Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Did you see what's coming in 2010?




No, these aren't words to describe the latest train-wreck reality show on TV...

...instead, these are just 3 of the amazing new workouts coming in 2010 from Turbulence Training.

2010 is going to be one of the most exciting years of your life when it comes to workouts because Craig Ballantyne, creator of Turbulence Training has just released his 2010 cool workout line-up.

With names like Adrenaline, Addiction, Transformation, and many others, you just know they are going to be the best workouts you've ever done.

Craig also has a huge list of exciting updates for 2010 that you're going to love. Check them out on his blog here:


There's going to be a lot of crazy adventures and you're going to burn fat with Adrenaline, Addiction, the new Hard-Core program, and 21 other workouts...

And let him know on the blog if you have any workout suggestions,

Arthur M.

PS - There's just one thing...

...these workouts are ONLY available to Turbulence Training Members.

But you can become a TT Member for free for 30 days when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training for 50% off today:


And soon you'll have the TT Transformation program too.

PPS - Craig promises that the TT Transformation program will be out by January 15th, 2010...

...just in time for you to use for the 7th TT Transformation Contest where you could win up to $1000 just for losing your belly fat.

Find out more when you become a TT Member today.

But hurry, the 50% Turbulence Training sale is only available until Friday, January 1st.

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