Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Herbal Medicine for H1N1

It is terribly unfortunate that here in the US, the Big Pharma controlled FDA, along with FTC, HHS and our paid-for-protecting-corporate-America officials and the mainstream media and medical conclaves do not want any non-drug information disseminated here.

See natural options here and here

And please also refer to the unique garlic product in the right column, ALLI-C.

See the entire photo album

Workers prepare herbal medicines at Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing
Chinese pharmacy workers prepare traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) packets of various herbs at the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing on July 23, 2009. In order to bring TCM into full play in the prevention and treatment of Type A influenza H1N1, or swine flu, the Beijing Administration of TCM has set up a special service path for people to obtain herbal packets that doctors claim will help prevent H1N1 infection. (UPI Photo/Stephen Shaver)

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