Friday, May 8, 2009

Oldtime Body Building Eugene Sandow

Eugene Sandow Old time Bodybuilding

Awesome footage of Old Time strongman and physical culture superhero - Eugene Sandow.

Check out these Eugene Sandow books at SandowPlus

Eugen Sandow Bent Press

The bent press is the greatest and most classic oldstyle lifts made big by strength legend Eugene Sandow.

Classically it is performed with a barbell but can also be performed with dumbbell or kettlebell.

To execute the bent press, lift the weight with one hand to your shoulder and use leverage to get the weight over your head by slowly "corkscrewing" yourself away from the weight.

Place your feet roughly shoulder width apart with the foot on the side that you're holding the weight turned in slightly and the opposite foot turned approximately 90 degree to the side.

On starting the bent press the weight is held in such a fashion so that it's directly over your hip so you can turn into it and lever yourself under the bar and away from the weight.

Once the weight is lever over head stand up erect. Note although this is called a bent press, it is not a press as such more an act of leverage.

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