Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bodybuilding Supplements Review - Do Bodybuilders Actually Need To Take Supplements?

If you read through the latest issue of just about any muscle building or fitness magazine you will likely be bombarded by more than 150 ads for a wide variety of dietary supplements. According to the advertisements, every bodybuilder needs to take mass quantities of supplements in order to achieve spectacular muscle gains. But as you surely know, you can not trust what you read in advertisements. The question then is, "are supplements really necessary for big muscle gains?"

This question really depends on how you interpret the word "necessary." Supplements of just about any variety are not necessary for you to become bigger and stronger. High tech supplements are simply not necessary for the average weight lifter to experience substantial muscle gains, regardless of what glitzy ads would have you believe. If you spend 10 or more hours a week training and adhere to a strict diet high in protein and carbs and low in saturated fat and simple sugars you will almost certainly experience an increase in muscle size.

Now lets look at this question another way.

If by the word "necessary" you mean "...necessary to achieve maximum size and strength" then the answer is absolutely yes. Many supplements have been scientifically shown to offer superior muscle gains than bodybuilders who take no supplements at all. Building muscle and spending hours at the gym is very hard work and it therefore seems to make sense to spend an extra few dollars a week on supplements in order to maximize your muscle mass gains.

Ultimately your decision to take supplements depends upon whether or not you want to achieve your maximum size and strength and, if so, how much you are willing to pay to achieve your desired results. Muscle building supplements can be very pricey and it is not uncommon for bodybuilders to spend hundreds of dollars a month on dietary supplements.

The supplements that are the most common amongst bodybuilders are:

1. Muscle Milk Protein
2. Creatine Monohydrate
3. Multivitamins
4. Amino Acids

Also, if you would like to save as much as 50% on supplements then you should take a look on Ebay. An Ebay membership is free and you can easily save a thousand or more dollars a year by buying your supplements on Ebay as opposed to your local vitamin store.

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