Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cheat Your Way Through the Holidays? (YES!)

Over the past few weeks I’m sure you’ve been hearing a ton about my good friend and diet “guru” Joel Marion’s re-release of the Cheat Your Way Thin program for the holidays, and how you can actually LOSE weight this holiday season by strategically enjoying all your favorite holiday foods.

Well, the wait is over! The CYWT Holiday Edition is now ready to go – on sale TODAY (at less than half price via this exclusive invitation), November 24th, 2009!

==> http://bit.ly/6eGFjm

WARNING: The less than half price sale will be live through Thursday, but you’re going to want to make sure you grab your copy *today*, and for two reasons.

For anyone who orders today (Tuesday), and today only, you’re going to get not one, but TWO special bonuses that no one else will get:

1. Bonus #1: A 90-minute Q&A coaching call with Joel AND fat loss expert Vince DelMonte. Vince just used Joel’s exact program to drop down to an all time low 5% body fat for his upcoming photo shoot in the Dominican (while eating WHATEVER he wanted every 5th day), and both he and Joel will be hosting a 90-minute Q&A call exclusive to those who order today, and today ONLY.

2. Bonus #2: A 20-page PDF of a recent (never published) interview that author Tom Venuto conducted with Joel, *grilling* him with his toughest questions, causing Joel to dig deeper into the science behind the Cheat Your Way Thin program than he ever has before, revealing a slew of new, powerful, never-before-seen information. It’s called “The Leptin Chronicles” and if you’re serious about dropping body fat FAST this holiday season, you’re going to want to get access to this interview by acting today.

http://bit.ly/6eGFjm <== Get Both Bonuses (Today ONLY)

Now, in case you’ve missed out on the ridiculous buzz that literally everyone all over the internet has been talking about for the past two weeks, Joel’s program, based on 6 years of his own research, SHOWS you exactly how you can use your favorite foods to “trick” your body into losing fat faster.

And that’s NO joke. Just click on the “research” tab at the site and you’ll see that there’s enough medical research to back up this program 100 times over (actually, it’s 308 studies worth).

==> http://bit.ly/6eGFjm

And if that’s not enough to convince you to act today, he’s also including a KILLER bonus for the holidays (and this is *really* cool):

The Strategic Holiday Cheat Calendar – With this calendar, Joel has mapped out every single day of the next 6 weeks (from Thanksgiving through the first week of January) with each and every holiday reserved as a Cheat Day. And then he shows you exactly how to structure the rest of the program around each holiday cheat to maximize fat loss more than you ever could by "dieting" or depriving yourself.

Essentially, it’s a complete blueprint for you to lose up to 21 lbs of blubber this holiday season (while everyone else GAINS those same pounds) without ever missing out on a single holiday meal, party, or dessert!

Oh, and did I mention that the program starts with your first BIG Cheat Day – Thanksgiving!

http://bit.ly/6eGFjm <== Go Now!

If you’re ready to cheat your way through the holidays this year while being AHEAD of the game (with the easiest, most effective, and fun method possible) come Jan 1st, then you need to get over to the site and reserve your copy of the full Cheat Your Way Thin system (and the holiday bonuses) today.

Remember, both fast action bonuses are for individuals who invest in the system today ONLY.

Don’t miss out (and please, DON’T get stuck paying full price):

==> http://bit.ly/6eGFjm

Here’s to easily losing weight this holiday season!

Your friend,

Arthur M.

P.S. Why are you still reading this?! Go now!

==> http://bit.ly/6eGFjm

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