Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's Good for the Goose...

Just before receiving this little gem, someone alerted me to the "Public Option" being tacked on to the TARP legislation that seems to be up for votes next week.

And while Congress just upped their budget, Obama gave a big chunk of change to NIH to research "cures" for health problems that already have known and effective cures, and they want more money to fund the fool's folly of war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

So why isn't this good enough for Joe and Jane Six Pack?
The Real Public Option: Congress' Private Medical Clinic
— By Dave Gilson | Wed September 30, 2009 Mother Jones

You can't say this enough: While members of Congress are busy protecting us from the inefficiency and danger of government-run health care, they're receiving top-notch taxpayer funded health care—seemingly without complaint. The LA Times recently detailed the benefits: A choice of 10 insurance plans and access to a wide network of doctors and HMOs. Plus, they "get special treatment at Washington's federal medical facilities and, for a few hundred dollars a month, access to their own pharmacy and doctors, nurses and medical technicians standing by in an office conveniently located between the House and Senate chambers." ABC News has more on that in-house clinic for lawmakers, officially known as the Office of the Attending Physician:

Services offered by the Office of the Attending Physician include physicals and routine examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists from military hospitals and private medical practices. According to congressional budget records, the office is staffed by at least four Navy doctors as well as at least a dozen medical and X-ray technicians, nurses and a pharmacist.

Sources said when specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.

Explains a former doc from the Congressional clinic, patients who can't get treated on-site get referrals to top specialists all over the country. "You would go to the best care in the country. And, for the most part, nobody asked what your insurance was." And the cost? $503. A year.

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Scientists Clueless About Vaccination Side Effects

Not only are scientists cluless about vaccine side effects, they seem just as clueless about side effects and risks of pharmaceuticals.

This is something I hear daily from people who contact my health advocacy service looking for help. As a former provider in mainstream medicine I shudder with each new and ghastly report.

As far as the new genetically engineered "swine flu" vaccine, I suggest it is well worth your time to read the following from Dr. Len Horowitz, the dentist and public health expert who first exposed Ebola and AIDS on the vaccines -

America's leading promoter of getting vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has admitted knowing nil about how human immunity responds to vaccinations, according an interview published by Bloomberg.

I'll be posting another article today related to this concern.

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Parade of the Pink Lids

Since I started Natural Health News over 5 years ago as an outgrowth of my original web site, Natural Healing through Natural Health, more than 100 articles have been posted here regarding cancer, and specifically breast cancer. You may locate those articles with our blog search box. Additional articles are found on that web site's Celebrating Women page.

After five years of asking consumers to collect and send in Yoplait pink foil lids to raise money for Komen, Yoplait sought a way to enhance consumer involvement and elevate its brand awareness in the crowded breast cancer field. Working with Cone Inc., Yoplait created an award celebrating 25 “Yoplait Champions,” ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the fight against breast cancer. The results: 125 million media impressions for the Champions program on top of the usual attention generated by Yoplait’s lids promotion, sponsorship of Race for the Cure and $2 million contribution to Komen. (Cause Marketing)

There is yet to be a "cure", don't you wonder why?

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Did You Miss This

I wrote yesterday to tell you about the incredible workout videos Holly Rigsby is giving away as a bonus to celebrate the upcoming release of her brand new Fit
Yummy Mummy DVD Packages!

This is super exciting and I wanted to make sure that you were able to catch all the details.

So just in case you missed it or would like to share it with a friend, here it is again....


Don't forget!

If you any questions about these Bonus workouts, Holly will be available LIVE TONIGHT - Wednesday, Sept. 30th starting at 6:00 pm EST to help you out!

Don't miss this special coaching opportunity!

Here's the information I sent yesterday (or more correctly, I thought I did)

Moms: An early Halloween treat for you If you’ve always wanted to regain your pre-baby body, but you’ve been too busy or were confused about exactly how to lose those unwanted pounds, I have some great news…

My friend and America’s #1 Mom’s Fitness Expert Holly Rigsby is giving away a follow along workout video showing you exactly what you need to know to lose your belly fat and get your pre-baby body back.

In this video Holly shares a fat blasting 10 minutes workout with her favorite metabolism boosting moves.

So why is Holly giving this incredible workout video away?

She’s a mom just like you and now that school is back in session she wants to make sure that you have the tools you need to get your fat loss efforts back on track.

So, head on over to:

To grab this awesome workout video.

All the best,

Arthur M.

P.S. The video will only be available for a couple of days so don’t wait.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


UPDATE: September 2009
Following on reports of dosing and packaging problems with children's Tamiflu, we now learn that water treatment is unable to keep your water free from another drug that may have harmful side effects.

It certainly appears that makers of Tamiflu failed to include water quality considerations as they promote their product, with problematic issues.
Tamiflu Detected in Sewage Discharge and River Water in Japan

Another Comment on Swine Flu Vax Of 2009 - Unlicensed And Untested
Originally posted October 2005 -

For several years I have posted information on the risks of flu vaccines and medical treatment related to flu. This year (2006-present) we seem to have a high alert to drive citizens to the jab by fear more so that in the past. I would encourage you to take the following information under serious consideration.


You can find more on about immunity, colds, flu, prevention and help. If you need further information send your request here:

Human-To-Human H5N1 Transmission During Tamiflu Prophylaxis

By Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD

"An H5N1 influenza virus, A/Hanoi/30408/2005, was isolated on 27 February 2005 from a 14-year-old Vietnamese girl (patient 1) who had received a prophylactic dose (75mg once a day) of oseltamivir from 24 to 27 February and was given a therapeutic dose (75mg twice daily) for 7 days starting on 28 February. No virus was isolated from specimens after the administration of increased doses of oseltamivir. The patient recovered and was discharged from hospital on 14 March 2005.

The timing of infection in these two patients, together with the lack of known interaction of the girl with poultry, raises the possibility that the virus could have been transmitted from brother to sister."

The above comments from a pre-released Nature paper raise serious questions about the prophalactic use of Tamiflu and human-to-human (H2H) of H5N1. The sister, Nguyen Thi Ngoan, of the index case, Nguyen Si Tuan, was taking the FDA approved prophylactic dose of Tamiflu, 1 pill per day. However, even while on Tamiflu, she developed H5N1 bird flu symptoms. Genetic analysis of the virus suggested that she was infected by her brother, even though she was taking Tamiflu.

The above paper focuses on resistance markers in isolated clones from the sister. However, the brother and sister were part of a large case cluster of H5N1 infections. The grandfather of the two patients also tested positive for H5N1 antibodies. Although H5N1 was not isolated, it is not clear if the grandfather was taking Tamiflu when his grandson was in the hospital.

Similarly, the index case's nurse developed avian influenza. He maintained that he had no exposure to poultry, yet developed laboratory confirmed H5N1. It is not clear if the nurse was taking Tamiflu at the time of his infection.

There was a second nurse who developed bird flu symptoms. She tested negative for H5N1 by PCR. Results from serum tests were not disclosed.

