Monday, April 6, 2009

Escalating Density Training EDT

Escalating Density Training|EDT Bodybuilding

Charles Staley's invented a bodybuidling protocol called Escalating Density Training (EDT).

The protocol is a very simple one. However, simple does not mean it is easy. Many things look simple on paper but practice is another. This program is fantastic method for building bulk and strength fast.

So what is EDT and how does it work?

Simply put, train and alternate between antagonisitc exercises in a short timed set. Generally this would be 20 minutes long and is called a PR Zone.

2 PR zones are trained per workout.

To select the weight use a load that you can get 10 good form reps with.

As an example you would do 10 reps bicep curl and 10 rep tricep exstension and keep rotating back and forth between the exercises without rest until the you have completed the full 20 minutes.

When form deteriorates it is OK to drop the amount of reps to 8 and 8 then 7 and 7 etc providing you can keep progressing to the end of the set.

Make sure you never work to failure and also keep records of the reps performed as they will be your target to beat in the next workout.

Once you are able to do 20% more repetitionss than your initial EDT training workout, then you can increase the load by 5% and start over again.

Sample Workout Format for EDT:

In the format of a bodybuilding split routine.

* Monday- Lats & Elbow ExtensorsPR Zone 1
* A- Chin Ups
* B- Lying EZ Bar triceps extensions
* PR Zone 2
* C- Seated Rows
* D- Reverse grip tricep pushdowns

* Tuesday- Lower Body/TrunkPR Zone 1
* A- Back Extensions
* B- Swiss Ball Crunches
* PR Zone 2
* C- Leg Extensions
* D- Leg Curls

* Thursday- Pecs/Elbow FlexorsPR Zone 1
* A- Bench Press
* B- Low Cable Curls
* PR Zone 2
* C- Hammer Incline Presses
* D- Preacher Hammer Curls

* Friday- Lower BodyPr Zone 1
* A- Alternating Lunges
* B- Sit Ups
* PR Zone 2
* C- Seated Calf Raises
* D- Russian Twists

Escalating Density Training is a simple protocol but will not yield simple results. Give this a try and watch how you grow. Be warned though that this routine will give you major muscle soreness (DOMS)

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