Saturday, October 31, 2009

Melatonin, Cancer and Your Cell Phone

LONG-TERM mobile phone use could lead to 1,500 new cases of brain tumours a year over the next two decades a study shows.

Dating back to the mid 90s it seems that -
There is strong evidence that pineal melatonin is involved in controlling neoplastic processes. We have reported that physiological, but not pharmacological or sub physiological, concentrations of melatonin enhance intercellular communication in normal C3H/10T/2 fibroblasts. Gap junctional intercellular communication intervenes in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation, and seems to play a crucial role in suppression of tumor promotion. A number of in vivo studies have shown that extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) can act as cancer promoters or co-promoters. In vitro, 60 Hz MF have been reported to block melatonin-induced inhibition of cell proliferation in human breast cancer cells. The mechanisms responsible for the observed interactions of MF at the cellular level remain unknown. In the present study melatonin was added to confluent fibroblasts at a concentration of 10(-10) M. Twenty-seven hours later, a fluorescent dye was scrape-loaded into groups of cells and the transfer of the dye to adjacent cells through gap junctions was quantified. Under these conditions melatonin induced a significant increase of dye transfer; this increase was not observed when the cultures were exposed to the MF for 30 min before the previously reported results suggesting that the in vivo oncostatic action of melatonin could be exerted, in part, through modulation of the levels of gap junctional intercellular communication. Also, the data indicate that ELF-MF could counteract the melatonin-induced enhancement of junctional transfer.

Recall too that fluoride seems to be a major contributor to calcifying the pineal gland.
Lest we forget about how much the EPA, and the cellular industry, really is withholding from the public!
And in other new reports on health risks and your cell phone
Two Swedish scientists, Professor Lennart Hardell and Professor Kjell Hansson Mild, found that longterm users had double the chance of developing a tumour on the side of the brain they held the handset. And, more frighteningly, just one hour a day on the mobile was enough to increase the risk.

It isn't enough to be aware of the cell phone risk to thyroid problems and breast cancer, now its osteoporosis
Do you wear your cell phone on your belt? Well, here's some news for you-the electromagnetic rays from mobiles lead to decreased bone density in an area of the pelvis that is commonly used for bone grafts.

A study by Dr. Tolga Atay and colleagues of Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, found that with long-term exposure, electromagnetic fields from cell phones could weaken the bone, potentially affecting the outcomes of surgical procedures using bone grafts.
Complete article - Cellular phones 'lead to bone weakening'

Women who are pregnant and rely on cell phone use may want to know that back in 1994 it was determined that an embryo, and of course the developing fetus, could be irretrievably altered by exposure to extremely low EMF.
Chick embryo development can be irreversibly altered by early exposure to weak extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields.

ReThink Vaccines

In a series of investigations over seven years in to all the new and commonly-prescribed vaccines (including HPV), autism, immune diseases and allergies, Dr Richard Halvorsen spoke to health officials, researchers, fellow doctors and parents. He discovered that vaccines are being given to children without knowing enough about them. Parents are regularly being misguided about vaccine effectiveness and their safety. Doctors are not being provided with the right information. They even live in fear of being seen to challenge perceived wisdom. Medical researchers often find that impartial vaccine research is impossible – those who dare speak out, risk being discredited.

ReThink Pink

As the pink madness of the October 2009 programming winds down, because today is October 31, I am pleased to provide readers with this very good article from an MD with an open mind.

As more and more doctors and other health professionals start to get the idea that mammogram really isn't good for health or breast cancer screening, sanity will creep slowly back into women's health care.

A Closer Look at Screening Mammography

Until then, become your own best health advocate.

Fitness Men Model Elliot Tittensor

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is Swine Flu Really a Pandemic?

Growing Doubt Among Experts

German Government Flu Expert Advising Pharma 'Lobby Group'
A German government flu expert is advising a group funded by the pharma industry. The European Working Group on Influenza says it wants to raise awareness of the dangers of a pandemic. But epidemiologist Luc Bonneaux says ESWI is a lobby group "that has as much to do with science as McDonald's with healthy nutrition." By Gerald Traufetter more...

A Vegetarian Travel Nutrition Tip

By Kardena Pauza

For many of us traveling, it means skipping workouts, eating processed foods, and generally feeling guilty and frustrated because our commitment to a healthy lifestyle has temporarily gone by the wayside.

But with a little effort and following some quick and easy tips I'll share with you, you'll never have to resort to the over-priced, high-calorie food options that are prevalent in airports.

But first, did you know that when you're at the airport you can actually take your own food through the security check?  Most people don't know this, but as long as it isn't liquid, gels, or gooey stuff over 3 oz. then you're in the clear.

Okay, so you know that preparation is the key for anyone looking to lose weight and stay fit.  Well, this is especially the case when a last minute road trip unexpectedly arises.

So, with that in mind, here are some healthy food options suitable as snacks, breakfast, or dinner, that you can easily put together.

1.   Grab all the veggies you have in the refrigerator and combine them to make one big tasty salad.

2.   Pack 2-4 healthy nut bars.  My favourite is the RAW bar.

3.   Cut up fresh celery, carrots, and cucumbers – it's quick and it's easy.

4.   Add a few pieces of fruit to your "lunch pack".

5.   Nuts are another excellent snack option.

6.   Seaweed snacks.  These delicious treats are sure to draw some wandering eyes as people try to figure out just what the heck it is you're eating.

7.   And lastly, pack a bag of flax crackers.

If you can put just 10 minutes into preparing some snacks for your trip, you'll feel so much better later on when everyone else is stuffing their face with high fattening foods and you're sticking to you healthy diet.

Even if it's just some healthy snacks to tie you over while waiting at the airport, this plan with help you eat healthier and avoid the junk you know is bad for you.

Kardena Pauza
Author, Easy Veggie Meal Plans For Fat Loss

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bodybuilding Training Tip For More Growth Hormone Release

By Jeff Anderson

More growth hormone (GH) = more MUSCLE, right?

It's a known fact that anyone looking to build more muscle mass must address your body's natural "hormone factory" to see some real gains in size.

But different hormones are stimulated in different ways.

Here's a cool (and SIMPLE!) "Quick Tip" to add to your next workout to raise GH naturally and kick start some KILLER MASS...

"Quick Tip" For Skyrocketing GH..

On your very LAST SET of each exercise, when you know that you have 2 REPS left in you...

...DON'T take them!

Instead, bring the weight to the PEAK CONTRACTION POINT or "flexed" position (e.g.- for bicep curls, it would be the "up" position) and hold the weight while flexing your targeted muscle.

Your goal is to hold this flexing for 20 SECONDS (called "static contraction) before slowly letting the weight down.

This is going to burn like HELL...

...and that's EXACTLY what you're looking for!

Why This Works...

That "burn" you feel is your body's natural "lactic acid response".

