Saturday, July 31, 2010

More About The Workout System...

It's been going on now for 5 days...

... but all good things must come to an end.

Jon Benson's 61% off sale that includes BOTH his best-sellers, "7 Minute Body" and "7 Minute Muscle" comes to a close this Sunday at midnight...

     ( You get BOTH books for one price and that price is 61% off until Sunday... ) <

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More About The Workout System...

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7 Minute Body is the in-home version of 7 Minute Muscle.

If you're super-busy or if you're over the age of 55 and want a reasonable exercise plan, 7 Minute Body is for you.

7 Minute Muscle is the same principles applied to what Jon does: Gym-based workouts. Same super-short workouts, but using weights rather than bodyweight or resistance bands.

You've probably seen the science... but now here's the word on the street:

     "Three weeks ago I started a personal 12 week challenge
      (hate contests with others). I started at 129kg (283.8lbs),
      41 inch waist, 23% bodyfat. Thanks to 7 Minute Muscle and
      EODD, and Tom V's scientific goal setting, in 3 weeks I've
      lost 5.5kg (12.1lbs) of fat, 1.4 inches, and 2.3% bodyfat."
      -- John Mulcahy

     "I must really say a huge thank you for 7 Minute Body... I
      have seen great gains in the past 3 months having used it!
      Not to mention how enjoyable the workouts are."
      -- Sandy W.; South Africa

     "I purchased 7 Minute Muscle and have been following it
      for a couple of months.  Have dropped 43lbs over the last
      4 months and gained muscle mass by using your program...
     At age 66 I am getting in pretty good shape and my stamina
     has increased tremendously..."
     -- John Belding

That's three out of hundreds of unsolicited testimonials Jon receives every week from readers just like you who decided to...

:  Shorten their workouts by up to 80% and see better results;

:  Try a system that has progression built-in to it so you never
   have to think about whether or not you're moving forward;

:  Apply the most cutting-edge scientific principles of resistance
   training that demand shorter, more effective workouts and
   greater results;

:  Combine resistance and cardio-style training into one
   session to shed bodyfat and gain lean muscle at the
   same time;

:  To finally have a workout system that's easy on the joints
   but still increases power and shape!...

And so much more... all at 61% Off UNTIL SUNDAY...

Here: <


Arthur M.

P.S.  Here's Jon's blow-it-out surprise:

Next week the Intermediate/Advanced 7 Minute Workout Videos come out featuring pro trainer Vince DelMonte. These videos show Vince training live doing Jon's Phase 2 Protocol (14 minutes; still 7 minutes per body part) and some incredible advanced techniques for fat burning and putting on lean muscle.

Anyone who owns 7 Minute Muscle or 7 Minute Body before Sunday midnight will get a shot at these videos BEFORE the general public... and at more than 50% off retail... much more...

But you need to go here now, this weekend, to ensure your spot in line, as these videos will go fast...

Remember:  To get the videos you MUST own 7 Minute Body or 7 Minute Muscle... sorry, but no cutting in line here!  : )

Check it out: <

7 Secrets of Nutrition & Flexibility

If you struggle with a stiff back, tight hamstrings, or locked-up shoulders or hips...

... then you're going to LOVE this new website I just found:

This yoga teacher, Lucas, has a bunch of great resources to help you improve your stretching flexibility quickly and naturally.

Let me know what you think...


Arthur M.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Are you ready to make a significant change in your health and vitality?

Most people only dream about such opportunities... They want to start eating healthier but they don't know how... or they think they don't have time. Or maybe it's the thought that to be "healthy" you have to eat like a rabbit...

Living Light International, the world's premier gourmet raw food culinary school, wants to show you a different way.

They're offering a free video right now featuring Cherie Soria, the Mother of Gourmet raw vegan cuisine, showing you step-by-step how to make 3 delicious and healthy breakfast options.

Just click on this link to get access to the video. It's great content and there's no obligation to purchase anything.

Click here to watch:

Breakfast of Champions

Just click on this link to get access to the video. Its great content and there is no obligation to purchase anything.

You will learn how to make:

Cinnamon Oatmeal

Crunchy Buckwheat Granola with Almond Milk

Date and Walnut Scones

Delicious and healthy comfort foods!

Click here to watch:

Breakfast of Champions

If you are wondering whether you will get recipes that you can print out and refer to, the answer is YES!

Plumped Chickens Not Natural

If you can take the time to read my comment below the article, you might also think about this: 
From a nutritional standpoint, there are nutrient combinations in some meat that do not commonly occur in other foods. For example, it can be difficult to find other foods with the combination of significant amounts of protein, zinc, vitamin B12, and iron that you find in meat.
Processed poultry often is filled with such additives as soy broth, salt water, or other substances in a method referred to as "plumping".  Frozen turkeys also are subject to this.  Consider too that the water used in this process may be fluoridated so you are being medicated without your permission in some circumstances.

