Sunday, March 1, 2009

Protein For Fat Loss - How Protein Helps You Burn Fat

More often than not, when you think about fat loss diet plans you likely only consider the foods you should avoid. This is an easy thing to do considering one of the principal reasons for excessive weight gain is overeating. While minimizing your intake of saturated fats and simple sugars is always advisable when trying lose body fat, adding certain things to your diet will also help you reduce body fat.

High quality protein is certainly one of the food stuffs that your diet should have large quantities of. Bodybuilders have actually long known the fat loss and muscle building benefits of protein. Protein like the kind found in meat, poultry, and fish is a macronutrient that generally contains 4 calories per gram of protein.

In many ways protein forms the foundation of your entire body's metabolic processes. Protein also regulates the growth and development of the cells found in the muscle tissue, epidermis (skin), and eyes. In addition, protein is also involved in the maintenance of the entire circulatory system. In fact every single cell of the human body contains some amount of simple protein. Unlike carbohydrates which are stored within the muscle tissue, protein is not stored and must therefore be regularly replaced through your food intake.

Here are three reasons why a diet high in protein will aid your efforts to reduce body fat:

1. Increases Body Temperature - Protein actually causes the core temperature of your body to increase which in biology jargon is called "thermogenics". The average core body temperature for a human is 98.6 degrees but as this temperature rises, even by less than 1 degree Fahrenheit, the body's metabolism also rises and this causes calories to be burned more rapidly, even in a state of rest.

2. Increases A Sense Of Fullness - When you slash calories to lose weight your body will often feel a sense of nagging hunger. Because of the way protein is absorbed by the body, a high protein diet will actually decrease the feeling of hunger and make you feel more full. This means you can eat less and still feel full.

3. Protein Builds Muscle - Your body's natural metabolism is determined by several factors including the amount of muscle tissue found on the body. Therefore the more muscle you have on your body the faster your metabolism will process body fat and calories.

The best sources of naturally occurring protein are found in chicken breasts, turkey breasts, fish, egg whites, red meat, cottage cheese, and low fat milk.

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