Sunday, September 27, 2009

Standing Nilsson Curls - A Useful Adaptation

This version is excellent for when you're either not strong enough to do the "free hanging" version where you're using your entire bodyweight for resistance or if you're just too fatigued from previous training to do enough reps to really get much out of it.

It's basically the exact same exercise only instead of setting the two bars up high, you set them a bit lower so you can keep your feet on the ground and spot yourself by standing up when you need help!

When it comes to hitting the biceps (even with your feet down), the difference between this exercise and a regular chin-up is just AMAZING. You'll feel almost ALL the tension go right into the biceps.

So here's what the standing version looks like. You can do this in rack, using the set up I have here or you can use the safety rails in the rack, same as I mentioned above - just set the two rails into one side so they look like ladder rungs - it'll give you the same effect.

With this version, I have a bar setting in the racking pins and a bar sitting on top of the rails. I have the weight on the top bar to help keep it from moving. You want about a foot spacing in between the two bars.

You'll be gripping the top bar and bracing your forearms on the bottom bar.

So stand in front of the bar and get a grip - a little inside shoulder width - underhand grip.

Set your feet a little forward then squat down.

Now pull yourself up, as though you were doing a chin-up. Use your legs only as much as you need to for help. The majority should be bicep pull.

Pull all the way to the top and squeeze your biceps HARD.

Lower and repeat. Remember, use help from your legs only as much as you need to.

You can also use this setup to do negative reps, standing up on the positive and taking your feet off the ground to use your full bodyweight on the negative.

Your biceps will be on fire after a few sets of this one - a bodyweight bicep exercise!

If you can’t see the video below then click this link to the view the video online:

About the Author:

Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 18 years. He's published 8 books on weight training, including his most recent - "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises!

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