When lactic acid is triggered in the body, it sends a signal to your endocrine system to release growth hormone as a "recovery aid".

And that GH release is a powerful mass-building chemical in your body and your gains will SOAR!

Note: Do this for no more than 1 EXERCISE per body part in your workouts for 1 WEEK.  Skip a week before doing it again.

Special Consideration For...

...if you're using my Advanced Mass Building program (, then give this method a try in WEEK 3 of your mass-building cycle.

In other words, instead of the insane "DSP" technique I teach you, give this method a try instead to change this up a bit.

Go for it...and feel the burn! ;-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lead Health Issues Remain Major Concern

UPDATE: May 2010 - Heavy Metals Poisoning Part 1

While lead levels in face paint and toys remain a focus, more impetus needs to be placed on the impact of lead and other heavy metals and how they impact people the health of those living in N. Idaho's Silver Valley where EPA is moving ahead with its toxic waste dump adjacent to the National Historic site and Sacred Native lands at the Cataldo Mission.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28 (UPI) -- Before children apply face paint for Halloween, parents should know that some face paints contain lead and other heavy metals, a U.S. advocacy group says.

Lisa Archer, national coordinator of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics at the Breast Cancer Fund, says the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics sent 10 children's face paints to an independent lab to test for heavy metals and review ingredient labels of Halloween products sold at a seasonal holiday store.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that parents avoid using cosmetics on their children that could be contaminated with lead, Archer says.

The report, "Pretty Scary," found:
-- Ten out of 10 children's face paints contained lead ranging from 0.05 to 0.65 parts per million.

-- Six out of 10 children's face paints contained nickel, cobalt and/or chromium, which are top allergens in children. The metals were found at levels ranging from 1.6 to 120 ppm -- many of them far exceeding industry safety recommendations of 1 ppm.

To learn more about the study see:
To learn more about the issues surrounding the nation's largest lead Superfund site read more here -

Silver Valley Action

Silver Valley Action Photo Album


Heavy Metal

Even if you do not live in the 1500 square mile area of this Superfund site you can help by supporting the work and signing the petition.

In a related article, Why your doctor should know where you have lived, environmental exposure is listed as a health risk.  This question was always included in the process of taking a complete health history when I worked as a nurse practitioner.  It is part of what I taught my students when I was teaching at the college level.  Why it has been lost in the process over the years is a mystery I am sure, but it is important.  It still is just one part of what a complete health history should include; what you are exposed to in your work is as important, and also what you use at home and in your garden.  Reason why you should have a running copy of your own medical record in your possession, just as people do in other countries.

Alkaline Substances Take Toll on Tooth Enamel

Exposure To Alkaline Substances Can Result In Damaged Teeth

ScienceDaily (2009-10-27) -- It has long been known that acids can erode tooth enamel but a new Swedish study shows that strong alkaline substances can damage teeth too -- substances with high pH values can destroy parts of the organic content of the tooth, leaving the enamel more vulnerable. ... > read full article

Did you know that October is World Vegetarian Month?

And to celebrate, fitness expert Craig Ballantyne is giving away a cool new bonus when you get the complete Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package.

"The Lazy Man's Guide to Vegetarian Eating" ($47 Value)

You'll get inside access to world-famous fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's 55-day diary where he shows you every single meal that he ate while living the Vegetarian Lifestyle. About 90% of his meals are vegan, and this is an amazing look inside the diet plan of a "lazy guy" who doesn't like to cook but still LOVES to eat.

You'll find out how Craig got enough protein to build muscle while at the same time getting more and more variety each week as he stumbled across foods like, "Spelt flour veggie patties", "Kamut pasta", "high-protein quinoa", and his "Lazy Man's Chili".

If you've ever doubted your ability to stick to a Vegetarian Diet, this diary of a former high-protein, meat-eating farm boy-turned-vegetarian will show you just how SIMPLE and EASY it is to live the Vegetarian Lifestyle.

Click here to get this new bonus along with the world's most fun and effective home fat loss workout program:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pec-Poking Pain From This Chest Training Technique!

By Jeff Anderson

When was the last time you really had that "chest poke pain"?

You when 24 hours after your chest workout, you can't stop poking your pecs with your finger to marvel at how much it hurts?

Yeah, it's a secret pleasure of mine too! (ha ha!)

If it's been a while, then here's a "Quick Chest Training Technique" I did last week that will have YOU pokin' away by tomorrow evening:

(Warning to "skimmers": This will LOOK like a simple, giant "tri-set", but there are a few READ EACH STEP!)

1. First, you're going to be using the bench press for this exercise (your favorite, right? ;-)

2. Choose a weight that you can do for about 12 reps before hitting failure BUT (and this is IMPORTANT!) load up the bar with either 10lb or 25lb plates so that you can quickly take off 50% of what you have loaded on each side.

(Sure, you'll look like a whuss! But ARE you? Hell "grab 'em" like you got a pair and don't give a damn what the other guys think! ;-)

3. Now, do a traditional set (8-12 reps) on the bench press until you reach full muscular failure.

4. As soon as you rack the weight, jump up and strip 50% off each side.

5. Now...with no rest, grab the bar with a WIDE, WIDE grip (up to 12 inches past your shoulders) and knock out your reps to failure.

Side Note: This works by really taking your burned out triceps out of the picture as much as possible and give you a WICKED PUMP in your chest!

Read on...

6. soon as you hit failure on this second set and rack the weight, with no rest, grab a dumbbell (just about 30-50 lbs will do nicely) and do a set of Dumbbell Pullovers, keeping your arms VERY, VERY STRAIGHT (to take your triceps out of the movement even more) and feel a good stretch in your chest at the bottom.

This will allow you to really burn out your Type 1 muscle fibers for a serious Growth Hormone (GH) response and a massive pump!

Once you hit failure, give yourself a good 2-3 minute rest to recover and run through this giant set just one more time.

That will give you 6 total "chest sets" and the next day all your co-workers will be wondering why you keep poking your chest and wincing! ;-)


Muscle Specialization Secrets

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gary Null and Forced Vaccination

Videos of Gary Null's speech against forced vaccination and related Big PhARMA issues.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

And about another vaccine issue: A good news article on the need for sckepticism with AIDS vaccine.   I would rather see a study using the 4 supplements that block conversion of HIV to AIDS.

Discord on Mammography Roils the ACS

Ralph Moss is an active educator regarding cancer issues.  I am pleased to see his newsletter this week and read his coments on issues surrounding mammography.

Of concern to me is the focus on the American Cancer Society's resistance to consider the impact on breast cancer rates attributed to mammogram screening.

As Moss writes, "According to a front-page article in the New York Times, the ACS intends to abandon its rigid advocacy of mammography screening of the age 40+ female population."

My concern is that elsewhere throughouit the world where breast cancer rates are lower, many attribute this to avoidance of radiological screening in the under 50-60 age group.