The effectiveness of Tamiflu against H5N1 was also raised in in vivo mice experiments. Mice were given the equivalent of 20 pills of Tamiflu per day. This high level was justified by observations on species specific differences in metabolism. However, even after correcting for species differences, the mice were treated with an equivalent of two pills per day. However, the dose was based on treatment, even though the mice were give the drug four hours before infection. However, even with these favorable conditions, 50% of the mice died if treated for 5 days. If treated for 8 days, the percentage dead fell to 20%..These mice studies raised dosing questions for oseltamivir against H5N1. Use at the FDA approved level, priced less than ideal results.

Similarly, the cluster of human cases described above raises dosing question. The H5N1 appeared to be susceptible to a doubled dose of Tamiflu and the isolated H5n1 was sensitive to Relenza. However, nations are stockpiling Tamiflu, and the above results suggest that the FDA approved dose for prophylaxis may be inadequate.

Similarly, Tamiflu resistance is another concern. The number of H5N1 cases in Vietnam is still relatively small. It is unclear how many people in Vietnam are on Tamiflu. The identification of a Tamiflu resistant variant in the small number of people being treated is cause for concern. Similarly, prophylactic treatment in health care workers and family members may not have been sufficiently high to prevent H5N1 infections.

Thus, the proper dose of Tamiflu and the frequency of resistance in Vietnam remains unclear. Similarly, the impact of wider use of Tamiflu in Indonesia is another area of concern. ©2005 Recombinomics. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tamiflu dangers reported
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada has asked Swiss drug maker Roche AG to warn consumers of possible health risks linked to its influenza drug Tamiflu, the health department said on Wednesday.

Ottawa took the step after receiving international reports of side-effects such as hallucinations and abnormal behavior, including self-harm. The reports include cases involving children and teenagers, primarily in Japan.

"Health Canada has requested that the manufacturer ... update the Canadian prescribing information for Tamiflu to include this new information," the department said in a statement.

According to Health Canada, there have been 84 reports as of November 11 of Canadian patients having adverse effects when using Tamiflu. Ten of those cases involved fatalities...

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Thank You DaVinci Labs

I could not resist borrowing this photo from DaVinci Labs plus a bit of my own editing -

Help Yourself to Quality Supplements.

Act now before baseball pundits convince Congress to block further access to these health promoting substances.

Fueling your body

Thank you for subscribing to Fitness and Nutrition Center’s series on Sports Nutrition. In this series you'll learn:

1. Part 1 - What sports nutrition is
Part 2 - Hydrations key
3. Part 3 - Fueling your body
4. Part 4 - Carbohydrates rule
5. Part 5 - The need for protein

Let's go ahead & get started today with "Fueling your body".

Part 3 - Fueling your body
Food.  Your body needs this simple tool to help it to do virtually every single thing that it has to do.  From breathing to walking to playing your game, your body depends on food to fuel it. 

While water is essential to life, food is essential to performance.  Without the right amounts, types and timing for the food you eat, your body will not be able to reach its highest level of performance no matter what you plan to do.

There is no workout that will work for your body more so than the fuel that you give it.  It has a direct relation to your performance and therefore is one of the building blocks in successful sports nutrition.

The Balanced Win

As an athlete, your specific needs are your own, but there is no doubt that if you want to win at physical activity, you need your body to have a balanced diet.  You probably have heard this many number of times, but it is the same as day one. 

You need to consume a balanced diet of foods to be successful.

The combination of foods will provide your body with all the essential building blocks that it needs.  This includes vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.  Each of these elements plays their own role, one that is crucial to your success.

Think of food as a team effort.   You know that you are only as good as your team is, right?  When you do not provide all of the right nutrients to your body, to limit them, they can not perform as a team and then the overall whole suffers.

How many times does the star athlete go down in a game and the team crumbles around them?  Or, how many times does someone that is a smaller asset and the star can not longer hold the team up?  The same is true for food.

The body needs each one of these pieces for the whole to work.  The goal that you have is to learn what it needs and how it needs them to get the whole working well.

Over the course of the next chapters, you will better learn what each element plays in the whole race.  But, for now, we want to take you back to grade school where you learned what your body needs to sustain a good overall healthy lifestyle. 

Lucky for you, this same information will apply to your own health in sports nutrition now.

Next time we'll be discussing a little about "Carbohydrates rule".

For more information about this part of What sports nutrition is, please refer to our definitive guide to sports nutrition by signing up for our email updates (see top right of sidebar on my blog). Once you've done that email me (webmaster[at] and I will immediately send you the guide in PDF format (if you prefer MS Word let me know).

Monday, September 28, 2009

Gardasil death and danger update


How safe are vaccines?

UPDATE: 1 October
PR pundits rushed to publicize a claim that anyone who has severe adverse effects from this (or any) vaccine suffered from underlying bacterial infection. It's the common ploy to attack the vaccine victim. One has to ask these folks how they can support such an idea in healthy people who sadly opt for the jabs.
Media Issues Propaganda To Boost HPV Vaccine Sales And Renewed Confidence Following Children's Deaths

UPDATE: September 2009
NHS (UKs FDA) in UK suspends all Gardasil shots following death
Cancer jab alert after girl dies

Health chiefs have launched a "full and urgent" investigation into the death of a 14-year-old girl after she was given a cervical cancer vaccine at school.
Full story
Original Post Date, March 2009
PLEASE NOTE: HPV is more often than not a self-limiting infection. If your immune system is in good shape you do not need to worry about HPV.

Also there are very effective natural treatments to resolve HPV infection. Should you wish more information please contact us.

This new report is an important public health concern. If this does not outrage you then I am asking where is your conscience?

CDC Takes Closer Look at Gardasil and Paralysis


Other Gardasil articles -

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Many lack sick leave as flu season looms

As I have said in many interviews and articles, the US is the only country that ties health insurance to employment.

Now we learn that half of employed people in this country have no sick leave as a benefit of employment.

Sounds to me as if we have been stuck at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution if we still maintain this kind of worker abuse for the benefit of profit and a select few.

Of course if you know me or read my articles you know I am in favor of economics as if people mattered.

This also means that the old ways of pyramidal hierarchy must undergo real change, become somewhat more horizontal, and inclusive.

Is it not the worker who makes the investor's dividend and the CEO mega slary with mega perks come on the back of workers?
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- Nearly half of U.S. workers have no paid sick leave -- a problem that could worsen the spread of the fall flu season, officials said.

"A child can't stay home without a parent staying with them. So if the parent doesn't have paid sick time, the child mostly likely goes to school, and the parent goes to work," said Shula Warren, chief of staff for New York City council member Gale Brewer.

The second sweep this year of the H1N1 flu virus has re-ignited arguments about how much sick leave employers should offer and whether it should be mandated by law, reported Monday.

San Francisco and Washington, D.C., have laws requiring paid sick leave and 15 states are considering legislation for paid sick leave -- a benefit not available to an estimated 48-percent of the U.S. work force, the National Partnership for Women and Families said.

