Monday, July 5, 2010

Monster Arms Workout

Do not exceed more than 6 sets on the biceps and triceps and keep the
reps within the range of 6 to 10, increasing the weight each workout
for maximum results. Strict form is essential, no jerking or swinging
movements, concentrate on the arm muscles.

Biceps Exercises

Exercise 1 - 21`s

This exercise will give an incredible bicep pump. Start with a lightly
loaded barbell arms fully extended downwards. Raise the barbell to waist
height slowly and hold for 1 second, then lower to the starting point.
Repeat this seven times, on the final rep hold the barbell at waist
height then raise the barbell to just below the chin hold for 1 second
then lower to waist height repeat this 7 times. On the final rep lower
the barbell all the way down to arms fully extended then raise the
barbell all the way to just under the chin and repeat for 7 reps.

Exercise 2 - Hammer Curls

Lay on a 30 degree inclined bench, use a pair of moderately weighted
dumbbells heavy enough so as you can just manage 10 reps with full
effort. Extend your arms fully down and rotate the dumbells so that
your knuckles are facing forward. Slowly raise and rotate the
dumbells, as you get to the mid position rotate the dumbells so
that your palms are facing upward. Raise the dumbells fully and
hold for a second then lower to the starting position and repeat
10 times for 3 sets.

Tricep Exercises

Exercise 1 - Close Grip Bench

Lay flat on a bench and use a narrow grip (12 inches apart) on a
moderately weighted barbell. Lift the barbell off the stands to full
arm extension slowly lower the barbell to your chest then press
the barbell to full arm extension tensing the triceps as you do so.
Repeat this for 8 to 10 reps and for 3 sets.

Exercise 2 - EZ Triceps Extensions

Lay on a flat bench and grasp a moderately weighted EZ bar. Use a
narrow grip and push the bar to full extension above your chest.
Keeping your elbows stationery lower the bar until it touches the
brow of your head. Then keeping your elbows as close together as
possible press the bar back to the starting position and repeat
8 to 10 times for 3 sets increasing the weight each time.

After your workout have one of these Great Tasting High Protein Shake Recipes

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