Friday, January 16, 2009

Muscle Building Supplement Reviews – Which Supplements Will Help You Gain Muscle?

While I'm not exactly sure how many many muscle building supplements there are currently on the market, judging by the latest issue of Muscular Development I'd guess that there are tens of thousands of different supplements available. And all of these supplements claim to be the greatest thing since sliced bread and promise “amazing” results. With such a massive array of supplements to chose from, actually choosing the right supplements can be a very difficult and time consuming endeavor. 

I have been working out regularly for more than 4 years and during that time have spent thousands of dollars on all kinds of different supplements. Some worked, some were a joke, some gave me diarrhea, some increased my endurance, and some tasted so bad that I couldn't swallow them. Ultimately I have enough experience taking supplements that I have a pretty good idea which ones you should take to maximize your muscular development.

If your goal is to pack on lean muscle in the shortest time possible, here are my picks for must have muscle building supplements:

1.Muscle Milk – With this stuff you can get as much as 50 grams of whey protein in a single serving. Not only that, muscle milk tastes great and comes in dozens of different great tasting flavors. 4 scoops of this stuff mixed with 1% milk will add an additional 100 grams of protein to your diet per day along with other essential nutrients. You can actually save 20-30% off retail by purchasing muscle milk on Ebay (my favorite online store).

2.Egg Whites – Egg whites are an excellent source of muscle building protein. I have met more than a few bodybuilders who consume 30 egg whites each and every day. I suggest about 6-10 egg whites per day which you can actually mix right in with your protein shake and not even taste them.

3.Amino Acids – These are very inexpensive and reduce the time that your muscles need to recover from intense workouts and also help minimize soreness. 3 of these taken every day is all you need and they can be purchased for less than $7 for a 15 day supply at your local vitamin store.

4.Multi-Vitamins – It's always a good idea to make sure your body has the proper amount of vitamins and nutrients necessary for proper health. If you focus too much on muscle building food and supplements you could become vitamin deficient which could reverse your muscle gains and even make you sick which could keep out of the gym.

5.Sugar-Free Energy Drinks – This is optional, however, I've found that consuming a sugar free energy drink during an intense workout boosts my stamina, strength, and endurance. Right now the two best tasting sugar free drinks on the market are Red Bull and Monster. You can also drink the normal energy drinks if you'd like but remember that you will likely be consuming more than 50 grams of sugar and hundreds of extra calories.

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