Saturday, October 13, 2007

Microwaving Isn't Safe, Really!

If you are a regular reader of this blog you probably know I am not pro-EMF. This category includes WI-FI, cell and cordless phones, satellite TV and microwaving food etc.

Here are some interesting references to review. I particularly like the report on how EMF is related to osteoporosis. This isn't to far a stretch between the recent reports of a strong relationship between cell phone use and breast cancer. Generally these health concerns effect women, but can effect men.

There's more than meets the eye, so watch out for ego needs, such as your trendy little pink BlueTooth device, constantly pulsing away at the brain cells behind the ear thats wearing it.
Non-Thermal Bioelectromagnetic Effects Explained roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/6b4fd68c5bc78ab7 http :// ?q=Goldsworthy http://omeg thermal http://omega.twoda http:/ / h?q=ADHD ...
Starmail - 11. Okt, 22:34

The Dangers of Electromagnetic Smog
[ ] Source: log/index.php?p=787 htt p:// h?q=electromagnetic+smog h ttp:// rch?q=Goldsworthy ...
Starmail - 26. Aug, 14:43

Who was responsible for the decision not to warn education authorities of the possible dangers of genetic damage from Wi-Fi radiation?
From Dr Goldsworthy Subject: Do you want to join in? I am sending you the following letter that you may like to send to your local MP in an attempt to get Wi-Fi removed from schools, quoting in particular... ...
Starmail - 12. Mai, 18:35

Osteoporosis and EMR, a possible link? /pdf/osteoporosis_and_emr. htm http://www.buergerwell emr2.htm Osteopenia-Overv iew earch/search_results/defau lt.aspx?query=Osteopenia&s ourceType=undefined Info rmant:... ...
Starmail - 11. Mai, 11:08

Biological Effects of Physically Conditioned Water /pdf/water_research_paper_ goldsworthy.pdf http:// Goldsworthy oldsworthy.htm ...
Starmail - 11. Mai, 11:09

The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
What the power and telecoms companies would prefer us not to know The attached paper entitled 'Goldsworthy Electromagnetic Fields 2007' appears to be quite a significant document. It may explain why many... ...

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