Another reason to make sure you read the label on the food you are purchasing!

Chicken producers debate 'natural' label

By JULIANA BARBASSA, Associated Press Writer  Fri Jul 30,
SAN FRANCISCO – A disagreement among poultry producers about whether chicken injected with salt, water and other ingredients can be promoted as "natural" has prompted federal officials to consider changing labeling guidelines.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture had maintained that if chicken wasn't flavored artificially or preserved with chemicals, it could carry the word "natural" on the package.
But the agency agreed to take another look at its policy after some producers, politicians and health advocates noted that about one-third of chicken sold in the U.S. was injected with additives that could represent up to 15 percent of the meat's weight, doubling or tripling its sodium content. Some argue that could mislead or potentially harm consumers who must limit their salt intake.
The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service plans to issue new proposed rules this fall.
Perdue, the nation's third largest poultry producer, is among those pushing for a change. The company has joined a group called the Truthful Labeling Coalition, which has hired a lobbyist and launched an advertising campaign.
"Our labels say natural or all natural only if there is nothing added," Perdue spokesman Luis Luna said. "Under no circumstances is it acceptable to label poultry that has been enhanced with water or broth or solutions as natural, or all natural."
Such mixtures are injected into poultry to make the meat tastier and more tender.
The two largest chicken processors, Pilgrim's Pride and Tyson Foods, are among those that affix "natural" labels to chicken injected with extra salt and water. Industry experts said the practice has become more common in the past decade.
Tyson spokesman Gary Mickelson said the company sponsored a national study that found most consumer didn't mind those labels if the ingredients added were deemed natural.
Gary Rhodes, a spokesman for Pilgrim's Pride, said the company simply wanted to offer its customers a choice.
"We offer both 100 percent natural enhanced and non-enhanced fresh chicken," Rhodes said. "It really depends on what the customer wants. It's all about choice."
But Bill Mattos, president of the California Poultry Federation, argued that current labeling rules leave consumers confused. He said the industry needs to work harder at being clear about its products.
"With all the talk about food now, all the interest in salt, the chicken industry needs to be very upfront about these issues, and be very truthful," said Mattos.
A buyer perusing the chicken counter at a San Francisco supermarket agreed.
Muembo Muanza, 30, said he read the label and considered the price but never thought to check the salt content when buying fresh chicken.
Most people buying fresh, unprocessed food will assume, like he did, that nothing is added, said Muanza, whose family has a history of high blood pressure, a condition that can be worsened by high salt intake.
"If it says natural, I expect it to be all natural - nothing but chicken," he said.
California Sen. Barbara Boxer weighed in on the issue earlier this year, calling in a press conference for the USDA to "immediately prevent sodium injected chicken from using the 'natural' label and require all poultry producers to identify added ingredients in print large enough to ensure that consumers can make informed choices."
The issue is worrisome because Americans generally eat far too much salt, with serious health consequences, said Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco.
Her research, published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that regulations aimed at cutting back Americans' sodium intake could save $10 billion to $24 billion in health care costs, and thousands of lives, every year.
Government intervention is needed, Bibbins-Domingo said, because much of the salt people eat comes in prepared food, not out of a salt shaker.
"We have to educate people to read labels and make better choices," she said. "When there are foods that people consider to be fresh and without additives, and they also have salt added, you feel you are almost fighting a losing battle."
In a report issued this year, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which advises the federal government, revised the recommended daily salt intake from a teaspoon a day to about two-thirds of a teaspoon. It pointed to meat with added salt as a particular problem.
Foster Farms, based in Livingston, Calif., has been at the forefront of the campaign to change labeling rules.
The company sells marinated products that have added salt - but it is clear to consumers, said company spokesman Ira Brill. The problem with injection is the customer can't tell what's in their chicken.
"One of the issues we face as a nation is how to eat healthy," Brill said. "To the degree you like salt, you should be able to add it. But you should be able to make that decision for yourself. "
PHOTO: Foster Farms says no to plumping

More on Health Insurance Reform

UPDATE: 3 August - Health Insurance Reform, how it plays out

Covering New Ground in Health System Shift

Medicare Reform Means Some Seniors Face Benefit Cuts

UPDATE: 2 August - Judge Gives Virginia OK to Press On With Health Care Lawsuit Against Feds
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson is allowing a health care
suit filed by the state of Virginia against the U.S. government to proceed, saying no court has ever ruled on whether it's constitutional to require Americans to purchase a product.
The state of Virginia can continue its lawsuit to stop the nation's new health care law from taking effect, a federal judge ruled Monday. 
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson said he is allowing the suit against the U.S. government to proceed, saying no court has ever ruled on whether it's constitutional to require Americans to purchase a product. 
"While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate -- and tax -- a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce," Hudson wrote in a 32-page decision. Complete article
HEALTHCARE:  Impact on Access to Care, Costs

Health-policy experts across the political spectrum are wary of Obamacare’s promises to increase access to health care and lower costs.

