Friday, May 14, 2010

RoundUp Ready Crops: Just as Predicited

UPDATE: 17 August - New weed strategies needed, scientists say

UPDATE: May 17 - Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds
Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails in South Africa

NB: "It's not nice to try to fool Mother Nature"

Originally posted 5/14/10: I've been writing about the issues associated with Monsanto's RoundUp for over a decade now.

My first concern was safety as I learned early-on that this chemical spray had risks of cancer.

I learned more and read many reports soon after it was first marketed that it would develop resistance. Now this truly has come to fruition. I just wish more people had listened to those who were doing this research sooner than later.

According to a new report published in the New Scientist RoundUp is now facing serious resistance issues.

I can't say I am surprised but I would be much more pleased to see this herbicide taken off the market.

More & more weeds are becoming resistant to glyphosate herbicide, originally marketed by Monsanto as Roundup. In 1996 Monsanto began selling GM crops which contained a gene making them resistant to glyphosate. This was so more of this chemical could be used without damaging the crops. Worldwide 100 million hectares are planted with glyphosate-resistant crops, but there are now at least 9 species of weeds who have evolved to be resistant to glyphosate.
Read complete article
For your home garden it is possible to grow specific plants that you can use to make your own fertilizers and other plant treatments. You may order a copy of my book, "My Happy Garden" to learn more.

Read More and look for the several other RoundUp related articles at Natural Health News using the search box.

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