Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Institute Family Fitness Time

Everyone needs physical activity in their daily lives. Exercise is not just for people trying to lose weight or get ripped. One way to have together time with family and stay healthy is to institute a family fitness time.

These days, even our kids are busy. They have homework, afterschool activities and friends that they like to hang out with. Our day is slammed as well. When we do get to come together, family time is important. To ensure that you get family time each day, though you are busy, let that time do double duty.

When your schedule is packed, any time that can serve dual purposes is a ray of light. Instead of you trying to find time to exercise alone, get the entire family together to exercises. This way, each person gets activity and you can use the time to bond.

Increase Motivation & Hold Each Other Accountable

One of the hardships of working out alone is that there is no motivation or accountability. Friends may work out with you sometimes but they have families too. With your own family, you have built-in motivators for each other. What was once seen as a chore is now fun family time because you are tackling it together.

Family fitness time has many benefits:

· Everyone participates and gains better fitness

· You can challenge each other

· You are more aware of the importance of eating well

· Your schedules can handle it

You have constant support 24/7. Instead of thirty minutes, you can stretch that time to an hour if you want to. Here are some suggestions for workouts as a family:

· Do a DVD workout

· Go bike riding

· Lift weights together

· Play video games that allow you to get up and move during play.

Each person can pick an exercise they love to do and introduce it to the group. On different days, let someone else lead your workout session. Each person stays involved and everyone benefits from the workout.

Weight training is for young and old alike. You, the kids and your spouse can spot each other and grow strong together. When everyone is involved, you can set up a dedicated area in your home for it. Dumbbells don’t take up much space and are not expensive. Be sure to have a variety of weight amounts in order to have the right weights for each age, but also to allow for growth.

No time to exercise in your busy day? Chances are there are others in your family that need the physical activity but have limited time as well. Decide to exercise together as a family to carve out the time you need to stay healthy. Not only do you benefit by being healthier, but the people you love the most do the same, and you get to spend quality time together to boot.

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