Thursday, January 8, 2009

Discount Nutritional Supplements - 3 Ways To Save Money On Supplements

Nutritional supplements make a great addition to just about any diet. Whether you are training for muscular development or endurance, taking the right supplements can help you get into the shape you want fast and also help keep you there. Personally, I feel that every athletes diet should include plenty of protein, creatine, and amino and fatty acids, all of which can be purchased in the form of nutritional supplements.

While highly effective in promoting muscle growth and increased strength nutritional supplements can be very expensive. In fact , it's not uncommon for some muscle building enthusiasts to spend hundreds of dollars on supplements each and every month.

Because I have not always had an abundancy of money over the years I've learned a couple of tricks to save money on supplements.

Here are 3 ways you can find discount nutritional supplements:

1. Ebay - This is easily the number one way you can save money on all of your nutritional supplement needs. If you are not currently a member of Ebay then you should seriously consider becoming one as membership is free and can only save you money. You can find nearly any supplement you can dream of and save as much 50% in the process. The only problem is that may you have to wait up to a week and half to receive your purchase which means you need to place your order about 10 days before your supplements run out.

2. Coupons On Ebay - Like I said, Ebay is a really fantastic money saving site. If you can't find the supplements you're looking for you might be still able to find dozens of discount coupons for just a couple of dollars. I once purchased 30 Met-Rx 50% off coupons for a mere $5 including shipping and handling.

3. Sam's Club/Costco - Chances are good that you probably have one of these discount warehouse stores within 20 miles of your home. You can save money here buy simply buying in bulk quantities. For example, I can purchase a 2 month supply of Monster energy drinks that would normally cost $63 for just $32 (49% savings).

4. Monthly Sales - Supplement stores like GNC and The Vitamin Store have sales at least once per month on all or most of their supplements. This means that if a supplement you want is not currently on sale, check back few times over the next week or two and it will likely be 20-30% cheaper.

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