Friday, November 21, 2008

7 Benefits to Using a Heart Monitor When Working Ou

Heart monitors are such devices which are used to measure and record the rate of your heart during your strenuous exercise period. These types of devices give you instant feedback on the level of your work out, with the help of which you can plan your total work out procedure. In one way or the other, heart monitor serves the purpose as the most effective ways of developing and tracking your progress during your work out sessions.

There are galore of benefits of using a heart monitor when working out, some of them are as follows:

Ease and accuracy

No doubt, heart monitors makes recording and tracking of your pulses and other important parameters very easy. If you stop after every workout session for counting your pulse, your heart rate as well as your work out gets disturbed. These things do not happen in heart monitors. More so, you can be well assured of the accuracy compared to other manual methods.

Prevent Over-Training

You can also use the heart monitor to over-train yourself, which in turn means efficiency maximization and injury minimization. Moreover, with the help of your heart rate monitor, you can avoid depleting the stored glycogen in your body. This un-depleted glycogen keeps your body fit for intense workouts and at the same time you won't have to take unexpected leave from your workout due to fatigue and stress.

Prevent Under-training

Set a goal of minimum heart rate in your heart rate monitor and whenever you will fall short of that stipulated heart rate, an alarm will automatically remind you of the same. In short, it acts as a coach which would also remind when you have to increase the pace and when you have to decrease it.


With heart rate monitors, you can pace your training run just according to your cardio-vascular needs and requirements.

Fitness monitor

You will also be able to monitor your cardio vascular fitness and more so, you will be able to set up a goal for your cardio vascular fitness. Is it not great?

Workout schedule

Heart rate monitors also enables you to schedule your workout in a proper and effective manner. This proper scheduling would be an add-on to your strenuous workout.


It does not matter whether you wear a heart rate monitor for workout or for running; it would add an extra twist to your tiring and arduous schedules.

In a nutshell, you have a lot of benefits from heart rate monitor but make sure that it is not the only thing while you are out on a workout. Do not forget to take help from a workout specialist.

Joshua MCWhorter has been working in the home fitness industry for nearly two decades. FitMed Inc is a national mail order/internet business and has been serving the fitness consumer and fitness professional since 1991. Offering the highest quality customer service and product support available in industry. Find your heart rate monitors at

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