Sunday, January 4, 2009

Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements - Why Fish Oil Is Good For You

Fish oil was introduced several years back as a nutritional supplement for athletes and bodybuilders. Today fish oil has legions of fans worldwide who maintain that fish oil is one of the best all around supplements on the market. While this can be disputed, it certainly is true that fish oil does provide many wonderful health benefits, particularly for athletes who engage in 10 or more hours of intense exercise per week.

Fish oil is classified as an Omega 3 fatty acid which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in most vegetables and vegetable oils and fish such as salmon and mackerel. Fish oil supplements can be purchased at just about any vitamin or health food store or, if you are interested in saving some money and don't mind waiting a few days, can be purchased on Ebay at steep discounts.

Here are a few benefits of fish oil supplements:

1. Lower Cholesterol - While not always bad, cholesterol is the nasty stuff that causes heart attacks and other unpleasant maladies. Studies have shown that patients who took Omega 3 fish oil for 6 months had decreased cholesterol levels than those who did not have fish oil in their diet. While long term tests are still underway, it appears that fish oil may also drastically reduce the risk of heart attack and even stroke.

2. Better Skin - Fish oil can reduce or eliminate acne on your face and body and give your skin a much smoother and softer appearance. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or even women whose hormones happen to be out of whack.

3. Relieves Joint Pain - For heavy weight lifters and hardcore runners joint pain is fairly common. Fish oil acts to reduce inflammation in the joints which means you can lift more weight and run longer.

4. Less Soreness - As the saying goes, "no pain, no gain" but with fish oil supplements you can reduce the uncomfortable muscle pain you often feel after heavy workouts with a couple caplets a day. Remember that the faster your muscles recover, the more muscle building you will be able to do.

Click Here To Get A FREE 30 Day Supply Of Omega 3 Fish Oil

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