Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easy Bodybuilding Routines

Simple Bodybuilding Routines

To get massive gains from a body building routine, it doesn't have to be complex.

The 5x5 system is a fantastic routine for adding mass and bulk whilst vastly increasing strength gains.

This system is an old, proven formula. Here's my take on it

5 reps for 5 sets (rest 1-3 mins)

Monday - Wednesday - Friday or 3 days weekly with a day rest between sessions. Alternate between exercises (1 week you'll squat twice - the following you'll deadlift twice)

1) Barbell Squats (alternate with deadlift)

2) Bench Press (alternate with military press)

3) Barbell Rows or T-Bar Rows (alternate with stiff leg deadlifts)

4) Barbell Curls/Power curls (Alternate with tricep extension)

Finish with ab work (3x20 roman chair and weighted ab curls)

+ 1 routine from the following

Sandbag carry for distance
Rock carry for distance
Farmers walk for distance
Kettlebell/dumbbell swings for time

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