Monday, December 14, 2009

10 Tips For a Happy and Healthy Holiday

The Dad Fitness Top 10 Tips For a Happy and Healthy Holiday
by Sean Barker, CPT

1. Get Real

Once Christmas Eve hits forget about LOSING weight for the next few weeks and focus on GAINING some quality time with your family and friends. Wether its the numbers on the bar or the numbers on the scale you need a mental break as well as a physical break from all those ball busting efforts with the weights. Get in as many short workouts as you can during the 12 days of Christmas and get back on track come January 5th.

2. Fit Finances

Most of our pockets took a hard hit from the economy this year so make sure to create a holiday shopping budget that you can stick to. Put aside the amount in CASH for each person on your wish list and find a gift based on the budget allowed, not the other way around. Don't be left lifting heavy credit card bills come 2010.

3. The Man With a Plan 

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". Decide what reward meals you are going to have such as Christmas Dinner, New Years Eve or the office party. Stick to a couple special occasions and follow a healthy plan for the days in between to avoid the bad tasting food guilt.

4. Size Does Matter

If you're hitting the belly busting buffet at your next holiday party, use the smaller appetizer plates so you can fill up your plate and not feel bad about going back for seconds as it will only equal the caloric equivalent of one dinner plate of food.

5. The Gift of Gravity

I know the gym will probably be closed a lot during the holidays. But remember with bodyweight exercises you don't need to go to the gym to burn up some extra calories.  Before you start your busy day of putting up Christmas lights or getting some last minute shopping done, drop down and give me 20! With some basic bodyweight exercises of pushups, prisoner squats and abdominal planks you can get a great workout done in less than 15 minutes with NO equipment. Or you can save your energy for the dance floor!

6. Think Before You Drink.

If you are drinking down some Christmas cheer, beware. One regular beer contains 150 calories and a glass of eggnog 350 calories! Stick to light beers, spirits with diet soda or a glass of dark red wine. Make sure to drink a tall glass of water before bed and upon waking to avoid a "heavy head" the next morning.

7. Mingle Don't Pringle.

It's hard to have a decent conversation with a mouthful of potato chips, so focus on the festivities, not the food. Enjoy good conversation and catch up with some old friends that you haven't seen much all year - you'll spend less time eating and more time enjoying yourself.

8. Don't Run on Empty.

Don't allow yourself to go too long in between meals. If you let yourself get too hungry especially this time of year, you will pay for it dearly when you try to tighten your belt come January. Make sure to eat your 3 regular meals each day plus 2 snacks to keep you shopping without dropping.

9. Winter Workouts

If you are lucky enough to have a white Christmas in your neck of the woods put it to good use, everything is just plain harder in the snow. Even walking through a couple feet of snow gets you huffing and puffing which means you burn a ton more calories! Get outdoors with your family during the holidays for some sliding, skiing or skating, which are all great winter time workouts.

10. Smart Snacking

When you are entertaining guests or you are attending parties elsewhere you can still enjoy some finger foods, just be smart about your choices. Avoid the artery clogging chips, dips and deep fried foods. Chow down on fiber filling veggies, protein rich cheese, shrimp and nuts and even some dark chocolate and fresh fruit for added antioxidants.

Get your FREE report "The Truth On Fat Loss, How To Finally Lose That Beer Belly" from Sean Barker at

Sean is a Certified Personal Trainer and a proud and busy Dad. Sean has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years and have appeared in High Performance Muscle Magazine, been on health and fitness radio shows and was selected as a sponsored athlete by one of the top supplement nutrition companies in the world. His popular Dad Fitness fat loss workouts have helped Dads around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 3 hours per week. For more information on the Dad Fitness workouts that will help you burn fat without spending hours in the gym, visit

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