Use 'search' to locate more than 36 related Natural Health News posts on this topic

The libertarian Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner notes President Obama recently told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd that the law “not only makes sure everybody has access to coverage but is reducing costs.”  Tanner refutes those claims: 
  • “The bill doesn’t come close to giving ‘everybody’ access to coverage. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 10 years from now there will still be at least 21 million uninsured Americans. That’s an improvement over today, but it’s a far cry from the universal coverage that Obama once promised. And nearly half of the newly covered aren’t getting access to true health insurance but are being added to the Medicaid program, with all of its attendant problems of access and quality.”
  • “Even further from reality is the president’s continued insistence that the new law is ‘reducing costs.’ In fact, the administration’s own chief health-care actuary reports that the law will actually raise US health-care spending by $311 billion over 10 years. This failure to control costs means that the law will add significantly to the already crushing burden of government spending, taxes and debt.”
  • “Anyone who thinks that their insurance premiums will be going down in the foreseeable future is going to be disappointed. The law does nothing to restrain the growth in insurance costs. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office says that premiums will double over the next six years, roughly the same rate of increase as would have occurred without health-care reform.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and cofounder of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), told the that the health-reform bill was actually written by the insurance industry and doesn’t address underlying problems:
  • “The big problem with the bill is that so much money and power is being handed to the private health insurance industry, which is the cause of the problem in the first place.… If you look at the [political] donations, plenty of insurance industry money did go to the Democrats. An insurance industry vice president, Elizabeth Fowler, actually came to work for Sen. Max Baucus, the head of the Senate Finance Committee, and was the author of the Baucus Framework for the legislation.”
  • “Under the new ‘exchanges’ set up under the law for the uninsured to go to buy insurance, people will have to spend up to 9.5 percent of their income for policies that cover only 70 percent of health care costs. So you would still be in a situation of having insurance that was so skimpy that you would have difficulty getting care when you needed it. As you know, Massachusetts has the prototype of this reform. If you go on the Internet to look at our insurance exchange, it’s called the Massachusetts Connector. For someone in their mid-50s, the cheapest policy available that would meet the mandate for someone who is paying the full rate—which is anyone who makes more than $33,000 in income a year—costs more than $5,000 per year in premiums. Then, if you get sick, there’s a $2,000 deductible—so you have to take another $2,000 out of your pocket before the insurance kicks in. And then, for the next $15,000 in health spending, you’re responsible for 20 percent of everything—$3,000. So it’s extremely expensive if you get sick and have to use it once you buy it.”
  • “That means that many people will still lack access to care—because they won’t be able to afford to use their insurance policy, even if they own it.”

Calcium and Bone Health

UPDATE: 4 August - NattoPharma says calcium research highlights vitamin K role

By NUTRA staff reporter, 04-Aug-2010

Norwegian vitamin K supplier NattoPharma has backed the role of vitamin K in calcium metabolism following the controversial British Medical Journal meta-analysis linking calcium consumption and increased risk of heart attack.

The article has drawn widespread industry criticism for inappropriately “cherry picking” data, but NattoPharma says regardless of that fact, the research highlights the importance of vitamins D and K in the way the body processes calcium.
“Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and vitamin K2 activates the proteins responsible for directing the calcium to the bone where we want it and out of the arteries where it can have detrimental negative effects,” said NattoPharma chief executive officer, Morten Sundstø.
The company referenced vitamin K researcher, Professor Cees Vermeer, who backed observations made by two of the researchers that, “the only mechanism for arteries to protect themselves from calcification is via the vitamin K‐dependent protein MGP.”
“MGP is the most powerful inhibitor of soft tissue calcification presently known, but non‐supplemented healthy adults are insufficient in vitamin K to a level that 30 per cent of their MGP is synthesised in an inactive form. So protection against cardiovascular calcification is only 70 per cent in the young, healthy population, and this figure decreases at increasing age.”
NutraIngredients coverage of the calcium research that found the risk of vascular calcium deposits causing heart attack outweighed potential bone healthbenefits can be found here.
Sundstø noted the western diet was something like 30 per cent deficient in vitamin K2 which could extenuate calcium deposits, especially among over-50s who commonly use calcium supplements to ease osteoporosis.
Vermeer added: Obviously, an increased calcium load (by taking calcium supplements) will be beneficial for bone strength, but at the same time it will worsen the situation for the vasculature.”

from 30 July, 2010 -  One part of this equation seems to be overlooked and that is the type of calcium supplement and the amount of calcium supplementation. 

