Monday, September 21, 2009

'Biggest Loser' controversy

Fat Loss expert Tom Venuto just released a controversial article about the very popular "Biggest Loser" television show...

It's called "The Biggest Loser Pros And Cons: An In-Depth Review of Television's Most Popular Reality Show"

This article even prompted Pete Thomas, a biggest loser season 2 winner, to responded to Tom's critique of the show!! 

I got Tom's permission to share it with you and I highly recommend checking it out: 


Here's the intro paragraph from Tom's article: 

'The Biggest Loser -- a reality show which is
essentially a race to see who can lose weight
the fastest - is one of the most popular reality
shows in Television history.

I've known about The Biggest Loser since it debuted
in 2005 because people ask me all the time what I
think of the program and of course, "How do they
lose so much weight?"

In the article Tom reveals: 

-> The 5 Pros about the Biggest Loser...

-> The 10 Cons about the show! 

-> A video on 'Weigh In Distortion' (must see!)

-> The ramifications of the Biggest Loser show on fast weight loss and what it means to you...

-> Tom's take on Jillian Michaels as a coach...

-> Why 'Normal' weight loss is not encouraged on the show...

Come read it for free here: 


I hope that you enjoy the article!

To your success,

-- Arthur

P.S. - If you like Tom's article I strongly encourage you to share it with your family, friends, and coworkers...

Just forward it along and spread the good word... 


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