Thursday, June 25, 2009

Belly, butt fat killer!

Most people would agree that men and women get fat differently.

Women generally get fat first in their hips and buttocks and men generally get fat first in their bellies.

…Both ways however are dangerous.

Not only is fat ugly and unattractive to most people, but most people don’t know that fat is *toxic and cancerous!*

Bottom line… if you want to live longer, lose weight!

The problem is exercising is neither easy nor fun.

The hardest part is when you do it and you don't see any results for weeks.

There are or course only 2 things you need to help you strip the excess weight off.

The first one is of course a proper diet.  Simply eliminating sugary foods and late night eating is a good start.

The second one is something my good friends Dr. Ben Lerner and Dr. Fred Roberto just released.

It’s a revolutionary new, doctor tested exercise program that lets anyone start dropping those ugly inches of flab by exercising only 12 minutes a week!


Imagine that…

Yes, it’s 100% true and although I couldn’t believe it myself at first, I have to say it’s an incredible program.

It’s called the 12 Minute Revolution and I promise you this...

*** This is SURE to take the world by storm! ***


… Now listen, because this is so new, Dr. Ben and Dr. Fred are only releasing memberships this to a small number of people on the internet at an introductory test marketing price.

Before today these doctors only did this in private settings at a cost of no less than $60 per personal training session.  

My suggestion is to go check out the program NOW before the rest of the fitness world gets wind of this or all the 12 Minute Revolution introductory memberships are gone!


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