As you know from reading articles here at Natural Health News, Creating Health Institute has been a strong proponent for thermography and ultrasound for more than two decades.

Listen to our recent 2 part series "Pink May Not Be Protective"
Listen to Herbalyoda Says! on Blog Talk Radio
Read more of the many articles here (use blog search), at Natural Healing through Natural Health and at GreenMuze.

Gardasil: an untested failure

UPDATE: 12/14/09  Gardasil causing MS like syndrome in some girls
One more article added to the 32 already on Natural Health News regarding the serious issues with another unnecessary vaccine.
Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell
Harper: Controversal Drug Will Do Little To Reduce Cervical Cancer Rates

By Susan Brinkmann, For The Bulletin, Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher in the development of two human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, said the controversial drugs will do little to reduce cervical cancer rates and, even though they’re being recommended for girls as young as nine, there have been no efficacy trials in children under the age of 15.

Dr. Harper, director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri, made these remarks during an address at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2-4. Although her talk was intended to promote the vaccine, participants said they came away convinced the vaccine should not be received.

“I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all,” said Joan Robinson, Assistant Editor at the Population Research Institute.

Dr. Harper began her remarks by explaining that 70 percent of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment within a year. Within two years, the number climbs to 90 percent. Of the remaining 10 percent of HPV infections, only half will develop into cervical cancer, which leaves little need for the vaccine.

She went on to surprise the audience by stating that the incidence of cervical cancer in the U.S. is already so low that “even if we get the vaccine and continue PAP screening, we will not lower the rate of cervical cancer in the US.”

There will be no decrease in cervical cancer until at least 70 percent of the population is vaccinated, and even then, the decrease will be minimal.

Apparently, conventional treatment and preventative measures are already cutting the cervical cancer rate by four percent a year. At this rate, in 60 years, there will be a 91.4 percent decline just with current treatment. Even if 70 percent of women get the shot and required boosters over the same time period, which is highly unlikely, Harper says Gardasil still could not claim to do as much as traditional care is already doing.

Dr. Harper, who also serves as a consultant to the World Health Organization, further undercut the case for mass vaccination by saying that “four out of five women with cervical cancer are in developing countries.”

Ms. Robinson said she could not help but wonder, “If this is the case, then why vaccinate at all? But from the murmurs of the doctors in the audience, it was apparent that the same thought was occurring to them.”

However, at this point, Dr. Harper dropped an even bigger bombshell on the audience when she announced that, “There have been no efficacy trials in girls under 15 years.”

Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, studied only a small group of girls under 16 who had been vaccinated, but did not follow them long enough to conclude sufficient presence of effective HPV antibodies.

This is not the first time Dr. Harper revealed the fact that Merck never tested Gardasil for safety in young girls. During a 2007 interview with KPC, she said giving the vaccine to girls as young as 11 years-old “is a great big public health experiment.”

At the time, which was at the height of Merck’s controversial drive to have the vaccine mandated in schools, Dr. Harper remained steadfastly opposed to the idea and said she had been trying for months to convince major television and print media about her concerns, “but no one will print it.”

“It is silly to mandate vaccination of 11 to 12 year old girls,” she said at the time. “There also is not enough evidence gathered on side effects to know that safety is not an issue.”

When asked why she was speaking out, she said: “I want to be able to sleep with myself when I go to bed at night.”

Since the drug’s introduction in 2006, the public has been learning many of these facts the hard way. To date, 15,037 girls have officially reported adverse side effects from Gardasil to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These adverse reactions include Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, brain inflammation and many others. The CDC acknowledges that there have been 44 reported deaths.

Dr. Harper also participated in the research on Glaxo-Smith-Kline’s version of the drug, Cervarix, currently in use in the UK but not yet approved here. Since the government began administering the vaccine to school-aged girls last year, more than 2,000 patients reported some kind of adverse reaction including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, convulsions, seizures and hyperventilation. Several reported multiple reactions, with 4,602 suspected side-effects recorded in total. The most tragic case involved a 14 year-old girl who dropped dead in the corridor of her school an hour after receiving the vaccination.

The outspoken researcher also weighed in last month on a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised questions about the safety of the vaccine, saying bluntly: "The rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer."

Ms. Robinson said she respects Dr. Harper’s candor. “I think she’s a scientist, a researcher, and she’s genuine enough a scientist to be open about the risks. I respect that in her.”

However, she failed to make the case for Gardasil. “For me, it was hard to resist the conclusion that Gardasil does almost nothing for the health of American women.”

Copyright © 2009 - The Bulletin

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Expert Review About the Ab Exercise Infomercial Gadgets

If you've ever watched an abdominal exercise gadget infomercial and wondered if those products worked, fitness expert Craig Ballantyne, author of Turbulence Training, recently reviewed a research study on ab exercise gadgets to help you get the truth about abs.

According to Craig, one of his favorite ab exercises includes one of those cheap infomercial gadgets, "the ab wheel". You can pick one up at Walmart for under 20 bucks, and it works your abs hard without crunches.

But do other ab gadgets hold up?

Researchers (from the Mayo Clinic, of all places) tested the "Ab-Slide" device and compared it to the ab crunch, the supine double leg thrust (seated knee tuck-in), and side plank.

J Strength Cond Res. 2008 Nov;22(6):1939-46.

Ten young men and twelve young women did all the exercises.

Tests showed that the Ab-Slide, a contraption fairly similar to the Ab Wheel, worked the abs the hardest.

On the other hand, the seated knee tuck-in required a lot of hip flexion, and the doctors believed it could cause BACK PROBLEMS in people prone to low back injury.

Craig recommends sticking with the Ab Wheel, and of course, keeping crunches out of your program. He also suggests adding the Seated Knee Tuck-in to your list of ab exercises to avoid.

For best results, stick to the exercises in the Turbulence Training workout program.

Click here for more ab exercises and workouts:


Train hard and safe,

Arthur M.

PS - Just say NO to crunches.

Not only are crunches hard on your low back, they are also useless for helping you get a flat stomach.

Instead, stick to interval training, the ab exercises in Turbulence Training, and the TT nutrition guidelines if you want to transform your body.

Click here to burn belly fat fast:


Ginkgo Found to Protect Against Radiation Damage

This is good news for women, and men, who are exposed to radiation via mammogram, MRI and other scans in standard breast screening and therapy.

Of course we hope that more will stand up to the status quo and demand access to thermography, but in the interim, this information certainly can be of help.

It is also good news for our military, now known to be over exposed to DU.

A report published and October, 2009 issue of the International Journal of Low Radiation added evidence to a protective effect for Ginkgo biloba against radiation damage. Ginkgo biloba is a tree species whose leaves have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. Ginkgo leaf extract contains antioxidant compounds called ginkgolides and bilobalides which help scavenge free radicals that attack nearly all components of the cell, including DNA.

