Friday, July 2, 2010

Phil Collen Workout

Phil Collen Workout

We resently had the great honor of getting to interview Phil Collen, the brilliant guitarist from the muliti-platinum Rock Band Def Leppard.

Phil has been sober for 23 years, a vegetarian for 27 and a vegan currently. Additionally, he has become quite a fitness buff over the last 15 or so years. He started out with a black belt in Kempo Karate which kicked off his love of Martial Arts...and now trains with Jean Carrillo, the Muay Thai kickboxing champion. Phil brings Jean on the road with him and is able to maintain his regimen during the Def Leppard tours.

Currently, his workouts consist of extreme cardio, boxing, Muay Thai kickboxing, weightlifting and biking. Before a tour he works out 3 times a day 7 days a week. Right now, he's just maintaining - so it's once a day.

No steroids or Chemical enhancements are involved - he eats a super clean vegan diet. Phil truly feels he has hit upon the fountain of youth and is in the best shape of his life and its just getting better every day. Thats even more incredible when you throw in the fact that the guy is 52 and has lived a temptation-filled Rockin' life on the road for the past 30+ yrs.

Read the interview at Phil Collen Workout

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