Many business groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, oppose such legislation as harmful to small business, reported.

Study links H1N1 to seasonal flu shots

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- A new study is about to be published in Canada that links the swine flu virus to seasonal flu shots, Canadian health officials say.

The report, which is under peer review, suggests that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to contract the swine flu, The Globe and Mail of Canada reported Monday.

Researchers Danuta Skowronski of the British Columbia Center for Disease Control and Gaston De Serrres of Laval University of Quebec are not allowed to comment on their findings until the study has been published.

An international panel is scrutinizing their research data.

So far, the study's impact has been confined to Canada, where Quebec's Health Ministry Sunday joined Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia in suspending seasonal flu shots for anyone under 65 years of age.

"It has confused things very badly," says Dr. Ethan Rubinstein, head of adult infectious diseases at the University of Manitoba.

B.C. might suspend the seasonal flu shots as early as today, in the wake of a Canadian study that suggests people who get the flu vaccine are twice as likely to contract the H1N1 virus.

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Listen to WA DOH with Extreme Caution: FLU SHOTS

WA DOH violating FDA recommendations on vaccines and pregnancy.

I am very disturbed by the article that appeared in the Seattle Times last Friday -
" State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots"
By Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times science reporter.

I am disturbed because this is another clear presentation of the ineffectiveness of Washington's Department of Health and Mary Selecky, as well as Chris Gregoire. (My experience with both Selecky and Gregoire involved intentional coverup of insurance fraud involving minor children's care. No real investigation of my complaint was undertaken so I had to go the HHS IG to get things out in the open. My complaint, ignored by Selecky and Gregoire while they protected the perpetrators, became part of a major interstate insurance fraud litigation by DOJ. DOJ won this case unlike the too many that were lost by Gregoire's office under her watch.)

Gregoire's record over the years as AG and Gov have left the citizens of our state with a very bad taste over the numerous cases lost on violations at DSHS and related departments. This also extends to the abusive activities against those in healthcare who practice outside the box, using less harmful and more healing approaches to health. A very large amount of money has been paid out in these cases.

Selecky, for this push to allow neurotoxic and fertility harming mercury, along with what may be higher levels of the preservative, should be considered for malfeasance in office and considerd for early retirement.

For more information about some of these issues, please refer to wachoice

Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion
James SJ, Slikker W 3rd, Melnyk S, New E, Pogribna M, Jernigan S.

Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA.

Thimerosol is an antiseptic containing 49.5% ethyl mercury that has been used for years as a preservative in many infant vaccines and in flu vaccines. Environmental methyl mercury has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, especially to the developing brain.

Because mercury has a high affinity for thiol (sulfhydryl (-SH)) groups, the thiol-containing antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), provides the major intracellular defense against mercury-induced neurotoxicity. Cultured neuroblastoma cells were found to have lower levels of GSH and increased sensitivity to thimerosol toxicity compared to glioblastoma cells that have higher basal levels of intracellular GSH. Thimerosal-induced cytotoxicity was associated with depletion of intracellular GSH in both cell lines.

Pretreatment with 100 microM glutathione ethyl ester or N-acetylcysteine (NAC), but not methionine, resulted in a significant increase in intracellular GSH in both cell types. Further, pretreatment of the cells with glutathione ethyl ester or NAC prevented cytotoxicity with exposure to 15 microM Thimerosal. Although Thimerosal has been recently removed from most children's vaccines, it is still present in flu vaccines given to pregnant women, the elderly, and to children in developing countries. The potential protective effect of GSH or NAC against mercury toxicity warrants further research as possible adjunct therapy to individuals still receiving Thimerosal-containing vaccinations.

PMID: 15527868 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

To further this argument I am including comments from a medical colleague of mine from new Mexico. Perhaps his thoughts will encourage you to shed that lemming top coat, advocate for your health and questions the so-called "authorities".

Another reminder is to know if your child takes the nasal flu vaccine - This is a live vaccine and it will make your child contagious for at least three weeks, while they are sloughing off viral cells in their environment, putting you at greater risk of getting the flu.

We are recommending you consider this combination of vitamin C and vitamin D.

From Ken Stoller, MD
If you will read the post by the DOH (State of Washington):

You will see that they have suspended their normal operating procedures and will now give vaccine with Thimerosal to infants and pregnant women because they have already been notified there will be a severe shortage of Thimerosal free H1N1 vaccine.

This is exactly what I anticipated would happen and it was why I filed my complaint with the BoP. You closed the case inappropriately by getting assurance that only Thimerosal free vaccine would be given to pregnant women and children under 3. If the NM DOH follows the lead of the State of Washington, you received false assurance.

I was just sent an internal draft CDC Media Strategy, made public for the first time (see attached), which concedes that CDC does not have sound science supporting vaccine safety and must therefore resort to a program of misinformation and propaganda, referring to critical parents and safety first advocacy organizations as anti-vaccine.

In addition to conceding that fear-based propaganda will have to substitute for basic science, the memo reveals how completely CDC has descended into a military them-against-us mind set. Critics of vaccine safety are labeled anti-vaccine, as hostile parents, or as adversaries of vaccination, with no acknowledgment that criticism and inquiries can be in good faith, can sincerely be interested in promoting vaccine safety as a sensible, indeed necessary, scheme to protect the benefits to public health of mass immunization.

CDC admits: Risk communication messages regarding vaccine adverse reactions are difficult to develop. Yes, exactly, because they just dont know the risks. How, then, can CDC claim as a strength of their media plan that the [b]enefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks? This is a hungry lie.

Instead of actually doing the science to accurately ascertain the risks of vaccination, and make appropriate changes to the schedule, screening, etc., CDC proposes an aggressive public/private media campaign: [C]ommunity acceptance of vaccination demands that we take a stand to not only explain the risks of complication due to natural disease, but also toward unfounded arguments or [sic] adversaries of vaccination.

CDC makes a stunning admissions: Some claims against vaccine cannot be disproved. And: CDC does not have complete adverse event surveillance data on which to base health messages.

As previously explained, the FDA does not recommend flu vaccine for pregnant women - that has not changed and the CDC has gone rogue in this area.

KP Stoller, MD, FACHM
President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc
Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


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Part 2 - Hydrations Key

Thank you for subscribing to Fitness and Nutrition Center’s series on Sports Nutrition. In this series you'll learn:

1. Part 1 - What sports nutrition is
2. Part 2 - Hydrations key
3. Part 3 - Fueling your body
4. Part 4 - Carbohydrates rule
5. Part 5 - The need for protein

Let's go ahead & get started today with "Hydrations key".

Part 2 - Hydrations key
Keeping your body hydrated is a very essential part of the process of sports nutrition.  Your body needs fuel in the form of fluids.  It is a very essential part of your well being and life in general.

If you do not have enough water in your body at any given time, your body will ultimately suffer.  It is a fact of life that can not be denied. 