In their article, Chang-Mo Kang of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences in Taegu and colleagues describe their use of an assay for radiation-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis) to evaluate the protective effect of ginkgo extract against radiation exposure that occurs during accidents or occupational overexposure. In one experiment, white blood cells from human donors aged 18 to 50 were treated with one of four concentrations of ginkgo extract or a 9 percent saline solution before being exposed to gamma rays.

The researchers found a significant dose-dependent reduction in apoptotic cells among those treated with ginkgo. While radiation-induced apoptosis occurred in nearly one third of irradiated cells not treated with ginkgo, the number declined to 5 percent or less in cells treated with the herb.

In another experiment, mice were treated with ginkgo extract or saline before and after receiving whole body ionizing radiation. Mice that did not undergo radiation served as controls. Examination of the animals' spleens found that treatment with ginkgo maintained organ size comparable with that of animals that did not receive radiation, while spleens in irradiated animals that did not receive ginkgo were significantly smaller.

In their discussion of the findings, the authors note that cell-damaging free radicals and reactive oxygen species can be generated in excess under numerous conditions, including exposure to environmental chemicals, specific drugs, and during normal aging.

"These results indicate that the radioprotective effects of ginkgo extracts administered prior to radiation are due to the OH radical scavenging activity," the authors write. "Therefore, ginkgo extract should be useful for the protection of radiosensitive organs against free radicals.

A FRUIT That Pumps Up Your Muscles With Nitric Oxide?

By Jeff Anderson

Those of us who eat 45lb iron plates for breakfast LIVE for that awesome "pumped up" feeling you get after an intense set of bicep curls, right?

That muscle "pump" is the result of a naturally occurring molecule, nitric oxide (abbreviated "NO"), that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout your body.

Bottom line...

...the more nitric oxide you have in your body, the more of a "pump" you'll get from your curls, flyes, presses, etc.

(And yes...the "pump" DOES help increase muscle size as over time by promoting capillary expansion, increasing blood pathway size, and increasing nutrient update.)

So how can you increase your natural levels of nitric oxide for a better pump?

How To Increase Nitric Oxide NATURALLY...

Sure, nitric oxide supplements (NO2) have become all the rage in the supplement industry for nailing that "pump".

I even include my own personal "do-it-yourself" nitric oxide booster supplement in my "Homemade Supplement Secrets" book at

But here's an even EASIER way to naturally increase NO2 for more muscle gains...

About 30-45 minutes BEFORE your workout... an ORANGE!

Oranges are high in VITAMIN C which are a potent "protector" of nitric oxide levels in your body, thereby making more available during your workouts.

Then, in your post-workout protein shake, throw in ANOTHER orange (preferred) or pour in about 1 cup of natural orange juice.

This double shot of vitamin C will pack a powerful pump punch that will have you feeling good...and looking good!

Here's My Favorite Post-Workout Smoothie...

In a blender, combine:

=> 1 cup of fat free plain yogurt

=> 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla soy milk

=> 1/4 cup raw honey

=> 1 whole orange or 1 cup natural orange juice

=> 5 frozen strawberries

=> 1/2 frozen banana

=> 2 Tbsp canola or flax oil

=> 2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate powder

Blend...chug...BUILD! ;-)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Better to Screen You with Thermography, My Dear...

"Rethink" of Cancer Screening Triggers Comments and Controversy
By Nick Mulcahy

October 23, 2009 — In a comment that has triggered widespread media coverage, the chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society (ACS) admitted that the benefits of cancer screening, especially for prostate and breast cancer, have been oversold.
The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.

"I'm admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated," the ACS's Otis Brawley, MD, told the New York Times in an October 21 article.

With this statement, a long-simmering controversy — about how the benefits of prostate and breast cancer screenings are emphasized at the expense of discussion of the harms — seems to have boiled over, at least momentarily. The story has been covered by many major media outlets, including ABC News, NBC Nightly News, CNN, the Jim Lehrer News Hour, and National Public Radio.

Hours after Dr. Brawley's comments were published, the ACS released an official press statement from Dr. Brawley that shifted focus back to the benefits of screening — and away from his earlier candid interview about the downsides of screening.

"While the advantages of screening for some cancers have been overstated, there are advantages, especially in the case of breast, colon, and cervical cancers. Mammography is effective — mammograms work and women should continue get them," reads Dr. Brawley's statement.

The statement also reiterated the ACS's stand that men should make an "informed decision" about whether prostate cancer screening is "right for them."

Dr. Brawley's original comments apparently arose in an interview with the Times about an essay published in the October 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association about the need to rethink prostate and breast cancer screening.

The essay argues that new approaches to screening for breast and prostate cancer are needed, because the current methods have not led to a "significant reduction in deaths" from the 2 diseases.

Explaining the Case for a Rethink

The essay, written Laura Esserman, MD, MBA, and Yiwey Shieh, AB, both from the University of California, San Francisco, and Ian Thompson, MD, from the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, calls for a rethink on cancer screening and offers a 4-pronged program for improvement.

They decided to write the essay when they realized how similar prostate and breast cancers and their screening problems are.

A central problem with the screenings for both of these cancers seems to be that they have increased the burden of low-risk cancers without reducing the burden of more aggressive cancers, the essayists write.

We need to refocus and figure out how to tailor screening.
Mammography and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, although having "some effect," have led to the well-documented overdiagnosis and overtreatment of breast and prostate cancers, they note.

"We are not saying that screening is bad. It's what you do with the information that makes it good or bad," Dr. Esserman told Medscape Oncology. "We need to refocus and figure out how to tailor screening," she summarized.

The American Cancer Society should not be afraid of Otis's message.
She supports Dr. Brawley for speaking out on this issue. "Otis had a lot of courage. The American Cancer Society should not be afraid of Otis's message."

The messages about cancer screening need to evolve, suggested Dr. Esserman.

"I think people like the simple message that screening is good and are uncomfortable with complexity. I understand that. However, cancer is a complicated disease. We need to expand our messages to say, among other things, that many screen-detected cancers are slow growing and may not need treatment," she said.

Other messages should include the mention of harm and the fact that screening will not find all cancers early, Dr. Esserman added.

With regard to the latter, Dr. Esserman said that a recent study indicates that most stage II and III breast cancers actually turn up clinically, between normal planned screens.

"It's just not true to say that 'if you get a mammogram, all will be well'," she explained.

Problems With Prostate and Breast Cancer Screening

It is estimated that more than 1 million men have been overtreated for prostate cancer since the advent of widespread PSA testing in the mid-1980s.

Furthermore, as the essayists point out, the intensive PSA screening has not resulted in a significant difference in prostate cancer mortality between the United States and the United Kingdom, where PSA screening was not widely adopted.

The essayists also note that although evidence indicates that breast cancer screening saves lives, 838 women, aged 50 to 70 years, must undergo screening for 6 years to avert 1 death. However, this 1 life saved generates "thousands of screens, hundreds of biopsies, and many cancers treated as if they were life-threatening when they were not," they write.

