Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Secret For Adding Quick Size To Lagging Body Parts

Now I'm going to let you in on a little secret that can help
you add some relatively quick size to lagging body parts.

Let's use the calves for example since most people don't really
put that much effort into calf training. I's
painful. But a great set of calves can really make your physique
stand out. I admire a great set of calves much more than a great
set of arms. Everybody works hard on building up their arms.
Hardly anybody busts their butt building their calves.

Here's what I want you to do:

For the next 4 weeks, work your calves at the END of your workout
twice a week with preferably 2 days of rest between calf workouts.
For example, work your calves on Mon. & Thurs. or Tues. & Friday.

Like I said, calves will be the very last body part training you do
on those training days.

Do 5 sets of 8 to 10 reps of the Standing Calf Raise or Donkey
Calf Raise with as heavy a weight as you can handle. Rest as
long as you need between sets. The most important thing is to
recover enough to use heavy weight for the required number of reps.

Try to use the same weight for each set. If your reps fall below
6 due to fatigue then lower the weight or rest a little longer
between sets. Each week try to add at least 5 pounds for all 5 sets.

After your 5th set, rest about 2 minutes and reduce the weight
you've been using by about 50%. Do one last set for at least
20 reps. If you can do more then keep going until temporary
muscular failure, but do at least 20 reps. If you can't complete
20 reps then reduce the weight again and without rest get your 20

Now IMMEDIATELY go over to the water fountain, or grab your bottle
of water and down at least 10 to 15 tablets (20 tablets
if you're over 200 pounds) of Nitrobol.
For more information, go to: Nitrobol

If you don't have Nitrobol, then you can use BCAA's (branched
chain amino acids) but the effect won't be as potent as Nitrobol.
If you're using BCAA's then you need to take about 25 to 30 GRAMS
(not milligrams).

The combination of the heavy weight/low rep training with
the final high rep set will have the muscle totally engorged with
blood. The Nitrobol will hit the bloodstream within 8 to 12
minutes and will be rushed to the area pumped with blood.
This will contribute to faster recovery which means faster
size and strength gains.

What's that you say? You've got puny calves and you don't care?
You want big arms because they're "showy" muscles and nobody
ever sees your calves? Geez, am I the only guy that cares about
symmetry anymore?

OK, OK...I'll explain how to apply this technique to arm training.
It's almost exactly the same except with a little twist.

Work your arms last in the workout as I said earlier. I prefer
to work biceps first (so does Larry Scott). When your biceps
are pumped it provides a nice little "cushion" when doing triceps
work. It feels nice, too!

So do your 5 sets of 8 to 10 reps of a barbell or dumbbell curl
just like I described for calf work. Rest as much as you need
between sets. We want to use as heavy a weight as possible
(without cheating, of course).

Then move on and do your 5 sets of 8 to 10 reps of triceps work.
Lying EZ-curl bar triceps extensions are a good choice.

After your 5th set of triceps work, rest a couple minutes and get
ready for your final pump super-set.

Select a weight about 50% of what you used for your biceps exercise
and do a set of at least 20 reps and more if you can. Go to
temporary muscular failure with this set. If you can't complete
20 reps then reduce the weight again and without rest get your 20

Then IMMEDIATELY without rest, go to your triceps exercise (again
with about 50% of the weight you used for your heavy sets) and
do a set of at least 20 reps and more if you can. Go to
temporary muscular failure with this set. Once again, if you can't
complete 20 reps then reduce the weight again and without rest
get your 20 reps.

Now IMMEDIATELY down at least 10 to 15 tablets (20 tablets
if you're over 200 pounds) of Nitrobol. Take your Nitrobol
with water, not any of those sugar-loaded "post workout" drinks.
For more information, go to: Nitrobol

Wait 45 minutes to an hour after you took the Nitrobol and drink
a post workout meal replacement or protein powder. In my opinion
a post-workout drink should have about 40 grams of high quality
whey, milk, or egg protein along with about 60 grams of carbs with
minimal fats. Fats slow digestion and you want this meal to be
digested quickly.

So there you have it. You should start seeing some results within
about 2 weeks as long as you're eating correctly and getting enough
protein. Eat about 40 grams of some high quality complete protein
every 3 hours.

Also read to learn What Percentage of Carbs, Protein and Fat?

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