Saturday, February 21, 2009

New orthopaedic procedure for faster healing, perhaps

When I developed my xtreme sports formula in 2004, one of the things we discovered in some cases being followed by MDs, is that fracture healing increased between 30-40% when the athletes continued using ADVENTURX.

This wasn't a double blind study (actually these can be manipulated readily to achieve a specific outcome), just based on information received on these cases.

Perhaps it would be beneficial for other non-surgical approaches.
Long bone fractures heal faster after injections of bone-building cells.

Cell Injections Accelerate Fracture Healing

ScienceDaily (2009-02-21) -- Long bone fractures heal faster after injections of bone-building cells. New research has shown that osteoblast cells cultured from a patient's own bone marrow can be injected into the fracture area and can speed the healing process. ... > read full article

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