A critic of mammography recently told Medscape Oncology that such mammography facts are in stark contrast with what is most publicized about the screening, namely that "mammography saves lives."

While Dr. Brawley's comments have garnered great attention, another ACS official recently suggested to Medscape Oncology that public education about breast cancer screening is in need of improvement. "We all have to do a better job to best inform the public about the benefits and harms of screening mammography," said Bob Smith, PhD, director of cancer screening at the ACS.

Dr. Esserman believes the time is right to improve both patients' and clinicians' understanding of screening. "If you don't take a hard critical look, then you miss the opportunity to improve things," she said.

A Plan for Improved Screening

In their essay, the authors chart a new 4-point course for breast and prostate cancer screening that will "significantly reduce death and morbidity" from the cancers.

First, more powerful markers that identify and differentiate cancers with significant risk from those with minimal risk are needed.

Second, the treatment burden for minimal-risk disease must be reduced. Methods currently exist to identify low- and high-risk cancers in both the breast and prostate, they emphasize. For instance, in prostate cancer, low-volume lesions with low Gleason scores have a low-risk for death. Minimal-risk disease should not be called cancer; it should be called indolent lesions of epithelial origin (IDLE), they say.

Third, improved tools to support informed decisions are needed. "Information about risks of screening and biopsy should be shared with patients before screening," they write. Currently, an estimated one third of PSA tests take place without even the most basic doctor–patient discussion, as reported by Medscape Oncology.

Finally, a greater emphasis on prevention, including the use of proven cancer preventive agents, such as finasteride for preventing prostate cancer and tamoxifen and raloxifene for preventing breast cancer, is needed.

An estimated $20 billion is spent to screen for prostate and breast cancer in the United States. The essayists call for 10% to 20% of that amount to be invested in an effort to improve screening.

This article grew out of collaboration initiated within the National Cancer Institute's Early Detection Research Network and was supported by grants U01CA111234 and U01CA086402. The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

JAMA. 2009;302:1685-1692. Abstract

Authors and Disclosures
Nick Mulcahy is a senior journalist for Medscape Hematology-Oncology. Before joining Medscape, Nick was a freelance medical news writer for 15 years, working for companies such as the International Medical News Group, MedPage Today, HealthDay, McMahon Publishing, and Advanstar. He is also the former managing editor of He can be contacted at

Medscape Medical News © 2009 Medscape, LLC

Vaccine Information


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back Pain? Sciatica? Grab This Free Book Right Now

I don't know if you saw it, but a few weeks ago I wrote about a great new book called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure"...

Well, it was written by a good friend of mine, Jesse Cannone. Jesse is recognized as one of the leading back pain relief experts in the world and right now he is giving away FREE copies of this new book.

It's not an eBook or anything like that... it's a real book and it's for sale on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble, but don't go buy it because if you go to his website you can get a free copy. You just pay a small shipping fee...

Plus, a portion of your shipping fee is donated to one of two great charities: Habitat for Humanity or St. Jude's Children?s Hospital - you choose.

Click here to grab a FREE copy

Not only is the book fabulous, but he's done such a great job in taking complicated issues like back pain and the many things that cause it and he's broken it down into an easy to read and understand book.

I found it very eye-opening and I have already made many changes to my daily routine from how I sit, to what I eat (or don't eat), to how I exercise and more... and I don't have back pain! But I do want to prevent it.

Plus, what I like most about the book are the "7-Day Action Plans" that he has at the end of the book... so based on your situation, you choose the action plan that's best for you... then all you have to do is follow the steps.

So, if you suffer from any type of back pain, I highly recommend you go grab yourself a free copy of his book now... and if you get to his website and they are out of free copies, I'd go buy it... it's that good!

Click here to grab a FREE copy

I hope find it as helpful as I have.

Arthur M.

P.S. If you don't have back or neck pain, but you know someone who does, please be sure to forward this to them... I'm sure they'll thank you greatly.

Breakfast in ES underwear

Hot Fitness Underwear Model

Cable Gripping Trunk Twists For a TIGHT, Powerful, Rock-Solid Core

Secret Training Tip #887 - Cable Gripping Trunk Twists For a TIGHT, Powerful, Rock-Solid Core
By Nick Nilsson

If you want a tight, strong midsection that's "show" AND "go," you'll definitely want to add this exercise to your list. A simple "twist" to a simple twisting exercise is all you need!

When most people think ab training, they don't think explosive rotational movements...they think crunches or sit-ups.. But YOU'RE not most people, are you!

Because you know (or at least you will in a second!) that powerful, rotational movements against resistance are the REAL key to developing a tight, strong core that not only looks great but gives you serious improvements in functional strength.

And I'm not talking "functional" like standing on a Bosu ball on one leg catching bean bags "functional." I'm talking throw harder, run faster, jump higher NOW type of "functional." Basically, the kind of functional you actually WANT.

That's where the Cable Gripping Trunk Twist exercise comes in...

This is not your standard twisting exercise where you use little light weights or even no weight at all. You are going working against resistance and eventually working your way up to substantial resistance.


First off, from an aesthetic point of view, if you want a flat stomach or tighter waist, you NEED exercises that work in with a rotational movement (assuming your bodyfat levels are low enough - direct ab training won't burn abdominal fat away).

Think of it this way...if somebody handed you some elastic bandage and told you to wrap yourself so that it made your waist smaller, how would you wrap it?

Would you loop it over your shoulder and between your legs up and down your body?

NO! You'd immediately wrap it AROUND your waist and cinch it up tight.

So now comes the question...why would your "six pack" abs (the rectus abdominus) be the muscle to work if you want a tighter waist and flat stomach? This sheet of muscle runs vertically on your body, just like throwing that elastic bandage over your shoulder and through your legs.

You need to work the muscles that wrap AROUND the waist - the transversus abdominus and the obliques (internal and external). THESE are the muscles that tighten the waist and flatten the stomach area.

It's still a good idea (if your goal is a six-pack) to keep in some specific training for the frontal ab muscles, but to really make the waist smaller and the stomach flat, rotational training is what you need.

Second, rotation is CRITICAL to pretty much ALL sports and related movements.

Look at ANY throw or strike or hit or swing or kick or punch or stride...notice any rotational component there?

The rotational muscles of the abs are the KEY to transferring force through the midsection.


Naturally, if this is your first time doing a rotational exercise against resistance, start light and work up slowly. DO NOT start with explosive movements the first time you do this exercise.

That comes later. We're going to progress to it, not jump right into it.

Attach a single handle to a cable. If you've got an adjustable-height pulley, set it to about stomach level. If your cable doesn't adjust, you can use either the low or high pulley, no problem. The angle of the exercise will just be different.

