Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Greed, Health Costs win over Better Care

Amidst the concern for profit ant about any cost, this fellow shows a degree of integrity missing from the daily scene for decades

A mathematical David stuns a healthcare Goliath

July 15, 2010| By Duke Helfand, Los Angeles Times

A respected actuary working from his rural Riverside County home — and for a time from a hospital bed — uncovers the errors that led Anthem Blue Cross to cancel rate increases of up to 39%.

Finally someone else has some good comments regarding the REAL issues in insurance reform - price-fixing for profit is a long standing tradition
Buried deep in the 2,000 pages of health reform legislation is yet another attempt to slam a cap on health insurance rates: States may, if they wish, bar insurance companies that raise premiums by an “unreasonable” amount from participating in the state insurance exchanges that will begin operating in 2014. Federal regulations have yet to be written, but I suspect that the end result will be a state-by-state rerun of the current drama that’s playing out in Massachusetts. And in the end, the effort to impose price controls by government fiat will fail miserably.
Read complete article - Greed from Insurers Won't Control Costs
Medicare Rationing begins in 2011

Several examples from NHN posts re: insurance "reform"
Jul 08, 2010
If you believe this is just a fluke with or without health insurance reform, be prepared for more. Blue Shield of California is accused of overcharging for safety-net insurance. A Los Angeles woman says in a lawsuit that the health plan ...

Mar 26, 2010
About the health reform bill This information is provided by Creating Health ...

Jan 04, 2010
Senator Lieberman who is holding positive movement on insurance reform in limbo may have reason to be concerned, especially where women's health is concerned. It seems as if the controversy over Hadassah Lieberman, the Senator's wife, ...
Jan 11, 2010
The disparity comes about in part because subsidies for purchasing health insurance under the plan from congressional Democrats are pegged to federal poverty guidelines. That has the effect of limiting subsidies for married couples with ...

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