Too often I find that people do not want to spend money for supplements and look for the most inexpensive product rather than a high quality product that will fare them better in the long run.

Numerous studies have been completed that clearly establish the lack of benefit from mas market supplements made with the lowest grade, and most often least effective ingredients.

Calcium carbonate is just one of these ingredients, and its also the main core found in TUMS.

For many not well apprised of the best ways to utilize supplements, TUMS is one of those often suggested by doctors to help bones.  Those same doctors are quick to forget that all this calcium overload add a negative effect to the blood buffering system.  You know, the buffering system that keeps your blood pH in normal range.

Often this form of calcium can lead to bone spurs and calcium deposits basically because your body just can't metabolize it effectively.  We've got better options for you to consider.

And I guess no one told the same doctors that BonAmi, my favorite commercial scouring powder, is made from the very same form of calcium -carbonate!

Calcium pills 'increase' risk of heart attack

Calcium supplements taken by many older people could be increasing their risk of a heart attack, research shows.
The study, in the British Medical Journal, said people who took supplements were 30% more likely to have a heart attack.
Data from 11 trials also suggested the medicines were not very effective at preventing bone fractures.
Almost 3m people in the UK are thought to have osteoporosis and many take calcium pills to prevent fractures.
The study recommends doctors review their use of calcium supplements for managing osteoporosis.
The National Osteoporosis Society said most people should be able to get enough calcium through their diets, rather than reaching for the medicine cabinet.
The researchers said those who had a diet naturally high in calcium were at no increased danger.
'Limited benefit'In all 12,000 people aged over 40 took part in the trials of calcium supplements of 500mg or more a day.

It is a balance of risks - people should consider the risks involved and how they apply to their own circumstances and discuss the matter with their GP” Dr Alison Avenell Study author
The risk of heart attack was seen across men and women, was independent of age and the type of supplement given.
A small increased risk of death was seen in the study but was not statistically significant, the researchers said.
The reason for the increased risk of heart attack is not clear but it is thought the extra calcium circulating in the blood could lead to a hardening of the arteries.
Calcium in the diet is safe and the Food Standards Agency recommends adults have 700mg of calcium a day from milk, cheese and green, leafy vegetables.
Dr Alison Avenell, from the University of Aberdeen which did the research with colleagues in New Zealand and the US, said the evidence suggests calcium supplements only have a limited benefit in preventing fractures, especially when compared to other treatments available.
"It is a balance of risks - people should consider the risks involved and how they apply to their own circumstances and discuss the matter with their GP," she said.
She added the results did not necessarily apply to younger people with conditions for which they take calcium.
Judy O'Sullivan, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said the results should be interpreted with caution because the trials did not set out to look at the risk of heart attack.
"However, the research should not be completely ignored," she said.
"Any new guidelines on the prevention of fractures in those most vulnerable to them should take this type of analysis into account."
Dr Claire Bowring, of the National Osteoporosis Society, said: "We've always recommended that people should aim to get the calcium they need from their diet to help build stronger bones.
"If you get all of the calcium that you need from your diet and adequate vitamin D from exposure to sunshine, then a supplement will not be necessary."
She said there were still questions to be answered about the treatment of osteoporosis but advised people taking calcium supplements to talk to their GP, especially if they have a heart condition.

Sampling from Natural Health News 30+ posts about Bone Health
May 26, 2010
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday that studies suggest a possible increased risk of bone fractures with the use of proton pump inhibitors for one year or longer, or at high doses. Package insert labels for the drugs ...
Dec 10, 2008
Dr Victoria King, of the charity Diabetes UK, said: "We really do need further evidence through properly controlled trials before we can conclusively link thiazolidinediones to increased risk of various bone conditions in humans and ...
Oct 02, 2009
A few points to consider - DpD only indicates current bone loss. There are so many factors regarding bone loss - including; those who never gained peak bone mass for multiple reasons - eating disorders or simply not eating well during ...
Mar 08, 2010
It is very critical that you understand that the bisphosphonate drugs are associated with killing off specific cells that have to do with the complete cycle of bone construction and destruction in the body's natural physiology. ...

Monsanto: The evil corporation in your refrigerator

The case for real food -

Monsanto: The evil corporation in your refrigerator

When we consider the rogue's gallery of devilish, over-sized, greedy and disproportionately powerful corporations, we generally come up with outfits like Microsoft, Bechtel, AIG, Halliburton, Goldman-Sachs, Exxon-Mobil and the United States Senate. Yet somehow, Monsanto, arguably the most devilish, over-sized, greedy and disproportionately powerful corporation in the world has been able to more or less skulk between the raindrops -- only a household name in households where documentaries like Food Inc. are regarded as light Friday evening entertainment. My house, for example. But for the most part, if you were to ask an average American for their list of sinister corporations, Monsanto probably wouldn't make the cut.