Stand with your left side to the pulley. Reach across your body and grip the handle with your RIGHT hand. Now take a big step to the right to get the weight up off the stack. Your right arm will be stretched across your body. Open up your left hand and get ready to grab the cable. Rotate through your core, using your right hand to pull the cable. As the handle comes across the midline of your body, grab the cable itself with your left hand.

Now comes the cool part of this exercise...the part that makes it FAR more effective than a simple twisting exercise.

Continue to rotate around to the right but now, instead of just pulling with your right hand (the one on the handle), you will start to PUSH forward on the cable with your left hand. Keep pushing all the way through and forward as far as you can with the left hand. This pushing movement with the left hand on the cable is what will really target those rotational muscles of the core and teach them how to transfer power through your lower body to the upper body.

This version is done under's a deliberate movement done with light to moderate weight. Do 5 or 6 reps on one side then switch to the other side.

You will really feel this one hitting the abs in a unique way...if you're never done rotational ab training against resistance or have never done "pushing" ab exercises, you're going to be in for a treat (if you like being pleasantly sore through the core, that is!).

The first time you do this exercise, I recommend you just stick to the moderate weight, controlled movement style of training.

Once you get more familiar with the exercise (after a few sessions), you can start getting into a more "power" based style of training.

THIS style is the one that really builds tremendous core power. If you're into any sort of athletics, this is the one to work towards using regularly...

One nice benefit I didn't do it standing up. You see, if you're an athlete, you're pretty much almost ALWAYS going to be standing up (unless you stink and fall down a lot, of course). You need to know how to exert force and develop maximum strength and power in a standing position.

Back to the instructions...

To perform the explosive version, you'll be in pretty much the same start position. But this time, instead of planting both feet and then starting to rotate, you will instead start on one foot (the one closest to the cable stack) then forcefully transfer your bodyweight in the other direction.

Think of it like you're "taking a run at it." You're going to use the momentum of your bodyweight to get the heavier weight moving then EXPLOSIVELY begin the rotation and cable grab, exactly as before.

The main difference here is that you're doing as fast and as powerfully as you can rather than with a controlled movement. You're stepping into the weight and using a forceful bodyweight throw to blast it off.

Use heavier weight for this and keep to only about 3 reps per side here. We want POWER, not endurance on this version. Do your reps on one side then switch to the other. It's a good idea to practice with a moderate weight before getting into the heavier stuff.


If you want to develop great core strength AND/OR a flat stomach, this is an exercise that belongs in your program. I'd recommend doing 3 sets of it, at the end of your training sessions (but first in your regular ab exercises).

Even if you're strong enough and ready to do the explosive version, start with at least one set of the controlled version in order to warm-up the target area for rotational work.

To see pictures and video of this exercise in action, click here:


Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 18 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at .He can be contacted at

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

44,000 Die in US Annually: No Access and No Insurance

Dangerous, Deadly H1N1 Vaccine Scam

UPDATE: 10/21/09
I've been listening to current news regarding the lack of availability of the "swine" flu vaccine in the various forms, Liquid Tamiflu, and the "approved" masks.

Of course we have been assured from the beginning of this "pandemic" alert that there would be no problem with adequate supply of these products as Secretary Sebelius has repeated many times in mainstream media.

Obviously there is a public health problem that may not be flu but more like manufacturing and distribution.

In light of the lack of liquid Tamiflu, HHS and CDC is authorizing compounding of the liquid by pharmacists.

A second move is the importation of foreign drugs.

Now of course we know that our members of Congress have tried vehemently to stop importing foreign drugs under the guise of many excuses, and they have tried to stop any compounding activity in pharmacies.

Here is a great mixed message and one I hope isn't forgotten quickly.

We have just had another great give-a-way to Big PhARMA in the health insurance "reform" effort in Congress over Plan D in Medicare thanks to Obama.

Now we have a precedent to fight their stupidity for cost saving and health saving action.

And if you'd like information about what to do in the interim, make sure you wash hands frequently with regular - not antibacterial - soap, keep well hydrated, and maintain good levels of garlic, vitamin C and vitamin D (the 3 basics), and cover your mouth or nose if you need to cough or sneeze (then wash your hands).

Make sure to check out all of the information we have here at Natural Health News on this flu conundrum by using the search window at the top of the right column.

If H1N1 is really Asian flu, or regular seasonal flu, as it seems to be stated by the CDC, one has to wonder what all the flap is about.

Dr. Horowitz provides some enlightening information in his article; things you do have the right to know.

It is also good to be aware of the fact that this is an egg based vaccine so if you have any allergy to eggs be vigilant. The vaccine also contains mercury and aluminum which can cause heavy metal toxicity and other problems.

Flu Scams
WHO Issues H1N1 Swine Flu Propaganda Reports BigPharma Is Testing 'Mock' Viruses In Vaccines
By Dr. Leonard Horowitz

The World Health Organization (WHO) is spreading propaganda like the flu to convince people new, genetically engineered, live "mock" influenza viruses in vaccines are safe.

On August 6, 2009, following news that more than half the world's health professionals will refuse vaccinations this fall, the WHO issued a directive to governments to reassure people the new flu vaccines, still being tested, are "safe." A major U.S. media blitz followed featuring Barack Obama telling Americans to get vaccinated, and network broadcasts maligning vaccination opponents.

"From the White House to, H1N1 swine flu vaccine promoters and promotions, costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, are serving 'BigPharma' advancing a genocidal agenda," reports public health expert and media analyst, Dr. Leonard Horowitz. "Dismissing harmful vaccine side effects that may sicken millions of people following injections of immune-system intoxicating chemicals, heavy metals, viral proteins, and foreign genetic materials reflects gross criminal malfeasance," he says.

A WHO expert committee defended its global vaccination program writing, "Special safety issues will inevitably arise . . . when vaccine is administered on a massive scale," but "manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called 'mock-up' vaccine."

Mock-up vaccines are made from live genetically-engineered viruses that spread like the flu after injection. So the threatening pandemic may include genetic parts, and whole new viruses, from these new laboratory produced pathogens.

Complete article...

School Lunch Improvements Don't Limit Sugar

AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 23 (UPI) -- Prevention programs may be the best way to fight child obesity, U.S. researchers said.

A study examining regional changes in child obesity between 2000-2005, published in the journal Obesity, found a local obesity prevention program combining state and local community nutrition and exercise programs with media attention, and an evidence-based school health approach in the El Paso, Texas, region, was most effective statewide in decreasing childhood obesity.

The El Paso fourth graders had a decrease of 13 percent in obesity prevalence.

"Data from the El Paso region show us that obesity prevention efforts, when implemented on a broad scale, can be successful," study leader Deanna Hoelscher of the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, Austin, Texas, said in a statement.

Hoelscher said the results of the study -- called SPAN, or Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition -- illustrated the importance of measuring prevalence at the local level rather than relying on national or state estimates to monitor trends.

