Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A crazy trick to reach your weight goal!

There are many reasons people give for "why" their fat-burning program "didn't work".

  *  "The diet was too hard."

  *  "I couldn't get to the gym enough."

  *  "My family and friends don't support me."

  *  The list goes on!

But the truth is that "most" fitness programs WILL work if you "work them", right?

So if you want MY opinion...

The #1 reason most people fail in reaching their goals is because they make it "ok" to let themselves down!

Think about it...

If you're the only one who's "watching" to see how well you stick to your program, so what if you fall off the wagon and sneak a few extra cookies or skip a few days (weeks?) at the gym?

Who cares?

Sure, YOU should care.  But if you fail, you fail and if you're the only one who knows about your goal, then there's no embarrassment in not making it this time.

Maybe "next time", right?

Sound familiar?  I'm sure it does to some of you.

Well, yesterday a friend of mine, Jeff Anderson, was telling me about this company that built a website that allows you to literally BET that you'll lose the weight!

What they've done is structured a bank draft off of your account that contributes an amount of money you decide on to a cause that you HATE!

A friend or family member keeps you honest with weekly weigh-ins and if you don't make your goal, then * ZAP *, $20 goes to the George W. Bush Presidential Library (if you're a lefty Democrat)...

...or * WHOOSH *, the Clinton Library sends you a big old "thank you" for your contribution (if you're a conservative Republican)!

Pretty funny, eh?

There are several different arrangements to set up, but the bottom line is this...

...to succeed in your weight loss program, you must make yourself accountable to someone OTHER than yourself!

Make your goal PUBLIC by telling your friends, family, co-workers, dog, cat, goldfish...EVERYONE...how many pounds you're trying to strip off. (Be specific!)

Sure, it takes GUTS to put yourself out there like that, but you have to ask yourself...

...are you really SERIOUS about losing the weight this time?


But here's ANOTHER incentive for  
reaching your fitness goals in 2010...


That friend I told you about? Jeff Anderson?

Well, he's also the creator of a best-selling fat-loss program called "Combat The Fat".

Each year he holds a special "Average Joe & Jane 12-Week Transformation Contest" to PERSONALLY coach you to your best body EVER!

This year he's even DOUBLED the amount of prize money he's giving away.

And here's the cool part...

...HE isn't the one doing the judging...YOU ARE!

Because at the end of 12 weeks, he's going to post ALL of the "before & after" pictures up on the web and the WORLD is going to vote for who THEY felt had the best "body transformation".

It doesn't matter if you have 10 lbs to lose or 100 lbs...EVERYONE has the same exact chance of winning because it's NOT about "washboard abs"...it's about changing your body...and changing your LIFE.

So what do the winners get?

1st Place Transformation Winner gets up to $1,000  
2nd Place Transformation Winner gets up to $500  
3rd Place Transformation Winner gets up to $250

Plus...there are separate categories for men and women so you have an even better chance of getting picked!

Wait, it get's even better...

Jeff is even personally COACHING all of the contestants for the 12 weeks of the contest so you get someone to walk you every step of the way to your dream body!

Here's a link to where you can find all of the details on what you need to do to join:


Full Entry Details Are At:

==>  http://bit.ly/6hAbSw


Look...even if you DON'T care about winning the money, just setting this kind of a GOAL for yourself is INCREDIBLY MOTIVATING!

It gives you something to really shoot for and hold yourself accountable to.

This ALONE is worth getting involved in the contest!

And I've seen Jeff hold this type of contest before and he really MEANS it when he says it's for the "Average Joe & Jane"!

The contestants are NOT "fitness models" and many are largely overweight.

It doesn't matter...it's all about REAL PEOPLE making REAL CHANGES!

So again, go on over and join the program so you can enter the contest, ok?

Here's the link again...


Full Entry Details Are At:

==> http://bit.ly/6hAbSw


[Note: This posting is intended to make you aware of the availability of this program. It’s not a personal endorsement! As always please note the Compensated Affiliate Disclosure at the sidebar!]

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