Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sandbag Complexes for Developing Strength, Conditioning and Rock Hard Muscles

If you have never heard of “complexes” it is simple a series of movements strung together, one after another, no rest between exercises and with the same training tool. 
Zach Even-Esh frequently performs complexes with sandbags and kettlebells.

The complexes are awesome, especially when you are short on time. Check out this sandbag complex below in the Video:

In the above video you see Zach performing the following sandbag exercises:

shoulder squats
push pressing

As you can see, those 3 exercises performed in succession kicked my ass!

There was no special formula to the complex I strung together, just 3 tough exercises that rocked the entire body.

You can try performing a lower body exercise, an upper body pushing exercises and finishing with an upper body pulling exercise.

For example:
1. Sandbag Step Ups x 5 ea. Leg
2. Sandbag Military Press x 5 reps
3. Sandbag Bent Over Row x 5 reps

If you want to start using complexes go ahead and start using them with a light sandbag. You can quickly progress to a heavier sandbag as your strength, conditioning and grip strength improve.

For more muscle building, fat burning workouts that can be done without going to a depressing health club or gym check out http://ugsc.rxsportz.com

If you want sandbags check out the Go with The Underground Sandbag HERE

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