Thursday, March 5, 2009

Benefits Of Weight Lifting - Why Lifting Weights Is Good For You

According to the American Medical Association approximately 66.3% of the American population over the age of 20 are overweight and more than a third are obese. Further research has found that many foods consumed by Americans contains large quantities of fats, cholesterol, and sugars. Building muscle is one of the most effective ways of burning fat and shedding excess calories.

There are actually several benefits that can be derived from lifting weights on a regular basis. The first and the most obvious benefit you will get from weight lifting is the physical development. As a result, you will look better and feel better and have more confidence in yourself. Regular exercise has also been shown to mitigate the effects of depression.

Here are a couple of other benefits that can be derived from weight lifting:

1. Gives The Immune System A Boost - Believe it or not, you will actually get less sick, less often when you are lifting weights on a regular basis. This is due to increased blood circulation and the increase in white blood cells that result from weight training

2. Decreases Cholesterol Levels - When you engage in physical exercise your body naturally has to burn energy to fuel your muscle gains. Some of the energy that your body expends is derived from the bad fats contained within your body. Some of these fats are the ones responsible for producing cholesterol.

3. Increases Flexibility - Exercising the muscles allows the body to become more flexible due to the stresses and strains placed on the body during physical exercise. While being more flexible may not sound like much of a benefit, in reality increased flexibility will reduce the risk of injury during normal activities. People who do not exercise at all are far more likely to suffer joint and back injuries than those who lift weights on a regular basis.

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