Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Ultimate Fitness Motivation QUIZ

Out of all the quizzes you've ever taken, if you want to get leaner and develop a body that looks good in shorts, turns heads on the beach and makes you feel totally confident - even out of clothes - then this is one  quiz you'll want to take right now...

and consider your score very carefully...

Just 4 quick questions. Here goes:

1. Do you have a diet or eating plan that you enjoy, and it's getting results for you, but you just can't seem to stay on it consistently?

for example:

* You're good all day long, then you cave in to night time munchies

* you're good all week, but on the weekends, it all falls apart (especially at restaurants or parties)

* You have a weakness to one (or more) certain comfort foods and you just can't seem to say no?

* When you travel, it just seems impossible to stay on it

2. Have you ever gotten in awesome shape - maybe even lost a LOT of fat and you felt great - but then you either binged all at once the minute the program was over, or your motivation slowly disappeared, and the weight slowly creeped back on?

3. Have you ever had a problem with skipping workouts or working out inconsistently?

4. Are you out of shape, overweight or just dissatisfied with your body and you just can't even seem to get started on any diet or workout program in the first place?

If you  answered "yes" to ANY one of these questions, then you'll want to take a very close look at the information in this email... it applies especially to YOU.

If you said yes to 2 or more of these questions, then what you are about to read is nothing short of the answer to your prayers.

That answer is something called "OPERATION MOTIVATION", a simple system that provides a proven, practical and scientifically verified solution to every type of motivation problem and "I CAN’T STICK WITH IT" problem.

This isn't about a new training program or a specific type of diet plan, it's more universal than that, because it helps you follow ANY workout or nutrition plan better - and that's what counts, isn't it? ...


The best part is, this solution to motivation problems is F.R.E.E.

YES, YES there IS a catch... But I actually think you will LIKE the catch.

Read on for the details, or jump ahead to Tom Venuto's website where he explains this motivation solution


OPERATION MOTIVATION is a set of short lessons in ebook and special report format, that explains all the psychological skills (the stuff that goes on in your  head), that you need to learn in order to make permanent changes to your behavior and your lifestyle.

Originally, this was a very exclusive 2 hour audio interview that Tom Venuto only offered to his top tier clients in his "Inner Circle"

Just days ago, that audio seminar was converted for the first time into a brief (about 50 pgs) ebook, called "The Science of Goal Achievement: 10 Secrets of Subconscious mind power and 7 secrets of scientific goal setting."

This just-released, brand-new ebook is the flagship part of the program because it teaches the most important skill necessary for motivating yourself and making lifestyle changes.

It's different than any book ever written on the subject because it approaches motivation and goal-achieving from a scientific perspective and even explains how neuroscientists have proven that these principles work. (this aint psycho babble!)

Also in the OPERATION MOTIVATION package are the following supporting ebooks and special reports (7 courses in all):

* MOTIVATIONAL PROPULSION SYSTEMS: How to program your mind to automatically and habitually exercise your body (If this doesn't light a FIRE under your butt, nothing will)

* THE NEW VISUALIZATION BREAKTHROUGH: Take advantage of the mind-body connection with the techniques sports psychologists have been teaching for decades, along with 1 new twist.

* SUCCESS SEMANTICS:  The psychological explanation for how words can enhance or destroy your health and how to turn failure talk into success talk

* THE GOAL ACHIEVER'S SECRET WEAPON: How a cheap little "tool" can install positive success programming into your mind

* END EMOTIONAL EATING: Eating to cope with stress, depression or other feelings, or eating for the wrong reasons can totally undermine the best nutrition plan. Learn the 5-step formula to stop it once and for all

* SELF IMAGE SECRETS: How the hidden image you hold of yourself in your mind is the prime reason for diet sabotage (and the same reason that 90% of lottery winners blow their winnings).

Maybe you're an emotional eater, maybe you have trouble getting started on a workout program, maybe you've started a dozen diets before and could never stick with any of them.

Regardless of your personal challenges, there's something in this package for everyone, as each person struggles with unique issues in his or her journey to get in shape and make the lifestyle changes last.

Here's the deal:

From now until Midnight (PST), July 17th, you can get a copy of the OPERATION MOTIVATION package (in PDF instant download format) absolutely f-r--ee when you purchase the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book from this web page:


Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is the "bible of fat loss" for tens of thousands of men and women in over 143 countries worldwide and if you don't have a copy yet, then this is a better opportunity than ever because you now get the MOTIVATION packages a bonus along with the Burn The Fat program.

You probably see a lot of promotions come along in your email for all sorts of fitness and fat loss products, but this is not only different, it's one of the best bonus values you will see in a long time, especially if you said YES to any of the "Motivation quiz" questions. 

Not to mention... Tom doesn't do this type of thing very often. He hasn't advertised anything similar to this in over a year and a half.

You should especially take a look at this because of who it's coming from - Tom is one of the most respected professionals in the fat loss field; the field of fat loss science and motivational psychology science, that is, not fat loss infomercials!

This offer expires on Friday, July 17th at midnight PST and it will not be available again so I suggest you visit Tom's Burn The Fat website, read about the Burn The Fat program, and jump on this "OPERATION MOTIVATION" bonus offer while you still can.

Here's the link again:

To your success,

PS Remember - the extra ebooks and special reports come along with the Burn The fat program as bonus GIFTS, but only until Friday, July 17th at midnight, so you do need to respond quickly. After the deadline, the only way to get these new ebooks and reports will be to purchase them separately, or become a member of Tom's private Burn The Fat Inner Circle website.

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