See full article from WalletPop:

Two New Drug Risk Warnings from FDA

Estradiol Spray May Pose Risk for Kids and Pets - Menopausal women who use a spray form of topical estradiol (Evamist) to control hot flushes should avoid touching children and pets with treated areas of the skin, the FDA warned.

The agency said it had received eight reports of children ages 3 to 5 who showed breast enlargement and other signs of estrogen exposure after contact with women using the product.

Directions for use of the product -- approved in 2007 -- call for it to be sprayed onto the inside of the forearm.

"Patients should make sure that children are not exposed to Evamist and that children do not come into contact with any skin area where the drug was applied. Women who cannot avoid contact with children should wear a garment with long sleeves to cover the application site," the FDA recommended.

Continue reading: Product Alert, Rx from MedPage Today:

FDA Finds Pneumonia Risk with Daptomycin - The FDA said that the intravenous antibiotic daptomycin (Cubicin) may be linked to an increased risk of eosinophilic pneumonia -- a rare but serious potential side effect -- and requested that a new drug label warning be added. 

The agency reviewed the medical literature and adverse event reports for daptomycin and identified seven cases of eosinophilic pneumonia between 2004 and 2010 "that were most likely associated with Cubicin" on the basis of six criteria, the agency indicated in a Drug Safety Communication.

"Based on these reviews, FDA determined that eosinophilic pneumonia can be associated with Cubicin use and requested that the manufacturer of Cubicin include this information in the Warnings and Precautions and Adverse Reactions, Post-Marketing Experience sections of the drug label," according to the statement.

In 2007, the daptomycin label was amended to include pulmonary eosinophilia as a potential adverse reaction.

Continue reading: Product Alert, Prescriptions from MedPage Today:

Learn more about these drugs at RxList

The Ugly Truth About Back Pain

Please find below a special message from Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute.  He has some important information to share with you.

The Ugly Truth About Back Pain

Here’s a little-known fact.  The real cause of the pain is almost always overlooked.   clip_image001Most doctors only treat the symptoms. They use “band-aid” treatments like: 

  • Cortisone shots
  • Dangerous drugs
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery
  • Chiropractic manipulation

These may work. When they do, it’s almost never long-term.

It’s not until you treat the “hidden” underlying causes that you get lasting pain relief. Back pain is almost always caused by muscle imbalances which are a result of hip-dysfunctions.

What are “hip-dysfunctions”? In short, they’re the combination of tight and loose muscles in your upper legs, buttocks and hips that pull your pelvis and spine out of their natural alignment over the years.

This makes your back muscles work against the grain so they get hurt … it puts pressure on your spine, discs and nerves and causes all kinds of back, neck, sciatic related pain.

The good news is, it’s VERY FIXABLE – without expensive and never-ending trips to a chiropractor, without dangerous prescription drugs and without surgery.
Fixing the imbalances causing these dysfunctions returns your body to the natural, balance structure it was when you were young and didn’t have back-pain

clip_image003Medical doctors and Chiropractors are finally catching on and using this method as a treatment with their back pain patients. The results are nothing short of impressive.

Jerry Talisman of Carlsbad California claims: "50 Years of Chronic Back Pain and Sciatica Gone in Just Days!" And tens of thousands of others are reporting similar success using this "formula"...

In my new book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure I do what no one else in the medical community does, and that is put together all of the pieces... see, most people when they have back pain usually get treatments that only mask the pain... and even then, the treatments only address the physical symptoms...

In my new book, I show you:

· Why traditional treatments always FAIL to deliver lasting relief

· The 7 mistakes that most people make that keep them in pain

· How to identify the real, underlying causes of your pain

· Which treatments work, which ones don't and how to know which is right for you

Now Here’s the best part. Right now I am actually giving my new book away for free... you can also buy it on amazon or Barnes & Noble, but if you grab one of the free copies from our website, I am going to donate $2 of the tiny shipping fee to Habitat for Humanity or - you even get to choose the charity!

So, if you suffer from any type of back pain, I highly recommend you go grab yourself a free copy of my book now... and if you get to our website and we are out of free copies, you should go buy it on Amazon... it's that good!

Click here to grab a FREE copy

I'm sure you'll find it helpful, especially if you are in pain now.


Jesse Cannone,
Co-Founder of The Healthy Back Institute

P.S. If you don't have back or neck pain, but you know someone who does, please be sure to forward this to them... I'm sure they'll thank you greatly.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

12 Week Fitness Program Review

Interview With Fitness Guru Charles Prosper Creator of The 12-Week Fit Fast System

P.B. Can you give us some background about yourself?

