Sunday, May 6, 2007

Visualization/Verbalization Process

Here is what I want you to do…

1) Clearly define exactly what you want to achieve.

What is it that you want to achieve? What are your ultimate goals? You're reading this email lesson for a reason. You opened your Internet browser, found my website, you signed up for this course and you felt that it was worth your time to read through it.

Okay, great, but why was it worth your time? What was your reason for signing up?

Don't say, "I want to build more muscle", or "I want to increase my bench press." If this is a goal of yours, fine, but what exactly do you want to achieve?

I may be asking a lot of questions here, but it's extremely important for you to find the answers. A vague image of your goals simply isn't enough; you must have a clear, well-defined image in mind if you truly want to be successful.

If you wanted to build a house, you wouldn't go about it by grabbing some wood and nails and trying to haphazardly piece them together.

Instead, you would make a blueprint and clearly define exactly what it was that you wanted to build. And so it must be the same for your muscle-building journey.


Close your eyes. Eliminate any distractions around you. Relax, and breathe deeply.

I want you to visualize the body that you ultimately want to achieve. I'm not talking about a vague, fuzzy picture of a body that would "be nice to have." I'm talking about a well-defined, crystal clear depiction of the exact physique that you are going to build.

Look at your new body from the third person perspective, that is, from someone else's point of view. Imagine your new physique from the front, and then slowly rotate it in your mind so that you can see it from every angle.

You must focus on details here. You must see everything exactly how you want it to look from your chest to your shoulders to your back to your legs.

Lock that image in your brain and focus intensely on it.

Now in one quick, explosive movement, transport yourself into that body.

You are now experiencing your new physique from the first person, looking through its eyes. Look down at your muscles and see them as if they are yours.

Feel them. Flex them. Experience them.

Imagine that you're looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection of this new body. Try to make this visualization process feel as real as possible. Experience this reality in your mind as if it were actually happening. Imagine the sounds, the smells and the textures that are around you.

2) Clearly define the purpose as to why you are trying to achieve that body.

Okay, so you've now made a clear mental picture of the body that you want to achieve.

You see, an impressive physique is ultimately a material possession. As human beings, we strive to acquire material possessions because they make us feel a certain way.

Muscles are just muscles.

But why do you want muscles? What will they do for you? How will they make you feel?

Why do you buy a new car, take a trip to Hawaii or go to a restaurant and order a New York steak?

It's because it makes you feel good .

So what do muscles do you for you? Why do you want them?

Think deeply about this and examine your ultimate purpose. You want to develop an impressive physique for a reason . What is that reason? Analyze this reason and be honest with yourself.

Maybe you want more attention from the opposite sex. Maybe you enjoy the idea of being physically dominant among your peers. Maybe you want to feel healthier or become more skilled at a sport. Or maybe you just want to get noticed, period. Maybe it's a combination of a few, many, or all of these.

Whatever it is, define it.

We don't train merely to build muscles. We train to build feelings. Muscles evoke these feelings, and that's why we want them.

I now want you to focus not only on the physical aspects of your new body, but also, the emotional aspects of your new body. I want you to focus on the feelings that are associated with that body.

Find that feeling. Search it out, and pull it from your brain.

Now feel that feeling.

Focus intensely not only on your new body, but on how it feels to have that new body.

Soak it up. Magnify it. Let the feeling consume you.

Create scenarios in your mind of what life will be like once you achieve this new physique. If your goal is to gain more attention from the opposite sex, imagine it happening. For example, maybe you're at the beach and you notice that women are eyeing you out whenever you walk by. Or maybe a female friend compliments you on how huge your arms are. Transport yourself to these situations and experience them. Focus on the benefits of your new body. After all, the benefits are what you are out to capture, not merely the body itself.

Now, hold that thought!

3) Verbalize It.

Keep your eyes closed. Continue to visualize your new body and the feelings that are associated with it.

Focus very hard on it.

Now I want you to take all of those positive thoughts and feelings you are experiencing, and verbalize them. You may find this embarrassing to do, but this a very important part of the entire process.

I want you to say out loud everything that you are experiencing and make sure to say it as if it has already come true.

Don't just say it, believe it.

It might sound something like this…

"My body is thick, muscular, defined and strong. I have massive shoulders, a thick, chiseled chest, gigantic, vascular arms and a ripped, 6-pack stomach. My legs are like tree trunks; wide and powerful, and my calves protrude like footballs. I feel strong, powerful and confident. I'm going to walk up to every person who ever poked fun at me for my size and watch the disbelief on their faces. I'm enjoying comments from friends and family who have noticed the impressive results I've achieved. I can talk to women with full confidence because I know that they think I look good. My life has completely changed for the better."

By clearly visualizing your goals, experiencing the feelings of reaching them, and then verbalizing them with concrete words, you will literally create a surge of emotion-producing chemicals within your body. This surge will help to physically reaffirm your goals and will always remind you of why you are putting in the work that you'll be putting in.

You should repeat this process at least once a day (or as often as you'd like) so that you never lose sight of you what you are trying to accomplish, and so that you always keep your mind on the right track.

Best regards,

Sean Nalewanyj

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