As an athlete, not providing yourself with the necessary amount of water, or limiting it, can cause you to have numerous problems including the risk of serious health complications. 

On top of that, your game will suffer without the right amount of water.

Why Water Matters

Without taking you too far back to science class, think about the serious job that water has in your life and in your body. 

It has to be there to move the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through your body.  It keeps blood moving which carries the fuel that your cells need for energy. 

Additionally, water helps to move out the waste products from your cells.  This allows them to keep your cells at an optimal level.

Finally, your body uses fluids to keep the body at the right temperature, there by protecting your health overall. 

Can you live without water?  No.  When it comes to sports nutrition, it is nothing short of essential.  How water helps in sports nutrition is important for you to know and to practice.

When your body burns energy, it produces heat.  That heat races through your body. 

If you think of your body as a car, if the engine gets too hot, it can not perform as it should.  Therefore, you will find a way to keep your engine cool, water is a necessity. 

Additionally, your body needs to have these fluids to allow you to carry all the nutrients throughout your body.  Since you are working on developing muscles, enhancing your physical characteristics, you realize that your body needs those nutrients to get where they need to go. 

For that, they need water to push them through. 

Water helps your body to grow, but also helps you to repair cells as you work hard at achieving your goals. 

The Importance:

If you lose 2% of your body’s fluid, your overall performance will considerably drop.

If you lose 5% of your body’s fluid, you can find yourself facing heat exhaustion, which is not good.  Now, you are barely moving.

If you lose 10% of your body’s fluid, you are at risk for heat stroke and even death through dehydration.  In other words, game over.

Next time we'll be discussing a little about "Fueling your body".

For more information about this part of What sports nutrition is, please refer to our definitive guide to sports nutrition by signing up for our email updates (see top right of sidebar on my blog). Once you've done that email me (webmaster[at] and I will immediately send you the guide in PDF format (if you prefer MS Word let me know).

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swine Flu and Vaccine information

I've posted these vaccine information pages many times before on my web sites and in this blog, as well as referred to the information in a number of articles I've written for print publications.
I think they are quite important today as so many this those of us who are raising questions about vaccines are a bit looney.

If that's the case why is a Mayo Clinic doctor saying this?
"The recurring question is, 'How do we know it's safe?'" said Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic.

And if that's the case, after HHS has let the vaccine manufacturers off the hook for litigation over vaccine adverse effects and damage, then why is this new effort to monitor the vaccine now underway?

The facts are that vaccines pose a risk to health, and we do know this. Vaccines are not proven, there are no long term studies, there are no double-blind/placebo controlled studies, they are linked to after effects of serious health problems. And we have to question the statistics so far to support the claim that we have a "pandemic".

I'd also encourage readers to question this theory that it is safe to give an infant these vaccines, because we know an infant does not have a developed immune system until they are many months older, yet these so-called scientists want you to believe otherwise -

Vaccine Expert Advises: Immunization Should Be Given As Early In Life As Possible

ScienceDaily (2009-09-27) -- Parents should not be worried that early vaccination would overwhelm their babies, a vaccine expert says. Recent data show that the immune system of newborns is able to respond to a world full of antigens already at birth. Therefore, vaccines should be given as early in life as possible to minimize the risk of damage by a potentially harmful infection, according to an expert in vaccinology and neonatal immunology. ... > read full article

But if this is true, then why do so many health professionals skip the jabs and withhold them from their children?
Swine flu shot: Intense tracking for side effectsBy LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer
WASHINGTON – More than 3,000 people a day have a heart attack. If you're one of them the day after your swine flu shot, will you worry the vaccine was to blame and not the more likely culprit, all those burgers and fries?

The government is starting an unprecedented system to track possible side effects as mass flu vaccinations begin next month. The idea is to detect any rare but real problems quickly, and explain the inevitable coincidences that are sure to cause some false alarms.

"Every day, bad things happen to people. When you vaccinate a lot of people in a short period of time, some of those things are going to happen to some people by chance alone," said Dr. Daniel Salmon, a vaccine safety specialist at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Health authorities hope to vaccinate well over half the population in just a few months against swine flu, which doctors call the 2009 H1N1 strain. That would be a feat. No more than 100 million Americans usually get vaccinated against regular winter flu, and never in such a short period.

How many will race for the vaccine depends partly on confidence in its safety. The last mass inoculations against a different swine flu, in 1976, were marred by reports of a rare paralyzing condition, Guillain-Barre syndrome.

"The recurring question is, 'How do we know it's safe?'" said Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic.

Enter the intense new monitoring. On top of routine vaccine tracking, there are these government-sponsored projects:

_Harvard Medical School scientists are linking large insurance databases that cover up to 50 million people with vaccination registries around the country for real-time checks of whether people see a doctor in the weeks after a flu shot and why. The huge numbers make it possible to quickly compare rates of complaints among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, said the project leader, Dr. Richard Platt, Harvard's population medicine chief.

_Johns Hopkins University will direct e-mails to at least 100,000 vaccine recipients to track how they're feeling, including the smaller complaints that wouldn't prompt a doctor visit. If anything seems connected, researchers can call to follow up with detailed questions.

_The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing take-home cards that tell vaccine recipients how to report any suspected side effects to the nation's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system.

"We don't have any reason to expect any unusual problems with this vaccine," said Dr. Neal Halsey, director of Hopkins' Institute for Vaccine Safety, who is directing the e-mail surveillance.

After all, the new H1N1 vaccine is a mere recipe change from the regular winter flu shot that's been used for decades in hundreds of millions of people without serious problems. Nor have there been any red flags in the few thousand people given test doses in studies to determine the right H1N1 dose. They've gotten the same sore arms and occasional headache or fever that's par for a winter flu shot.

But because this H1N1 flu targets the young more than the old, this may be the year that unprecedented numbers of children and pregnant women are vaccinated.

Then there's the glare of the Internet — where someone merely declaring on Facebook that he's sure the shot did harm could cause a wave of similar reports. Health authorities will have to tell quickly if there really do seem to be more cases of a particular health problem than usual.

So the CDC is racing to compile a list of what's normal: 25,000 heart attacks every week; 14,000 to 19,000 miscarriages every week; 300 severe allergic reactions called anaphylaxis every week.

Any spike would mean fast checking to see if the vaccine really seems to increase risk and by how much, so health officials could issue appropriate warnings.

Very rare side effects by definition could come to light only after large-scale inoculations begin — making this the year scientists may finally learn if flu vaccine truly is linked to Guillain-Barre, an often reversible but sometimes fatal paralysis. It's believed to strike between 1 and 2 of every 100,000 people. It often occurs right after another infection, such as food poisoning or even influenza.

But the vaccine concern stems from 1976, when 500 cases were reported among the 45 million people vaccinated against that year's swine flu. Scientists never could prove if the vaccine really caused the extra risk. The CDC maintains that if the regular winter flu vaccine is related, the risk is no more than a single case per million vaccinated.

So the question becomes, Is the risk of disease greater than that?

