Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What the Heck is Muscle Confusion?

By Frank Sherrill

Muscle confusion is the latest buzz on the Internet. Ever since Beachbody -- P90X and Tony Horton started promoting this concept in their infomercial-- it seems everyone who has not been involved in bodybuilding wants to know -- What Is Muscle Confusion?

Muscle confusion (MC) is a training protocol that's been around for years. The first time I heard about it was in a bodybuilding magazine published by Joseph Weider. Later on when I became certified as a personal trainer this concept was explained further.

Essentially muscle confusion came about as a result of bodybuilders plateauing from their workouts. In other words, their muscles got accustomed to the rep -- sets -- exercises -- order of exercises and length of rest periods. By changing any of these variables you are in essence... shocking the muscle to grow.

There are other methods that you can use to stop muscle plateauing and continue to make gains in muscle growth. But MC is one of the most effective. (and that's probably why everybody keeps asking me -- what is muscle confusion.)

The muscle confusion workout is one in which you vary any of the variables that I mentioned before.

Here are the muscle confusion variables that you can change again:

1. Number of sets

2. Number of repetitions

3. Exercise choice

4. The order in which the exercises are performed

5. The length of the rest period

No matter what your fitness goals are or how muscular you want to get.. Incorporating this proven training protocol will help you to prevent muscle plateaus. The best way to apply this principle is by using another concept called -- phase training.

Phase training basically means that you will work a certain principle or concept into your workout program for a period of time -- typically 4 weeks.By the way... would you like to learn how to gain 10 to 20 lbs of muscle-- double your speed--increase your strength by 300% and and blow torch the fat off your body-- in no time at all?

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Sherrill

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