Thursday, April 23, 2009

10x10 Squats

10x10 Squats

10 sets of 10 squats, is a basic version of the GVT German Volume Training Routine is a very demanding whole body body building routine.

Squats as a full body movement?

Absolutely, squats train your whole body, not just your legs.

The squat brings into play every thing into play from your traps down to your toes.

Many trainers have grown big on just squats.

The 10x10 squat program can be used 2-3 times per week as a standalone routine if you're strapped for time and need to get the most bang for your book with the time you have.

Simply perform 10 sets of 10 reps with 1-2 min rest between sets after warming up sufficeiently.

Don't forget to puke and return at least 2 days later to the squat rack to repeat.

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