Mayo's Poland cites a study in Chicago that found the rate of preschoolers being hospitalized for the new H1N1 flu last spring was 2 1/2 times higher than that possible Guillain-Barre risk.

However the flu season turns out, the extra vaccine tracking promises a lasting impact.

"Part of what we hope is that it will teach us something about how to monitor the safety of all medical products quickly," said Harvard's Platt.

And just think about the benefit of facebook, alerting readers to other data that differs from AP reporters covering only one side of the discussion.

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Vioxx maker Merck drew up hit list

This representation of corporate culture is just one reason why US healthcare costs are so high. It has nothing to do with helping people be healthy and well, its all about the product at what ever the price.

Interestingly enough a Merck detail rep in Anchorage is know to me to have engaged in a similar deceptive practice while making willful false statements about some help I provided him.

I guess Merck seeks out the unethical and dishonest to fill the ranks of their employees, they'll do what ever it takes to keep their job, or harm someone else, when they know they are lying.

When I think how degraded the health industry has become at the expense of people, I still fondly recall our neighbor from childhood, one of the top MSD executives.
Milanda Rout | April 01, 2009
Article from: The Australian
An international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be "neutralised" or discredited because they criticised the anti-arthritis drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.

Staff at US company Merck &Co emailed each other about the list of doctors - mainly researchers and academics - who had been negative about the drug Vioxx or Merck and a recommended course of action.


The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.

It is also alleged the company used intimidation tactics against critical researchers, including dropping hints it would stop funding to institutions and claims it interfered with academic appointments.

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff.

Merck & Co and its Australian subsidiary, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, are being sued for compensation by more than 1000 Australians, who claim they suffered heart attacks or strokes as a result of Vioxx.

The drug was launched in 1999 and at its height of popularity was used by 80 million people worldwide because it did not cause stomach problems as did traditional anti-inflammatory drugs.

It was voluntarily withdrawn from sale in 2004 after concerns were raised that it caused heart attacks and strokes and a clinical trial testing these potential side affects was aborted for safety reasons.

Lead plaintiff Graeme Peterson, 58, claims the drug caused him to have a heart attack in 2003 after he took it for back pain and arthritis every day from May 2001.

Merck last year settled thousands of lawsuits in the US over the effects of Vioxx for $US4.85billion ($7.14 billion) but made no admission of guilt.

The company is fighting the class action in Australia.

The Federal Court was told yesterday that Merck wanted to gain the backing of researchers and doctors - or "opinion leaders" - in the fields of arthritis to help promote the drug to medical professionals when it was launched in 1999.

Mr Burnside said internal emails in April 1999 from Merck staff showed the company was not happy with what some researchers and doctors were saying about the drug.

"It gives you the dark side of the use of key opinion leaders and thought leaders ... if (they) say things you don't like to hear, you have to neutralise them," he said. "It does suggest a certain culture within the organisation about how to deal with your opponents and those who disagree with you."

The court was told that James Fries, professor of medicine at Stanford University, wrote to the then Merck head Ray Gilmartin in October 2000 to complain about the treatment of some of his researchers who had criticised the drug.

"Even worse were allegations of Merck damage control by intimidation," he wrote, according to Mr Burnside.

"This has happened to at least eight (clinical) investigators ... I suppose I was mildly threatened myself but I never have spoken or written on these issues."

Mr Burnside told the court Dr Fries went on to describe instances of intimidation, including one colleague who thought his academic appointment had been jeopardised and another who received phone calls alleging "anti-Merck" bias.

Dr Fries said in the letter that Merck had been systematically playing down the side effects of Vioxx and said the company's behaviour "seriously impinges on academic freedom". The court was also told a rheumatologist on Merck's Australian arthritis advisory board was angry he did not find out about Merck's decision to withdraw Vioxx until an ABC journalist rang to tell him. Mr Burnside said James Bertouch wrote to other members of the board saying he was "extremely disillusioned" with the company.

"In every possible way the company exerted itself to present the impression to the world at large that Vioxx did not provide any increased cardio risk ... when (a) it probably would and (b) it probably did," he wrote, according to Mr Burnside.

Peter Garling, acting for Merck, accused Mr Peterson of not taking the drug Vioxx in the months leading up to his heart attack in December 2003.

He said Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme figures showed he did not fill a Vioxx prescription for the drug in the two months before his heart attack.

Mr Garling put to Mr Peterson during his cross-examination that this was because he had retired from his job as a safety consultant and therefore he did not need to take Vioxx because his back pain lessened.

Mr Peterson denied this meant he was not taking the drug.

"No, I wouldn't accept that at all," he said. "I can remember taking Vioxx regularly."

The trial, before Justice Chris Jessop, continues.

Further reading on Corporations -

When I was first in college in the 60s, the popular book to read was "The Organization Man", now it seems that this is a replacement.
Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of Democracy by Ted Nace

"A good book to read is called: "The Gangs of America"; which chronicles how with about one dozen supreme court cases (because the northeastern railroads payed off congress to pack the Supreme Court with pro corporate constitutional personhood rights justices) that have given corporations with the "myth" of constitutional personhood....the second american revolution's central causes are twofold: the first being the federal reserve controlling our politics; business and quality of life through inflation and deflation and control of the issuance of money.....the second cause will be the corporate oligarchy and the mythic "rights" that have been fraudulently bestowed on the corporate entity in our nation beginning in the 1870's....if you don't believe me; purchase and read the book that I mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph....and make up your own mind....if we all work together we can get back to a nation where most of the American population is self employed; or work for small locally owned businesses; a nation where we are once again self reliant; and we can in this nation place the corporate charter model and the anti democratic and anti republican tendencies of it into the dust bin of history forever...."

Standing Nilsson Curls - A Useful Adaptation

This version is excellent for when you're either not strong enough to do the "free hanging" version where you're using your entire bodyweight for resistance or if you're just too fatigued from previous training to do enough reps to really get much out of it.

It's basically the exact same exercise only instead of setting the two bars up high, you set them a bit lower so you can keep your feet on the ground and spot yourself by standing up when you need help!

When it comes to hitting the biceps (even with your feet down), the difference between this exercise and a regular chin-up is just AMAZING. You'll feel almost ALL the tension go right into the biceps.

So here's what the standing version looks like. You can do this in rack, using the set up I have here or you can use the safety rails in the rack, same as I mentioned above - just set the two rails into one side so they look like ladder rungs - it'll give you the same effect.

With this version, I have a bar setting in the racking pins and a bar sitting on top of the rails. I have the weight on the top bar to help keep it from moving. You want about a foot spacing in between the two bars.

You'll be gripping the top bar and bracing your forearms on the bottom bar.

So stand in front of the bar and get a grip - a little inside shoulder width - underhand grip.

Set your feet a little forward then squat down.

Now pull yourself up, as though you were doing a chin-up. Use your legs only as much as you need to for help. The majority should be bicep pull.

Pull all the way to the top and squeeze your biceps HARD.

