Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Top 10 Transformation Fat Loss Tips

A group of women dedicated to achieving their fitness and fat loss goals this fall just crossed the finish line completing the 12 Week "Get Back To Fit" Fall Transformation Challenge.

To help celebrate as well as motivate others to take action on their goals, these women made a list of their most helpful fat loss tips and strategies....

...actions taken to help lose 10-15 pounds, 3-5 inches off their mommy belly, skyrocket their energy levels and even wear a bikini for the first time with confidence.

These ladies have shared their Must Have Tips creating a "Top 10" list so you can give your fat loss plan a jump start and look your very best this holiday season!

Top 10 Transformation Fat Loss Tips

Don't wing it.

I would have given up if I was weighing myself every day! That is what sabotaged me in the past.

3. Social support is crucial.
If you don't have someone to cheer you on, it's going to be one hundred times harder than it needs to be. If I didn't have this support there is no way I would have finished.

4. Keep a DETAILED journal
And Be Honest - no sense fooling yourself.

5. Think positive.
Some days are harder than others; when you have a bad day, forgive yourself for the mistakes you made and move on.

6. Consistency.
In workouts, in eating, in all of it. Get back on the nutrition/workout wagon, even if you fell off one day.

7. Keep only supportive food in the house all the time, and make sure you eat enough of it.

8. Be teachable.
Don't ever think you know it all or know better.

9. Look for inspiration wherever possible.
Be an inspiration magnet! Reach out to your support system, get encouragement when needed, give it every chance you get, look for quotes, create vision boards, make a goals list of things that really get you excited and read it often.

10. Take it day by day.
12 weeks seems like a long time but in the end it totally flies! Take it one day at a time and you will be victorious in making it to the end!

We are after all in a fun journey.If there is ever a slip up, calm down , own up and get back up!

Congratulations to ALL the women who completed the 12 Week "Get Back To Fit" Fall Transformation Challenge!

VOTE HERE for the Yummy-est Fit Yummy Mummy!

Vote => http://www.fityummymummy.com/cbae/?a=vzkJ5U&p=5


Arthur M.

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