Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Milk Healthy?

The Truth about Milk and Fitness

I get e-mails all the time from people saying they are eating a
healthy diet, and then when I ask them to list out what they
eat in a day it is not healthy at all.

But, I have to say it's not their fault, as we have all been
and still are being fed a pack of lies about food.

This is the first in a series of articles, exposing the truth.

Got Propaganda?

We have all heard "milk does a body good", "milk is the perfect
health Food", "milk builds strong bones", "milk will help weight
loss", etc.

These just like "Got Milk?" are nothing more then advertising
slogans trying to get you to buy a product.

Read the full article here Is Milk Healthy? The Truth about Milk and Fitness

Also checkout The Muscle Experiment: Bodyweight Training For Mass

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