C.P. Basically, I am your everyday guy, well-educated, working man, who at age 57 discovered something. I wasn't the guy that I was physically only 10 years ago. At 5'9' tall, I was weighing about 195 lbs. That's about 35 lbs. over my ideal weight. When I walked, my thighs were so chubby that they actually rubbed together. I was sometimes afraid to run too fast less I might cause a friction fire between my pants legs.

P.B. What got you started in fitness?

C.P. What got me started into fitness is what I like to call the "day of the van". This is what happened. My daughter, Luzemily who was about 7 years old at the time, said to me. "Daddy, I'll race you to the van." Optimistically, I said, okay, but not knowing that my mind and my body had too different agendas. She said, "Go!" And we took out racing to the parked van only about 20 feet in front of us. Before I got half way, I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, totally out of breath. I said to myself, "Oh, no. Something's wrong with this picture. There is no way that I will let myself deteriorate for the sake of my daughter. For her, I must take care of myself to be around for her as long as possible and as healthy as possible. Thus, I immersed myself in a project to learn the best of anything and everything to do with health, physical fitness and longevity. I came across a book by famed bodybuilder Lee Labrada, "The Lean Body Promise" which totally opened my eyes and changed my life.

Read the rest at Interview with Fitness Guru Charles Prosper

12 Week Fitness Program Review

Interview With Fitness Guru Charles Prosper Creator of The 12-Week Fit Fast System

P.B. Can you give us some background about yourself?

C.P. Basically, I am your everyday guy, well-educated, working man, who at age 57 discovered something. I wasn't the guy that I was physically only 10 years ago. At 5'9' tall, I was weighing about 195 lbs. That's about 35 lbs. over my ideal weight. When I walked, my thighs were so chubby that they actually rubbed together. I was sometimes afraid to run too fast less I might cause a friction fire between my pants legs.

P.B. What got you started in fitness?

C.P. What got me started into fitness is what I like to call the "day of the van". This is what happened. My daughter, Luzemily who was about 7 years old at the time, said to me. "Daddy, I'll race you to the van." Optimistically, I said, okay, but not knowing that my mind and my body had too different agendas. She said, "Go!" And we took out racing to the parked van only about 20 feet in front of us. Before I got half way, I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, totally out of breath. I said to myself, "Oh, no. Something's wrong with this picture. There is no way that I will let myself deteriorate for the sake of my daughter. For her, I must take care of myself to be around for her as long as possible and as healthy as possible. Thus, I immersed myself in a project to learn the best of anything and everything to do with health, physical fitness and longevity. I came across a book by famed bodybuilder Lee Labrada, "The Lean Body Promise" which totally opened my eyes and changed my life.

Read the rest at Interview with Fitness Guru Charles Prosper

Phytoplankton Population Drops

The decline - about 1% per year - could be ecologically significant as plankton sit at the base of marine food chains. Algal blooms can be imaged from space

Algal bloom off British IslesPhytoplankton Population Drops 40 Percent Since 1950

Researchers find trouble among phytoplankton, the base of the food chain, which has implications for the marine food web and the world's carbon cycle.

The amount of phytoplankton - tiny marine plants - in the top layers of the oceans has declined markedly over the last century, research suggests. 

Writing in the journal Nature, scientists say the decline appears to be linked to rising water temperatures.

They made their finding by looking at records of the transparency of sea water, which is affected by the plants.

This is the first study to attempt a comprehensive global look at plankton changes over such a long time scale.


The patient is the best historian

Medical education is a form of brainwashing, not too different than educating future lawyers.  Most higher education is not far removed, because it is the major way, just as in the days of the Guilds, that a trade or profession was continued.  Keeping the education process in a narrow perspective fosters the culture in that field, and perpetuates the lack of growth and change, new ideas, or new approaches.

One thing that used to be a Golden Rule in health care was the importance of listening to your patient.  Today, this is not always possible because of the tight control of the bottom line over health care practices by administrators and insurers, as well as the pharmaceutical companies. 

I listen to my clients and often hear them tell me of their frustration with doctors who look at a computer, not at them, and type while talking. Others just say that the doctor just doesn't listen.  I another case the person has told me that the doctor forces her beliefs against natural treatment and makes this person feel demeaned.  The complaints and horror stories fill a book.

This recent UPI article points to this concern, so perhaps you'll see some effort to begin listening to patients come around once again.

Physicians often misjudge patient beliefs

HERSHEY, Pa., July 28 (UPI) -- Doctors often guess wrong about their patients' health beliefs, U.S. researchers found.

Dr. Richard Street from Texas A&M University in College Station and Dr. Paul Haidet of Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine in Hershey found patients' health beliefs differ from their physicians' perception of these beliefs, and suggest doctors pay more attention to what their patients have to say.

The study, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found physicians generally do not have a good understanding of patient's health beliefs, but their understanding is significantly better when patients more actively participate.