Lower and repeat. Remember, use help from your legs only as much as you need to.

You can also use this setup to do negative reps, standing up on the positive and taking your feet off the ground to use your full bodyweight on the negative.

Your biceps will be on fire after a few sets of this one - a bodyweight bicep exercise!

If you can’t see the video below then click this link to the view the video online:

About the Author:

Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 18 years. He's published 8 books on weight training, including his most recent - "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hom Again With Alberto Guzman

Hom Again With Alberto Guzman
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Hom Again With Alberto Guzman

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Hot Brief Sexy Model Alberto Guzman
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Back Hom With Alberto Guzman
Hot Boxer Underwear
Back Hom With Alberto Guzman

Here's how you go about getting the most from sports nutrition

Thank you for subscribing to Fitness and Nutrition Center’s series on Sports Nutrition. In this series you'll learn:

1. Part 1 - What sports nutrition is
2. Part 2 - Hydrations key
3. Part 3 - Fueling your body
4. Part 4 - Carbohydrates rule
5. Part 5 - The need for protein

Let's go ahead & get started today with "What sports nutrition is "What sports nutrition is".

Part 1 - What sports nutrition is
Keeping your body hydrated is a very essential part of the process of sports nutrition.  Your body needs fuel in the form of fluids.  It is a very essential part of your well being and life in general.

If you do not have enough water in your body at any given time, your body will ultimately suffer.  It is a fact of life that can not be denied. 

As an athlete, not providing yourself with the necessary amount of water, or limiting it, can cause you to have numerous problems including the risk of serious health complications. 

On top of that, your game will suffer without the right amount of water.

Why Water Matters

Without taking you too far back to science class, think about the serious job that water has in your life and in your body. 

It has to be there to move the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through your body.  It keeps blood moving which carries the fuel that your cells need for energy. 

Additionally, water helps to move out the waste products from your cells.  This allows them to keep your cells at an optimal level.

Finally, your body uses fluids to keep the body at the right temperature, there by protecting your health overall. 

Can you live without water?  No.  When it comes to sports nutrition, it is nothing short of essential.  How water helps in sports nutrition is important for you to know and to practice.

When your body burns energy, it produces heat.  That heat races through your body. 

If you think of your body as a car, if the engine gets too hot, it can not perform as it should.  Therefore, you will find a way to keep your engine cool, water is a necessity. 

Additionally, your body needs to have these fluids to allow you to carry all the nutrients throughout your body.  Since you are working on developing muscles, enhancing your physical characteristics, you realize that your body needs those nutrients to get where they need to go. 

For that, they need water to push them through. 

Water helps your body to grow, but also helps you to repair cells as you work hard at achieving your goals. 

The Importance:

If you lose 2% of your body’s fluid, your overall performance will considerably drop.

If you lose 5% of your body’s fluid, you can find yourself facing heat exhaustion, which is not good.  Now, you are barely moving.

If you lose 10% of your body’s fluid, you are at risk for heat stroke and even death through dehydration.  In other words, game over.

Next time we'll be discussing a little about "Hydrations key".

For more information about this part of What sports nutrition is, please refer to our definitive guide to sports nutrition by signing up for our email updates (see top right of sidebar on my blog). Once you've done that email me (webmaster[at] and I will immediately send you the guide in PDF format (if you prefer MS Word let me know).

Texas Doctor Files Against Big Insurance

More power to another Mad As Hell Doctor and his effort to stop Big Insurance methods that destroy medical care for profit.
Texas Doctor Files Case Pro Se in U.S. Supreme Court Against Insurance Giant on Integrity and Unethical Practices

DALLAS, Texas, Sept. 24 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Dralves Edwards, a board-certified family physician in Dallas today filed a civil case in the U.S. Supreme Court against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, the contractor for Medicare. For the past 13 years, Edwards has challenged the integrity and unethical practices of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and is confident that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule in a responsible way that every Medicare provider and patient benefits.

In 2003, the original suit was filed in Dallas district court alleging that BCBS engaged in fraud, gross negligence, and criminal acts that, according to Edwards, forced him to close his doors. Today, he works as a hospital emergency room physician.

BCBS responded to the suit by removing it to federal court, but the case was remanded back to district court. BCBS then filed a "No Evidence" Motion for Summary Judgment that was granted sovereign immunity by the lower courts.

Edwards acknowledges that lower court decisions have historically disagreed with well established U.S. Supreme Court cases (i.e., Ardary vs. Aetna; Heckler vs. Ringer; and Kelly vs. Advantage Health, Rochester vs. Travelers).

In 1997, Edwards says BCBS caused irreparable harm to his thriving practice and marred his professional name when he was placed on a 100 percent prepayment review. For three consecutive years, 96 percent of his claims were denied; his practice was 90 percent Medicare.

"I provided free transportation and made house calls that saved Medicare millions of dollars," reports Edwards. "These were patients who probably would have ended up in the emergency room."

In October 1996, Edwards was featured in USA Today as, "One of the few doctors in America making house calls."

BCBS denied most of Edwards' claims as "non-covered services and not reasonable and medically necessary."

Medical conditions like breast cancer, diabetes, and decubitus ulcers were denied. However, after the course of five years, claims were appealed through Medicare's administrative process and paid.

"Something was terribly wrong," Edwards says. "Other doctors were being paid by BCBS for these same medical conditions, but payment continued to be denied to me."

Edwards alleges that, "BCBS was tested for profiling and got caught."

He explains what happened. One doctor employed by him applied for a new Medicare group number. Dr. Edwards' name was deliberately left off of the original application. The group number was granted, 300 claims were submitted, and BCBS paid 98 percent of them. A month later, Edwards' name was added, 300 claims were submitted and all were denied.

BCBS told Edwards he had a documentation problem. However, after meeting with a Medicare representative to review the denied claims, no problems were discovered. It was recommended that he sign his progress notes and resubmit the claims for payment. He did and they were still denied as "non-covered services and not reasonable and medically necessary."

Edwards then obtained the list of 100 doctors on the prepayment review list for 1997 through 1998. He contacted most all of these doctors and discovered that they knew nothing about a "prepayment review."

"This evidence was highlighted in the suit, but ignored by the courts," says Edwards.

It was becoming apparent that some unethical practices were in play.

To date, this 13-year ordeal has led to thousands of dollars spent; countless hours; a five-year administrative process; five summary-judgment hearings; numerous investigations; nine attorneys; 19 judges; a 100 percent prepayment review; and protectionism from the lower courts.

"Justice for the innocent has not been served," Edwards says. "The guilty remain in business. Right now, it rests in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court."

To view the video: "D.G. Edwards vs. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas," visit YouTube: or follow on Twitter at:

Media Contact: Dr. D. G. Edwards

NEWS SOURCE: Dr. Dralves Edwards

Send2Press® is the originating wire service for this story.


For more information about this news release, contact Dr. Dralves Edwards directly through their Web site found in the above press release, and NOT Send2Press.

