Monday, July 5, 2010

Please explain this to Cargill

6 September: As you can see, Monsanto keeps eyeing markets for its genetically modifed soybeans. In a joint venture with Solae, Monsanto wishes to flood the supplement market, and probably Big PhRMA products too, with their oil as a source of omega 3.  As this excerpt notes, ALA is not well converted to active omega 3 by most humans.  Remember that it has just been found that soy bean oil contributes to cataract.  This oil is also used as a "plant sterol" in margarines and many other products that allege they support heart health.

Monsanto and Solae are leading research into genetically modified soybeans containing SDA as a source of omega-3. Soybean oil is not normally a good source of omega-3 because it contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body coverts inefficiently to SDA. Read complete article

5 July: While we know this product is highly unlikely to be non-GMO, it's also another example of corporate irresponsibility.

I've posted numerous articles on Natural Health News about the promotion of "plant sterol" products allegedly for heart health.

When doing some digging I found that it is GMO canola and soy oils used to push this agenda, and consumers are mostly unaware.

Flax seeds and flax oil are tremendous health promoting foods, but flax oil is extremely fragile and turns rancid quickly. One has to wonder will Cargill utilize GMO flax seed to make their oil. And what will they use to make it stable for nine months, non-refrigerated?.
What it's got: Flaxseed is a good plant source for a type of omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). It also contains soluble fiber and plant estrogens called lignans..
Why it's super: Flaxseed may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, inflammation, and blood triglyceride levels and helping to prevent clot formation in arteries. Some studies suggest it may also reduce the risk of some cancers.
The major issue beyond GMO and the liver toxicity relationship to canola oil, is the inability for a vast majority of people to convert these oils from ALA to Omega 3.

Additionally, most commercial oils are produced with toxic hexane and toxic benzene.

I guess you'd better learn to read labels, your life may depend on it.
Cargill To Introduce Industry-First Healthy Oil Innovation, Clear Valley® Omega-3 Oil Made From Canola And Flax Seed, At IFT Food Expo
Revolutionary new oil delivers heart health benefits, allows ALA omega-3 label claim in low-fat, shelf-stable products

Minneapolis, MA /PRNewswire/ - Cargill will introduce a revolutionary new canola/flax seed oil blend at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Food Expo July 18-20 in Chicago. Cargill recently completed a GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) self-determination for the ingredient, which will allow food manufacturers to make a "good source of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) omega-3" or "excellent source of ALA omega-3" Nutrient Content Claim(1) on the front of the package. The new oil contains up to 30 percent of ALA omega-3 and provides a minimum of 160 milligrams of ALA in most applications. Clear Valley® Omega-3 Oil, which is patent pending, is now available for product trial testing.

"As heart-health is top of mind for many consumers, Cargill developed Clear Valley®Omega-3 Oil to help manufacturers who want to seamlessly deliver heart-healthy products to this market," said Willie Loh, Ph.D., vice president in Cargill's oils and shortenings business. "This is not a small opportunity for our customers. Seventy-seven percent of consumers have used heart-healthy foods in the past year(2), and 63 percent of consumers are trying to add sources of omega-3 to their diets(3)," said Loh. Loh further discusses the subject of healthy oils innovation on the Cargill Innovation Exchange. Read complete article

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