Tuesday, April 28, 2009


UPDATE: 10 August - Since this article was posted in April we have added numerous articles regarding this issue so please that the time to look for these new and important posts: Search for Flu, Swine Flu, Vitamin C, Dr. Levy, FluMist, Tamiflu, Relenza, Flu Shot or related titles.
Suggestion from orthomolecular expert Dr Phil Bate -

Besides washing your hands and wearing a mask (which isn't much good).

Vitamin C is a viricide, but it has to be taken often and in amounts to kill the virus. That means that it has to be taken at least every four hours if you are possibly exposed, and in at least 2000 mg to saturate the bloodstream.

Of course, avoid places with lots of people during this period. If you are going out during the day, take 2000 mg of C before any exposure. During exposure and immediately exposure, take C every two hours, and at the end of possible exposure.

If you get any flu symptoms, start taking 2000 mg every two hours until you get diarrhea, and then back off to just below this amount for that time until the diarrhea stops. (Start with 2 every 3-4 hours, etc)

Masks get moist and this creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

Both vitamin C and vitamin A are good to have on hand. Vitamin A in the proper high dose range for short periods will protect you from pneumonia that often accompanies flu.

Otherwise, take all precautions and avoid using Tamiflu and Relenza




Meanwhile the FDA and CDC are pushing Tamiflu and Relenza as reported in Medscape News.
FDA Okays Emergency Use of Antiviral Drugs, Diagnostic Test for Swine Flu
by Robert Lowes

April 28, 2009 — State and local public health agencies will have more leeway to treat swine influenza with antiviral medications under an emergency order issued yesterday by the US Food and Drug Administration. The order also will authorize and widen the use of a diagnostic test that, unlike others in use, can precisely identify the new strain of swine flu.

To date, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed 64 cases of swine flu in the United States. Worldwide, confirmed cases have emerged in Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, Israel, Spain, and Mexico, which appears to be epicenter, since travel to Mexico figures into many infections elsewhere. In addition, Mexico is the only country where the influenza has resulted in death; authorities there say 152 deaths were likely caused by the virus. In the 6 other countries, infected patients generally have experienced only mild symptoms.

The FDA's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) relaxes current restrictions on 2 antiviral medications — zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) — that the CDC recommends for preventing and treating swine influenza A (H1N1). Oseltamivir currently is approved for patients aged 1 year and older. Under the EAU, healthcare providers can administer oseltamivir to patients younger than 1 year and provide alternate dosing to patients aged 1 year and older.

The EAU did not alter the age parameters for zanamivir, approved to treat acute, uncomplicated cases of influenza in adults and children older than 7 years who have been symptomatic for fewer than 2 days, as well as prevent influenza in adults and children aged 5 years and older.

However, the FDA order allows both drugs to be distributed by a wider range of healthcare workers, including volunteers, in accordance with state and local law. In addition, both medications can be distributed without complying with the usual label requirements.

The FDA order follows a decision by the Department of Health and Human Services on Sunday to distribute one fourth of its stockpile of oseltamivir and zanamivir to state governments.

The EUA also authorizes the use of a diagnostic test called a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) swine influenza panel to test for the virus and allows the CDC to distribute it to public health agencies. Two other available tests — rapid influenza antigen and immunofluroscence — can detect the new swine influenza virus, but they only identify probable cases because they cannot distinguish between seasonal influenza A and swine influenza, which is a subtype of A. In contrast, RT-PCR can conclusively confirm a case of swine influenza.

Journalist Robert Lowes is a freelance writer for Medscape.
Medscape Medical News © 2009 Medscape, LLC

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