Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Splenda Lawsuit Agreement Not to be Disclosed

Yes sucralose, or Splenda, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon first developed as an insecticide. We certainly wonder why the terms of the settlement are confidential as the data may impact consumer health and should be public.

I does have some untoward effects on health which may have been concealed from the FDA at the time the manufacturer was seeking approval.

Splenda is known to cause seizures, shrinkage of the thymus gland, effects endocrine function, may lead to liver swelling and calcification of the kidneys. The chemical structure is 1,6chloro-1,6-dideoxy-beta-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranoside. More information on sucralose can be found here: Holistic Med.

Safeer and natural sweeteners are agave, Just Like Sugar or stevia.

McNeil Nutritionals and the Sugar Association Inc. jointly announced Monday that they have reached a settlement of a lawsuit regarding the sugar substitute Splenda marketed by McNeil.

Terms of the settlement are being kept confidential.

The association sued McNeil in 2004 claiming McNeil falsely promoted Splenda as a natural product “made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar.” The association argued in its lawsuit that Splenda is actually a chlorinated, artificial sweetener.

McNeil filed its own lawsuit against the Sugar Association in 2005 accusing the association of conducting a “smear campaign” against Splenda and creating a Web site,, that contained allegedly false statements about the product.

The details of the settlement agreement have been filed at U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

The Sugar Association, a Washington, D.C., trade group that represents the sugar industry, and McNeil said they have agreed to make no additional comments on the terms of the settlement.

McNeil Nutritionals, of Fort Washington, Pa., is a division of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) of New Jersey.

Philadelphia Business Journal - November 17, 2008
© American City Business Journals Inc.

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