Saturday, January 24, 2009

Building Muscle Without Weights – 3 Killer Bodyweight Exercises

There's nothing I love more than going to the gym to socialize, work out and be seen. However, there are also those times when I just don't have time for the gym or happen to be on one of my off days. Admittedly, I know there are also some muscle building enthusiasts out there who are not fond of gyms and prefer to stay at home. This is somewhat understandable as gyms can be uncomfortable places to be at times not to mention that they all require a monthly fee.

Bear in mind that if you are interested in getting truly ripped you are going to have to do some actual weight lifting as bodyweight exercises tend tone and condition rather than build muscle mass. It's entirely possible to look and feel great with just bodyweight exercises but getting really ripped is another story.

That being said, here are 3 killer bodyweight exercises you can do without weight that will build your chest, arm, shoulders, and abdominal muscles: 

1.¾ Ab curls – Forget everything you've ever heard about plain sit ups. For the average person sit ups are a joke and will likely not result in defined abs. In sports practice, boot camp, and gym class sit ups are designed more to punish than to actually build muscle. Here's how you do a ¾ ab curl that will work your lower and upper abs: lay on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs and knees in an upright position. While keeping your head and feet one inch off the ground lift your head until your elbows touch your knees. Rinse and repeat. 20-30 reps per set and 12-15 sets total is ideal here.

2.Pull-Ups – These are a tried and true bodyweight exercise. For this exercise you will need a bar installed securely in either your ceiling or wall. There are actually two types of pull-ups: long grip and short grip. With the long grip your hands will need to be about shoulder width apart and you should aim to raise yourself 6-8 times per set. With the short grip you will need to place your hands squarely in the middle of the bar and you should raise yourself 8-10 times. A good pull up workout consists of 6 sets each of long and short grip pull-ups. 

3.Incline Push Ups – These are also a tried and true bodyweight exercise. For this you will have to have access to a step or stairway. Place your hands shoulder width apart and place the toes of your feet at the bottom of the stairs. Now simply raise yourself up as you would with a normal push-up. For a more concentrated push up you can place your hands next to each other rather than shoulder width apart. 20-30 reps per set and 10-12 sets total is ideal here but you may be able to do more or less depending on your bodyweight.

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