Monday, March 16, 2009

What People are Looking For: Chronic Pain

UPDATE:March 23 - It may be that this works, however consider that the amount of Vitamin D varies depending on geography. The farther north in latitude you live and the less sunlight you receive, the more vitamin D you need. In some cases, however, people have an exccess level, so the caveat should be to get a test first.
25-hydroxyvitamin D is used to determine if bone weakness, bone malformation, or abnormal metabolism of calcium (reflected by abnormal calcium, phosphorus, PTH) is occurring as a result of a deficiency or excess of vitamin D.
And remember: Vitamin D is a FAT soluble vitamin/hormone and it requires a healthy gut, healthy thyroid/parathyroid and calcium (phosphorus and magnesium too), as well as sunlight, to work effectively in the body. Usually the government RDA level is much too low to be therapeutic, especially if you are a person of color.
Chronic pain linked to low vitamin D
ROCHESTER, Minn., March 23 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers found a correlation between inadequate vitamin D levels and the amount of narcotic medication taken by patients who have chronic pain.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found chronic pain patients who required narcotic pain medication, and who also had inadequate levels of vitamin D, were taking much higher doses of pain medication -- nearly twice as much -- as those who had adequate levels.

The study, published in the journal Pain Medicine, also found the patients with the lower levels of vitamin D self-reported worse physical functioning and worse overall health perception.

"This is an important finding as we continue to investigate the causes of chronic pain," lead author Dr. Michael Turner said in a statement. "Vitamin D is known to promote both bone and muscle strength. Conversely, deficiency is an under-recognized source of diffuse pain and impaired neuromuscular functioning. By recognizing it, physicians can significantly improve their patients' pain, function and quality of life."

The researchers studied 267 chronic pain patients admitted to the Mayo Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center from February-December 2006. Vitamin D levels at the time of admission were compared to other parameters such as the amount and duration of narcotic pain medication usage; self-reported levels of pain, emotional distress, physical functioning and health perception; and demographic information such as gender, age, diagnosis and body mass index.

If I knew exactly what people are looking for I could probably buy a tropical island and go live the party life. I might enjoy it for a day or two but then I'd get bored and have to get creative so I'd have something meaningful to do.

I think running this blog is meaningful, and sometimes I find a query by a reader I think is important enough, so I'll add a comment and hope the information makes a difference for at least one person.

In the midst of the flurry of activity on Natural Health News I noticed some one searching to information about chronic pain.

Pain is a very personal issue because of individual tolerance and what has been found to be useful. It also depends on culture, education and socialization, and it has a deep, emotional component.

I know there are a plethora of drugs that could be prescribed, but I am not a fan of drugs. What is termed "self-medication" (often in a derogatory way) can refer to alcohol or other drugs, even self-mutilation.

Today I was listening to some continuing education seminars from the pain foundation. The first wasn't too bad but it really excluded a lot of what the speaker termed CAM, alternative or integrative medicine.

I don't like any of those terms because it tells me that mainstream medicine just doesn't understand a lick about natural healing.

The second was a presentation, again by a nurse, focused on fibromyalgia, and all of it was drug based. What frustration.

Had it been my presentation I would have looked at acupuncture, the Y-Dan exercise tape, hydrotherapy, herbs, spiritual phyto-essencing, homeopathy, and not to be the last on a list to any extent, flower essences.

I've developed some pretty effective natural remedies in all the years I've been in this field. One of the best isn't one of my originals but it is one I educate people about on may occasions.

The nice part about it is that it doesn't interfere with drugs (Rx) and it really works. The best part is that it was hospital tested ( wink, wink for all the doubting mainstream types like the "doctors" blog I found today that ripped every natural remedy on that fallacious argument that there is no science behind it).

This very simple, natural remedy for pain is flower essence of impatiens. Bach called it equal to or better than morphine. It can be used as often as every five minutes with no untoward effects.

There are some other essences that can be used for pain as well, but I think it is best to start simply.

For Impatiens, my choice is Healing Herbs brand, as they are made true to the way in which Bach created them by hand.

You can find more about the essences here

Pain suffered by NHS patients is not taken seriously enough, says Sir Liam Donaldson
Chronic pain suffered by millions is not being taken seriously enough with specialist services remaining a 'cinderella and neglected area of healthcare', Sir Liam Donaldson said.

by Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor, The Telegraph, UK
16 Mar 2009

Around eight million people in the UK suffer with chronic pain, with children affected as well as the elderly.

But only 14 per cent of people with pain see a specialist in the area because services do not have the capacity to keep up with demand, the report said.

"Although we now have effective means of tacking both pain and the consequences of pain, services have not kept up with demand and too many people struggle to cope with their symptoms," Sir Liam said in the foreword to his annual report.

All healthcare professionals should be trained in chronic pain, inpatients should have their pain score monitored closely and rapid access pain clinics should be set up nationally, Sir Liam said.

He also called for greater support for men diagnosed with prostate cancer to help them decide if they want to have their cancer treated aggressively and risk the side effects or adopt a watch-and-wait approach.

Unlike most other forms of the disease prostate cancer is split into 'tigers' which are aggressive and potentially life threatening, and 'pussycats' which grow very slowly and may never cause harm in the patient's lifetime.

In the UK around 26,000 men are diagnosed with localised prostate cancer, which may indicate a pussycat form of the condition. Surgery and radiotherapy often clear the tumour but carry a risk of impotency and incontinence, he said.

The decision to have treatment has been described as 'hellish' by patient, Sir Liam said.

See also: Pain Free Naturally

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