Monday, February 23, 2009

Get In Shape Exercise Tips - Getting In Shape By Setting Goals

If you have never heard of the book "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" I strongly suggest that you take a look at it some time. While the book is mainly intended as a business book there are nonetheless some very good points that apply to life in general. According to the book, one of the habits of highly effective people is setting goals and sticking to them.

Goal setting is easily one of the greatest keys to attaining success, whether it is financial success or physical fitness success. If it helps, you can kind of your goals as sort of a road map. After all, if you don't have a destination in mind then you are probably never going to get anywhere or make anything happen.

But once you do know where you are going actually getting there and planning the journey becomes much easier. Written goals will help develop your motivation and your persistence to attain those goals. Taking the time to write out your goals will also help you envision the future self that you want to become and light a fire under your rear to actually achieve what you have envisioned.

So what is the best way to go about setting your goals so that you can get in shape and pack on muscle mass? One of the best ways is to follow the formula laid in "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People."

Here is how the formula breaks down:

1. Define exactly what is that you want and don't scrimp on the details
2. Determine what it is you intend to sacrifice to attain what you desire. And yes, attaining goals usually entails sacrifice.
3. Set a realistic date that you intend to achieve your goals.
4. Create a detailed plan of how exactly you intend to achieve your goals and, as with defining your goals, don't scrimp on the details.
5. Compile all of the above into just a few sentences
6. Read the compiled statement out loud at least twice a week.

By following this tried and true goal setting formula you will essentially be implanting into your subconscious mind your conscious goals. In so doing, your muscle building goals will become next to impossible to shake, increasing the probability of actually achieving those goals.

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