"If physicians had a better understanding of their patients' beliefs about health, they could address any misconceptions or differences of opinion they had with the patient regarding the nature, severity, and treatment of their illnesses as well as make treatment recommendations better suited to the patient's life circumstances," Street said in a statement. "Encouraging the patient to be more involved in the consultation by expressing their beliefs and concerns is one way physicians can gain this understanding."

Street, Haidet and colleagues analyzed 207 audio-recorded physician-patient consultations as well as surveys about the cause, treatment and other aspects of the patients health condition conducted by both physicians and patients after the consultation. Physicians were also asked about how they thought the patients responded.

© 2010 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Back Pain? Sciatica? Grab This Free Book Right Now

I don't know if you saw it, but a few days ago, I emailed you about a great new book called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure"...

Well, it was written by Jesse Cannone. Jesse is recognized as one of the leading back pain relief experts in the world and right now he is giving away FREE copies of this new book.

It's not an eBook or anything like that... it's a real book and it's for sale on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble, but don't go buy it because if you go to his website right now you can get a free copy. You just pay a small shipping fee...

But it gets even better... a portion of your shipping fee is donated to one of two great charities: Habitat for Humanity or - you choose.

Click here to grab a FREE copy

Not only is the book fabulous, but he's done such a great job in taking complicated issues like back pain and the many things that cause it, and he's broken it down into an easy to read and understand book.

I found it very eye-opening and I have already made many changes to my daily routine from how I sit, to what I eat (or don't eat), to how I exercise and more... and I don't have back pain! But I DO want to prevent it.

Plus, what I like most about the book are the "7-Day Action Plans" that he has at the end of the book... so based on your situation or condition, you choose the action plan that's best for you... then all you have to do is follow the steps. For example, if you have a herniated or bulging disc, then use that action plan.... Neck pain? page 172... Sciatica? page 178

So, if you suffer from any type of back pain, I highly recommend you go grab yourself a free copy of his book now... and if you get to his website and they are out of free copies, I'd go buy it on amazon... it's that good!

Click here to grab a FREE copy

I'm sure you'll find it as helpful as I have, especially if you are in pain now.


Arthur M.

P.S. If you don't have back or neck pain, but you know someone who does, please be sure to forward this to them... I'm sure they'll thank you greatly.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dental Health Comes from Good Nutrition

Good dental health really does come from good nutrition, not from fluoride in water, pills or toothpaste.

Other things that make good additions to your dental health program are brushing with plain soap (which isn't bad tasting after you try it) and using calcium lactate powder added to your healthy, additive free toothpaste.

More information can be found here and here

Dental gel could end dental drill use

Published: July 27, 2010 at 11:04 PM

PARIS, July 27 (UPI) -- The dentist's drill may be thing of the past for smaller cavities thanks to a new dental gel that promotes regeneration of teeth, French researchers say.

The gel, containing melanocyte-stimulating hormone, works by encouraging cells in the tooth to multiply. The cells replace the cells in the decayed tissue and the tooth is restored to a healthy tooth.

Researchers at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research in Paris investigated the regenerative properties of the hormone and found it effective in producing new cells.

In addition to replacing traditional fillings, the gel may end the need for the dentist's drill in certain circumstances, but the treatment is not suitable for severe decay.

The findings are published in the American Chemical Society journal.

© 2010 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A Question Regarding Lithium

During the past 24 hours a Natural Health News reader was searching for information about the use of lithium and any connection it may have with Alzheimer's Disease.

Lithium is often used in mental health for people with the alleged diagnosis of Bipolar dis-order or also referred to as manic-depressive illness.

Using lithium has some serious side effects to consider, the major one leading to severe thyroid problems. Regular blood testing is required. Lithium toxicity is a risk as is retention with diuretic use or kidney function issues.

Proper function of the thyroid is important in aging and memory issues. I have mentioned many times that in the past those physicians who were well educated about aging and dementia routinely prescribed vitamin B12 shots and natural thyroid.  Dementia was very infrequent during this time, about 40-60 years ago.  Some more informed physicians today are returning to this protocol.

Acute Lithium Intoxification

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Natural Health News: Health Concerns for Gulf Coast Residents

UPDATE: 25 August 
A new study has found a higher incidence of respiratory problems and chromosomal changes to white blood cells among fishermen who helped clean up a 2002 oil spill off the Spanish coast, providing a guide to potential flashpoints that may arise as federal scientists begin studying the long-term health of responders to this summer's Gulf of Mexico gusher.
The exposed workers were examined two years after their contact with spilled oil, when "a greater proportion" of that group was found to still experience respiratory symptoms such as wheezing and nighttime shortness of breath, the study's authors wrote. Chromosomal abnormalities in white blood cells, considered a potential marker for heightened cancer risk, was also detected at higher rates in fishermen who regularly came in contact with oil during cleanup work.