A Bodyweight Exercise For MONSTER Triceps

On-Barbell Tricep Extension-Presses...A Bodyweight Exercise For MONSTER Triceps

By Nick Nilsson

This exercise is an excerpt from Nick's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...68 unique exercises for the biceps, triceps and forearms. If you're looking to break through a plateau, get some training variety or just have some fun in your training again definitely check this book out!


Okay, you got me...I had no idea what to call this one. That's a common problem with me because I come up with some pretty wild combinations of other exercises - sometimes the naming is harder than the exercise itself!

Not this one, though. It's a combination of close grip push-up, a tricep extension and almost a horizontal pike handstand push-up/Arnold press. Try and mash THAT into a coherent name.

Anyway, for this one you'll need a barbell and a bench (or chair or whatever) and something to brace the barbell on. I'm using a rack to push the bar up against and that was the easiest but it can be anything solid. A wall won't really work because your body has to go forward over the bar a little ways.

So set a couple of plates on the bar to get it up off the ground a bit then push it up against the solid object. Set a bench a few feet back from the bar (it can be parallel or lengthwise - doesn't really matter as long as it won't slide out from under you).

Set your hands on the bar about shoulder-width apart then set your feet on the bench.

Get yourself into a pike position with your arms fully straight and locked out - this is the start position. This pike position is what makes it different than a standard close-grip push-up - you'll see why in a second.

Now lower yourself down and forward, bending your arms and straightening out your body as you do so.

Bring your body all the way down until your stomach is touching the bar. This is the bottom position.

Now here comes the critical part - you're NOT just going to do a close-grip push-up here.

You're going to push yourself UP and BACK into the pike position where you started...

When you're at the top, be sure to push yourself all the way up and fully lock out your arms. Push your butt as high in the air as you can. This kicks in the long head of the triceps, bringing in the shoulder extension function of the triceps.

It's hard to really get an idea for how this goes in the still pics here but when you see it done in the video, you'll see exactly why it's so effective for the triceps.

You're not only doing a close-grip press but also using your triceps to push your body back up to the pike position. It's a great multiple-angle, bodyweight hit to the tri's.

And let me tell you, even if you're strong, this'll have your triceps toasted in just a few sets.

Now have a look at the video to really see it in action...

About the Author:

Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 18 years. He's published 8 books on weight training, including his most recent - "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises!

Friday, September 25, 2009

If you liked the arm exercises, READ THIS

Just a quick reminder that TODAY is the last day you'll be able to grab Nick Nilsson's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" for the reduced launch price.


At midnight tonight, the price goes up from $29.95 to $49.95.

Here's the other thing...

Nick is also pulling down the complimentary 30 day "all access pass" to his Powerful Training Secrets site as well (the thing has more than FIVE HUNDRED pages of exercises, training techniques and programs).

Until tomorrow at midnight, you'll be able to snap up his offer of unrestricted access to this INSANE amount of training information for a full MONTH when you get his new book.

And one MORE thing...

He's also taking down the 3 great package deals that he's currently offering with his book

- The Best Arm Exercises + Muscle Explosion
- The Best Arm Exercises + The Best Ab Exercises + The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of
- The TOTAL Package - all 8 of Nick's training ebooks

But it's all going away TONIGHT.

So if you're sitting on the fence...please get off it :)


Arthur M.
P.S. If you’d like a FREE sample of these exercises click the link below:

Sample Exercises of "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of!"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Human Growth Hormone Supplements - The Facts

By Bethany Jordin

HGH supplements are one of the latest craze today in the
field of health and supplementation. With all the talk about
HGH supplements, let us discuss the facts and separate them
from the fiction that's been going around about HGH products
in the market.

There are of course literally hundreds of websites marketing
and selling HGH supplements. It is a huge niche market. As
you would expect, every company claims to have the best
product that out-performs all of the others. But is it true?

So how to sort out the jokers from the good guys; the good
product from the bad; those that really do work, from those
that really don't? There are some crooks out there who will
sell you a harmless but ineffective placebo because they
make more profit that way. But how can you recognize and
avoid them? One way of spotting the rogues is by the
exaggerated claims that they make about their product. So
let's have a look at a few of these wild claims and see if
any of them hold any water.

Claim: That HGH supplements add up to 8.8% of genuine extra
muscle tone, and that you will also lose 14.4% of your body
without having to do any physical exercise or having to
go on a calorie controlled diet. Our response: The figures
used in this claim are taken from research done by Dr Rudman
in 1990. Whilst the figures themselves are true, his
methodology was to use injections of HGH. The supplemental
product making this claim is in capsule format. Capsules
deliver a significantly smaller dose of HGH than do
injections, and therefore any comparison is invalid.
Capsules can, and do work, but it is over a longer duration,
by slow build up.

Claim: Our pill/powder/spray contains the real human growth
hormone. Fact: First, know that HGH is a prescription drug.
If you put real HGH in significant amounts, it will no
longer be considered a supplement, but a drug. A drug can
only be sold with prescription, so technically it is illegal
to market them without it. Most websites market HGH
supplements that either contain homeopathic amounts of HGH -
meaning really minute amounts (up to 2 micrograms), or HGH
boosters/releasers which contain ingredients that stimulate
the natural production of HGH in the brain.

Claim: The FDA approves the HGH used in their product. Our
response: This is incorrect. The FDA does not get involved
in any way, shape, or form, with the health food supplement
industry, of which HGH supplements are a part. This lack of
regulation is one of the reasons that there are so many
different supplemental products on the market, but in truth,
none of them can be FDA approved. If they say they are, they

So are there supplements worth taking? Although this article
outlines some of the points to be careful about when buying
HGH supplements, it does not deny the fact that many HGH
products sold by reliable websites are actually effective.
It is only a matter of choosing the right website to trust,
and staying away from sellers who make false claims just to
make a sale.

HGH supplements are worth taking if you choose the right
brand and company to buy from. As with all supplements it is
advisable to consult your professional health care provider
before adding HGH supplements to your lifestyle.

Bethany Jordin is an Information Technology professional and
aspiring writer who focuses on topics relating to herbal
supplementation. For more on the benefits and safety of
supplements visit (

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Oldtime Strength Training Routine

Strength Training Routine - Dino Style

Drop your chrome dumbbells, get rid of your fingerless leather gloves, turn MTV off and get the fuck out of the poser gym and into some hardcore training establishment.

Your back yard will do or even the park, anywhere you can grunt,sweat get chalked up and swear out loud

This Strength Training Routine has it all. It will hit you from head to toe and make you stronger than ever. Forget single leg deadlifts and 100 different positions on a blow up beach ball to train your 'core' this will add strength and size to your core like nothing else and then some!

In fact I'll replace 'core' with 'trunk' from now on!

This strength routine is an old one and was brought to my attention after reading through the awesome Dinosaur Training book by Brooks Kubik

Brooks put this routine in Dinosaur Training, it was from IRONMAN magazine in 1955 and displays all the characteristics of an awesome Dinosaur Strength Training Routine.