Yesterday I listened to Charlie Rose interview former FDA honcho David Kessler about his book on food.

While I agree that Big Ag and food manufacturers have been remiss in their efforts to enhance the addictive power of their products with sugar, salt and fat (as trans-fats), as well as the addition - not mentioned by Kessler - of artificial coloring, flavorings, HFCS, aspartame and sucralose, flavor enhancers such as MSG and Senomyx all add to the problem.

What I also did not hear Kessler mention is the direct connection between many of the vaccines to diabetes and to obesity. The Hepatitis vaccine is one of the main culprits. A new study on vaccines shows brain inflammation and injury following this particular vaccine.

Other concerns of mine relate to the use of non-fat dairy products when children need fat for growth and brain function as well as energy.

Then think of the USDA pyramid and its heavy weight on grains and pasts as well as other carbs, not so good when more vegetables and limited whole fruit make more sense.

But then I'm not from Big Ag or the government...

Read more: Childhood Obesity Campaign: Issues in Health

A Different Kind of School Lunch

Light on what happened to the healthy pyramid

School lunches get nutritional makeover
Published: Oct. 21, 2009

Recommendations by the Institute of Medicine are expected to be used to make over U.S. school lunch and breakfast menus, nutrition advocates said.

Margo G. Wootan, nutrition policy director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, said schools shouldn't wait for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's final regulations to implement Institute of Medicine's sensible new school meal standards.

"The USDA should help schools work toward the new standards, so by the time they are required schools are already most of the way there," Wootan said in a statement. "When Congress reauthorizes child nutrition legislation, it also should give USDA and school districts the resources and support they need to make these healthier meals appeal even to the most finicky of young eaters."

The recommendations, which the Agriculture Department will write into regulations, will increase the amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in school meals; reduce the content of sodium and trans fat; and ensure low- or no-fat milk is provided, Wootan said.

The changes will help address the biggest problems in children's diets and foster healthier eating habits, advocates said. However, the Institute of Medicine unfortunately didn't recommend limits on added sugars, Wootan said.

© 2009 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Nuts and Berries, good eats for health

Blackberries, Walnuts, Strawberries, Artichokes, Cranberries, Coffee (nothing added), Raspberries, Pecans, Blueberries, Clove (ground/powder).

All of the above foods are high in antioxidants and can act to protect you from environmental pollutants.

These foods are considered to be the Top 10 as listed in a report published in the Clinical Nutrition journal.

These and other antioxidant foods may be helpful to prevent heart disease, premature aging, and cancers.

Check out a traditional Native American food made with cranberries

How the Financial Meltdown Could Have Been Prevented

While Natural Health News is a health-focused blog, from time to time, because of the importance of the information, and potential impact on health, we want to bring some important information to your attention.

More than a decade ago the recent so-called financial meltdown could have been prevented, but no one wanted to act.

This week the following program, which you can view on-line, is important for your consideration, The Warning

as is the following Wikipedia article, Long-Term Capital Management

along with this article from Mother Jones.

It makes you wonder just why we still have Geithner and Summers involved in the financial deliberations in the current White House inner circle.

For many years I have tried to raise the issue of problems with Greenspan and derivatives, yet no one wanted to listen and now a lot of those puffed up egos along the Beltway and Wall Street have been egged.

Confusing you on purpose

B Complex vitamins do reduce heart risks, although a recent report opposes benefits -
A study published by the American Journal of Cardiology last month finds that cardiovascular patients with high homocysteine levels (above 15µmol/l) treated with B vitamins cut their risk of death by a quarter over ten years.

Among those not given B vitamins 32% had died, compared to only 4% of those given high dose vitamins. Homocysteine is now a proven marker for cardiovascular disease risk. For example, a recent meta-analysis concludes “each increase of 5 μmol/L in homocysteine levels increases the risk of CHD events by approximately 20%, independently of traditional CHD risk factors“. Lowering homocysteine levels with B vitamins has also been shown to reduce stroke risk.

Vitamin B12 is also a well established nutrient to help the fight against dementia.

Heart Disease: B-vitamin Pills Have No Effect, Review Finds

ScienceDaily (2009-10-20) -- B-vitamin supplements should not be recommended for prevention of heart disease, say scientists. A new review has shown these supplements do not reduce the risk of developing or dying from the disease. ... > read full article

Another Flu Vaccine Casualty, where was informed consent

It is very disturbing to me as a long-time health care professional as I listen to local friends and read and listen to news report about flu and swine flu vaccines.

So many necessary questions are just not being asked. And required information is being withheld from those who are choosing to get theses jabs.

In a recent case of a severe adverse reaction to just the "seasonal" flu vaccine, the young woman who thought she was doing a good thing found out otherwise. Her comment is however very telling -
"I would've much rather won the lottery and bought that ticket instead of gotten the flu shot if I knew that risk existed," she said.

Desiree Jennings, now dealing with serious neurological injury made this point, "...if I knew that risk existed."

My question is why the person at Safeway who was administering the flu jabs failed to offer required risk/benefit data to Jennings as is required by law under FDA and CDC guidelines.

This basic guideline, a cornerstone of medical care, is known as "Informed Consent".

Flu shot suspected in Redskins cheerleading hopeful's neurological condition

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10 Ways To Use Your Workout Towel OTHER Than Wiping Up Sweat...

By Nick Nilsson

The humble gym towel can actually be an extremely effective training tool! When you get done putting these quick and easy methods to the test, you'll never look at your towel the same way again.

The towel is your friend...

And to prove it to you, I've got 10 ways you can use your gym towel to get a great workout (not counting mopping up sweat, of course).

1. Towel Chin-Ups

Throw a towel over the chin-up bar and grip the ends. Now pull yourself up! Gripping and holding your entire bodyweight up on a loose towel is GREAT for the grip and will activate a lot of muscle fibers in your lats because of the instability.

2. Towel Calf Stretch

Lay on your back on the floor and loop your towel around the forefoot area of one of your shoes. Now pull HARD towards you, stretching the calf. This technique works extremely well because you can very easily adjust the tension of the stretch. Forget fancy stretch straps - just throw a towel over!

3. Abdominal Sit-Ups

This is a GREAT abdominal exercise...roll up a towel, lay down on the floor and slide it under your lower back. Now do a sit-up. The rolled-up towel braces your lower back so that instead of using hip flexors and putting stress on the lower back, all the tension of the exercise goes directly onto your ABS.

Be sure your not pulling on your head - you can also make it easier by holding your arms across your chest or at your sides.

4. Towel Bodyweight Tricep Extensions

Throw a towel over a railing or something else a few feet off the ground. Now hold onto the ends. Set your feet back a few feet. Now, keeping your body stiff, bend at the elbows ONLY then extend back up. The instability of the towel grip will set your triceps on fire!

