Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bone Drugs Cancer Protective?

UPDATE: 2/3/10  Fosamax and breast cancer  A Caution to women to not take headlines so seriously

Original Post 12/10/09
It seems very strange to me that any woman would want to take a potentially cancer creating drug under the guise that it might help prevent breast cancer.  Most of these drugs also are fluoride based; fluoride is a known carcinogen as well as destructive to bone.

Here are a few of the numerous related NHN articles:
Bone drugs may help prevent breast cancer

New results from a landmark women's health study raise the exciting possibility that bone-building drugs such as Fosamax and Actonel may help prevent breast cancer.

Women who already were using these medicines when the study began were about one-third less likely to develop invasive breast cancer over the next seven years than women not taking such pills, doctors reported Thursday.

The study is not enough to prove that these drugs, called bisphosphonates, prevent cancer. Read Complete Article
Become a more knowledgeable consumer and patient, question authority.  Remember the drug and insurance giants are controlling medical care in the US today.

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