1. Two hands deadlift, which was favorite exercise of Herman Goerner
2. Walking with weight, favorite exercise of Milo of Croton
3. Carrying the bar in a dead lift position, favorite exercise of Arthur Giroux
4. Bent Presses, favorite exercise of Saxon
5. Reverse Continental and jerk from behind neck, favorite exercise of Saxon.

This program is truly old and beautiful, workout the sets and reps for yourself, but it certainly hits all angles of the body and will hit them hard if you work to your limits.

My favourites here are walking with weights, I like sandbags, kettlebells and of course farmers walks bars. This exercise hits your heart and lungs, grip, shoulders, legs and trunk. It is could so easily place very high up on the 'Ultimate Exercise List'

My other favourite is the jerk from behind neck. Again this is an awesome all round power builder that simultaneously develops co-ordination and timing not to mention immense athletic prowess. Many world champion shot putters have done well utilising this movement.

New exercises = bigger, better arms

So Tuesday, I told you about Nick Nilsson's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of". Well, the response has just been HUGE.


Got no patience? Click here to check it out now:


And Nick told me the most frequent comment he's been getting about these exercises...

"How do you come up with this sh--?" (expletive deleted :)

Here's his response:


"Well, to me, it's all about results. I don't create exercises just for the sake of creating exercises. They've gotta have a purpose and they've gotta get RESULTS.

I mean, I take equipment and look at it in completely different ways. Where one person sees a bench press machine, I see a shoulder press, a leg press, a calf raise machine, curl machine, row machine...sometimes, I'll challenge myself to work every single bodypart while limiting myself to just that one piece of equipment.

And then there are times when I just say what the 'heck' and go all mad scientist.

For example, one of the most bizarro exercises I've got in the book is one I call the Bodyweight Preacher Curl. I'll give you the breakdown on how I came up with this one.

You see, when you do a bodyweight exercise, you actually activate MORE muscle fibers than when doing regular free weight and especially machine exercises. You have to stabilize your body and activate the muscles in a very natural manner. It just makes the exercise more effective.

So one day I thought to myself...the Preacher Curl is a great bicep exercise...let's see if I can figure out a way to brace my FOREARMS on the pad and curl my BODYWEIGHT up instead of the normal way of doing it, with upper arms on the pad and curling a bar.

With a little messing around, I came up with the solution (apparently I have an intensely curious and determined mind when it comes solving problems that most people don't even know they have :).

You bring the Preacher bench into the power rack and turn it 90 degrees so it's facing one side. You move that side rail down so it's just a few inches above the top edge of the Preacher pad. Next, you set a flat bench outside the rack on the other side.

Set your forearms on the Preacher pad and grip onto the safety rail at the top of the pad. Now set your toes on the bench - your body will be straight but your knees will be will be pretty much almost kneeling on the ground.

Now curl yourself up, using your feet on the bench to provide assistance and balance - you can use your legs to provide as much assistance as you need, which means you can spot yourself easily.

So as you curl your body up, you'll notice one small thing...


And that's just the first rep...just wait until you finish your first set!"


Man, when I got the visual on THAT exercise, it blew my mind. And that's just ONE exercise out of the 68 in the book.

If you want to build ARMS and the regular exercises just aren't getting the job done, you have GOT to check this book out:


Arthur M.

P.S. Remember, this book is on sale for the introductory price of just $29.95. It's going up to $49.95 on Friday at midnight so if you're interested, don't wait!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Judge Reverses Approval for RoundUp Ready Beets

Background information about the litigation -
Food Safety Fact Sheet

Findings of Fact and a win for the average consumer-
September 22, 2009
Judge overturns approval of Roundup Ready beets
By JEFF BARNARD, AP Environmental Writer

A federal judge overturned government approval of a variety of sugar beet genetically engineered to resist a popular weed killer produced by agricultural giant Monsanto, according to a ruling released Tuesday.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White in San Francisco found the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service violated environmental law by failing to take a "hard look" at whether "Roundup Ready" sugar beets would eventually share their genes with other crops.

Noting that pollen from genetically altered sugar beets could be blown by the wind long distances to related crops, such as chard and table beets, the judge ordered the agency to produce an environmental impact statement examining the issue.

"The potential elimination of farmers' choice to grow nongenetically engineered crops, or consumers' choice to eat nongenetically engineered food ... has a significant effect on the human environment," White wrote.

The plant inspection agency is reviewing the ruling, said spokeswoman Suzanne Bond.

A lesser level of review, known as an environmental assessment, found no significant impact from introducing a ground bacteria gene tolerant of the herbicide into the sugar beet genome, noting that if pollen spread the genes to wild beets, they were considered a weed, and no cause for concern.

The ruling was a second blow for St. Louis-based Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops. While soy beans, corn, cotton, and canola genetically engineered to withstand the company's popular weed-killer have been in wide commercial production for years, a similar ruling in 2007 forced a ban on planting Roundup Ready alfalfa until a re-examination was done. That environmental impact statement is not yet done.

It was not immediately clear what impact the ruling would have on the U.S. sugar crop, about half of which comes from Roundup Ready sugar beets. The judge did not address the harvest of the current crop. Roundup Ready beet seed saves growers on labor, fuel costs and equipment wear.

But the organic farmers, food safety advocates and conservation groups that brought the lawsuit will ask the judge Oct. 30 for an injunction banning new plantings until the re-examination is done, said Earthjustice attorney Paul Achitoff.

American Sugar Beet Growers Association spokesman Luther Markwart said he did not know how much nongenetically altered seed was available if the judge grants the ban.

"Clearly we are going to vigorously defend our farmers' freedom to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets," Markwart said. "All this has to do with how we make our case."

Most of the seed is produced in Oregon's Willamette Valley, but the crop is grown on 1.1 million acres in 11 states from Michigan to California, Markwart said.

Frank Morton, an organic seed grower in the Willamette Valley town of Philomath and plaintiff in the lawsuit, said steps were taken to keep similar crops apart to prevent cross-pollination, but Roundup Ready seed growers would not divulge which fields were growing genetically altered crops.

He added that he had to pay $300 each time he tested his seeds for genetic contamination, and the first time it is found the crop becomes worthless.

"This industry could be destroying the crop value of organic growers and organic growers would not have the slightest idea they were in danger until their stuff turned up contaminated," he said. "This is why I made a stink about this."

Achitoff said besides genetic contamination, they were concerned Roundup Ready crops were creating new strains of weeds resistant to herbicides.

Monsanto spokesman Garrett Kasper said from company headquarters in St. Louis that the ruling was largely procedural and did not question the safety of Roundup Ready crops.

"The issue of weed resistance, as far as we are concerned, is something that is able to be controlled through the properties of chemicals and working with our technical advisers in the field," he said. "Roundup Ready technology uses less herbicide than conventional, which is why it was so readily adopted by growers."

BetaSeed Inc. in Tangent, which produces sugar beet seed, did not immediately return a call for comment.

2009 Associated Press. Permission granted