

175 German doctors and country-wide lady doctors are combining together to put forward their observations of adverse health effects from pulsed high-frequency EMFs (microwave) to the Prime Minister Edmund Stolber. They have found the medical complaints of 356 people who have had long-term [radiation] exposure at far below the limit of thermal effects from mobile phone base station and DECT telephones. The people suffer from one, several or many of the following symptoms, like “sleep disturbances, tiredness, disturbance in concentration, forgetfulness, problem
with finding words, depressive mood, ear noises, sudden loss of hearing, hearing loss, giddiness, nose bleeds, visual disturbances, frequent infections, sinusitis, joint and limb pains, nerve and soft tissue pains, feeling of numbness, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure episodes, hormonal disturbances, night-time sweats, nausea” July 10, 2005 (56)

•Chronic or intractable medical problems associated with prolonged exposure to unsuspected harmful environmental electric, magnetic or electro-magnetic fields radiating in the bedroom or workplace and their exacerbation by intake of harmful light and heavy metals from common sources.
Omura Y, Losco M, Omura AK, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa H, Takeshige C, Shimotsuura Y, Muteki T. Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York.
Unsuspected prolonged exposure to abnormal environmental (very high frequency) electro-magnetic fields (EMF), electric fields (EF) or magnetic fields (MF) at 60 Hz or 16K Hz in the bedroom or workplace may contribute to the development of various intractable medical problems. Most of the clinical symptoms appear when the individuals are exposed to EMF for many hours a day for at least several months to 1-year for relatively benign diseases or symptoms (such as intractable pain or medical problems), or several to over 10 years for more serious diseases (such as cancers of the digestive system or other organs), all of which seem to appear with the additional co-existence of micro-circulatory disturbances with Thromboxane B2 (TXB2), bacterial or viral infections and decrease or absence of acetylcholine, and lead, mercury, or aluminum deposits, with or without asbestos. These abnormal environmental EMF's or EF's can be detected by the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, which has good correlation with standard laboratory measurement, especially with EF measurement, and the distribution of EMF often includes a linear band-like appearance on the abnormal part of the patient's body, as well as on the patient's corresponding area of the bed, or at the workplace. These EMF's can be eliminated either by a metal sheet, acting as a reflector, which redirects the harmful EMF or eliminates it completely by grounding the metal sheet at high frequency range, while extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields at the near field are more difficult to eliminate. Several examples of medical problems that appear to be associated with repeated and prolonged exposure to abnormal environmental EMF, EF or MF are summarized in this article. EF or MF-induced abnormalities were artificially and reversibly created in humans by exposing the extremities or head to a 10Volt/Meter (V/M) EF at 60 Hz about 33 (evening) to 50 cm (daytime or after midnight) from a pair of rubber insulated wires connected to an AC source, but where no current is passed, so that no extra MF exists. After exposing normal parts of the extremities and head to a 10 V/M EF for 5 minutes, abnormal increase of TXB2 and disappearance or significant reduction of acetylcholine was observed for 5 minutes, and slightly longer abnormal time duration was observed in those who have aluminum, lead, or mercury deposits. This indicates that the upper limit of relatively safe EF should be around 10V/M at 60 Hz rather than 25V/M at ELF by Swedish Government recommendation, which is now widely accepted.
Publication Types: * Case Reports
PMID: 1685623 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

•From Swedish researcher Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Description of symptoms as well as occurrence of IgE and positive Phadiatop Combi in persons with the physical impairment electrohypersensitivity Please, note that I have got yet another article published - in Swedish only [the title is translated below into English]:
Holmboe G, Johansson O, "Symptombeskrivning samt förekomst av IgE och positiv Phadiatop Combi hos personer med funktionsnedsättningen elöverkänslighet", (="Description of symptoms as well as occurrence of IgE and positive Phadiatop Combi in persons with the physical impairment electrohypersensitivity", in Swedish), Medicinsk Access 2005; 1 (5): 58-63

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