For the exercise done on a bar - just loop a towel over the bar and grip the ends. Move your feet closer to make the exercise easier.

5. Towel "Fat" Bar/Handles

Thick bar and thick handle training is GREAT for the forearms and grip strength. You can accomplish this cheaply by simply wrapping a gym around the bar or the dumbell handles and then gripping around THAT as well.

The padding and "squeezability" (I sound like a toilet paper commercial...cripes) of the towel around the bar activates a tremendous amount of muscle fibers in the forearms and hands.

6. Towel Pushdowns and/or Pulldowns

The easiest way to set this up is to attach a single handle to a high pulley then loop a towel through that. Grip on the ends of the towel and do a pushdown or pulldown (depending, of course, on what exercise you want to do)! It's just like using a rope attachment but without the solidness of a rope (or the knots on the end to brace your hands).

7. Towel Pull-Up Rows

This exercise gives you some excellent options for training your back in pretty much any situation you find yourself in. As long as you can loop a towel around a solid object, you can grab the ends and perform a rowing movement...two hands on the ends or even one hand gripping both ends to do one arm at a time rows.

8. Towel Cable Face Pulls

This is a great rear-delt exercise. Attach the single handle to a high pulley and loop the towel through. Use a light weight to start with. Grip the ends of the towel then take a couple of steps back so your arms are directly forward, out in front of you.

Now, pull the cable towards your face, bringing your hands out to the sides of your head, trying to pull the towel ends out to the sides as you do so. This one is excellent for the Rotator Cuff.

9. Towel Cradle Sit-Ups

Lay on the floor with the towel end held in your hand and with the towel itself across your upper back (like you would hold it if you were drying off your back with it).

Now perform a sit-up...instead of trying to pull yourself up using your abs, though, pull yourself up using the TOWEL. Come up and to the right by forcefully pulling on the RIGHT end of the towel, while bracing with your left. You'll be surprised at how strongly this hits the abs.

10. Neck Training

Using a towel is a great way to do isometric training for your neck. Basically, you just put the towel around your head (any direction - front, sides, back) and pull on the ends, resisting that pull with your neck muscles.


And that's just the beginning! Take these techniques and try and think of other ways you can take the common gym towel and come up with multiple uses for it.

I told you you'd never look at your gym towel the same way again!


Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 18 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "Muscle Explosion," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at He can be contacted at

Monday, October 19, 2009

Warning over fibroids treatment

I would really like to have someone justify the use of the procedure at a time when it is well known that fibroids are caused by estrogen excess and there are nutritional therapies and herbal therapies that will correct the problem.

I am referring to the use of B complex vitamins and herbs that balance hormones such as Vitex. Heavy bleeding can be helped with nettle, and vitamin E is also of great help.

None of these nutritional supplements lead to such serious problems in and after pregnancy as related to the surgical procedure. Consider as well generalized nutritional therapy.

I am also sure that the economic effect is much smaller as well.
Fibroids Treatment Warning

UK doctors say a treatment for heavy periods caused by fibroids can seriously harm a subsequent pregnancy.

An Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital study looked at the outcomes of 215 pregnancies following uterine artery embolisation (UAE) treatment.

The researchers found much higher rates of miscarriage, caesareans and heavy bleeding after delivery, and call for caution in recommending the treatment.

The study appears in the journal, The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.

UAE has been available as a treatment in the UK since 1995.

Pregnancy problems

The doctors pulled together the data from five small studies carried out in the UK, Czech Republic and Canada.

Fibroids are small, benign lumps of smooth muscle in the womb.

A catheter or thin tube is inserted into the blood vessels in the groin which lead up to the womb
A gel is injected
This sets and blocks some of the blood vessels supplying the womb
Fibroids shrink

Sometimes, because of their number, size and location, they cause heavy period pain or difficulty in getting pregnant and treatment is needed.

Doctors at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital say as many as 40% of women of reproductive age have fibroids.

They found that the risk of miscarriage following UAE was 35% compared with a rate in untreated women of 10 to 15%.

The incidence of caesarean sections was much higher at 67% compared with a normal rate of 20 to 25%.

And bleeding after delivery was more than twice as common at 14% compared with 5%.

The babies tended to be smaller and they were more likely to present in an awkward position.

'Increase awareness'

Ertan Saridogan, who led the research, said although a large number of women had already undergone the procedure, there had been relatively little study of its long-term effects.

He said: "We do not offer it as a first-time treatment, but, for some women, surgery and other treatments do not work.

"We want to increase awareness of the pitfalls of this widespread procedure.

"I hope this will inform women before they make their decisions, so they can make an informed choice - they've been going at it blindly without realising what it might imply for their future pregnancies."

Henry Annan, from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said he agreed that care should now be taken in recommending the treatment.

"A proper randomised controlled trial of this procedure would take many years - it's important that patients should have some idea of the pros and cons of all the various treatments for fibroids."

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2009/10/16 23:01:50 GMT © BBC MMIX

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Importance of Vitamin D

UPDATE: 10/17/09
Make sure you have your high potency vitamin D to carry you through winter and help you defend your health from flu.
Originally posted 8/14/09
Vitamin D is more of a steroidal compound than a vitamin that has an amazing range of health benefits.

One of the very important benefits of vitamin D is that it turns on at least 2000 genes. This one fact alone makes it very clear that what happens inside your body at any given time is interconnected, not the lineal concept promulgated in mainstream medicine.

Several years ago I reported on the benefit of vitamin D for people with diabetes, especially Type 1. More benefits of this compound certainly show its worth for Type 2 as well.

What ever you wish to call it, vitamin D is fat soluble and use of it requires your being sure to have healthy saturated fats in your daily food plan.

Critical to health on many levels, especially immunity. Perhaps taking more vitamin C and D will help get you through the flu mania season with less stress, and better health, than unproven vaccines or drugs that are known not to be effective.

More and more people are not getting enough exposure to sunlight and this has a direct effect on your vitamin D level. People of color, the elderly, and people whose custom calls for body covering clothing all are at risk, along with those who live at more northern latitudes, or who do not eat oily fish.

As the darker months of the year are approaching in the Northern Hemisphere, perhaps its time for you to consider testing for your level of vitamin D, or adding it to your supplement plan.

Contact us to find out more about vitamin D home testing for detecting vitamin D deficiency and monitoring of supplemented levels. This test measures total 25(OH)D, the best single measure of overall vitamin D status. Deficiency is often found in people with osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, certain cancers, depression, chronic fatigue, or chronic pain.

More on Vitamin D

Health Tip

Consider a better way to boost immune system health in your gut and improve regularity with this health tip from Natural Health News -

Depending where you live and whether or not you pay tax on food, Activia will cost you about $30 each month.

One bottle of high potency, high quality acidophilus/bifidus capsules will cost you about one third to one half this amount. Find it here. And a lactose free product is available too.

Plus you won't have so much packaging to recycle.