UPDATE: 21 August 
Oil Enters Food Chain: The recent discovery of trace amounts of oil in blue crab larvae has left experts forecasting dire news for the Gulf ecosystem. It’s evidence that the oil from the spill loosed from the Deepwater Horizon explosion has already begun working its way up the food chain — where it could be fatal to animals who ingest it. Read more...

Newly Discovered Oil-Eating Microbe Flourishing in Gulf -

WASHINGTON (Aug. 24) -- A newly discovered type of oil-eating microbe is suddenly flourishing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientists discovered the new microbe while studying the underwater dispersion of millions of gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf following the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.

n this undated image provide by the journal Science, microbes degrade oil, indicated by the circle of dashes, in the deepwater plume from the BP oil spill in the Gulf.
Science / AAAS / AP
In this image provide by the journal Science, microbes degrade oil, indicated by the circle of dashes, in the deepwater plume from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as documented in a study by Berkeley Lab researchers.
And the microbe works without significantly depleting oxygen in the water, researchers led by Terry Hazen at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., reported Tuesday in the online journal Sciencexpress.
UPDATE: 3 August

Public Health - Many of you have written to us asking about the health effects of oil and dispersants to cleanup workers and communities. You can read about potential health hazards here: If you suspect you are ill from chemical exposure, you may contact detox specialists at The Environmental Health Center - Dallas. For other health resources, click here.

UPDATE FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS! - Dr. Michael Harbut has provided up-to-date information for physicians. Michael R. Harbut, M.D., M.P.H. is a Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at Wayne State University, Director of the Karmanos Cancer Institute's Environmental Cancer Program & Past Chair of the Occupational & Environmental Medicine section of the American College of Chest Physicians.  He is Chief at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, P.C. and has treated many patients with solvents and petroleum exposures.  Click here to read Dr. Harbut's recommendations.

What Are the Potential Physical Health Effects From the Gulf Oil Spill?

An Expert Interview With Vikas Kapil, DO, MPH, From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Monday, July 26, 2010

7 Key Factors for a Perfect Workout

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Here are, in order, the 7 key phases you need to go through in order to have the perfect "fat burning, lean body sculpting" workout.

1 - Self-Massage

I've been doing this half-heartedly for years, but recently started taking this more seriously, using a foam roller, tennis ball, and Acuball to "tenderize" my muscles prior to training. I'll do some videos and articles on this soon, I promise.

2 - Mobility Warm-up

Just like you see in all of the TT workouts, I use bodyweight exercises, dynamic stretches, and even static stretches prior to training - depending on my needs or my client's needs.

3 - Explosive Exercise

Before I hit my main strength exercise, I'll do a jump exercise (if I am focusing on a lower body workout) or a medicine ball throw (if I'm focusing on bench presses or military presses).

You've already used TT programs with jumps, but expect more medicine ball throws soon.

4 - Main Exercise

Now I move to the main exercise, such as squats, deadlifts or bench presses (and military presses or handstand pushups).

In your TT workouts, you'll start with a superset of the most important exercises as your main lifts.

5 - Assistance Exercises

We're about 15-20 minutes into a workout by now, and this is where I'll add assistance exercises for my strength work or metabolic circuits for a fat loss program.

6 - Ab Endurance Exercises

Personally, I've been doing a lot of the basics - planks, side planks, Stability Ball planks, and rollouts. In TT programs, you get a little more variety, including TRX or Ball Pikes, plus Jackknives, cross-body mountain climbers, etc.

Just remember, you do NOT need (or want) to do crunches or sit-ups.

7 - Interval Training

If you are new to interval training, just listen to what Turbulence Training Transformation Contest Winner Charles Hiller has to say about it:

"Interval training, has opened my mind up to a better way of getting in shape and loosing weight. I am spending much less time in the gym, and obtaining results that I never thought possible - over 30 pounds in 6 weeks with TT. I have more energy, feel better, and no longer suffer bouts of depression. TT and intervals gave me back my life."

And from Turbulence Training fan, Annette Hall:

"As an aerobics teacher since the age of 16, it has been extremely hard for me to accept that Intervals are the most effective fat burning method of training. However, I realized after reading on the TT site that if aerobics were effective I should have been as thin as a stick and I wasn't! Since switching to intervals and TT workouts I have not only lost over 28 pounds, I am fitter than I have ever been and am wondering why people bother with aerobics for fat loss!"

Interval training is powerful and proven, and is an essential part of the perfect workout. If you aren't using interval training in your workouts, make sure you get the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss System to discover how to boost your fat burning with intervals today!


Here are a few specific programs that may interest you:

TT Hardcore 2K10

TT Adrenaline Workout Program

Bodyweight Cardio 3